Lawyer Wen Feng

Lawyer Wen Feng

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  • six
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  • two Within minutes
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  • 132012018****0266 Practicing certification
  • Jiangsu Ningchuang Law Firm | Partner
  • Contractual affairs, creditor's rights and debts, marriage and family
  • Nanjing, Jiangsu

Introduction to Lawyer Wen Feng

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Lawyer Wen Feng, female, is currently a partner of Jiangsu Ningchuang Law Firm. During her practice, she has handled a large number of traffic accidents, contract disputes, marriage and family affairs, property disputes and other cases, has rich experience in handling cases, and has always adhered to the principle that "justice should not only be realized, but also be realized in a visible way", Strive to make every entrusted party feel fairness and justice from their own cases. During the practice of Wen Lawyer, there are individual professional handling methods and appropriate entry points for each type of case: For traffic accident cases, it can provide services and suggestions for the traffic police in the whole process of responsibility determination, disability identification and final claim settlement after the accident; For contract dispute cases, the best time for lawyers to intervene is the stage of negotiating and signing the contract, which can control risks. If there is a dispute in the contract signed by both parties through negotiation, Lawyer Wen can accurately find the entry point of the case, help resolve the dispute, and achieve the goal of winning the lawsuit; For marriage and family cases, it can actively help the parties to do a good job of investigation and evidence collection in the pre litigation evidence collection stage, so that they can take the initiative in court trials and strive for maximum benefits. Since practicing, regardless of the size of the case, Lawyer Wen has provided the best solution for clients who come to consult with professional knowledge and rich experience in handling cases. You can also call 13260730902, hoping to give you a suitable solution as soon as possible!!!

Lawyer Wen Feng
Jiangsu Ningchuang Law Firm
Contract affairs Creditor's rights and debts marriage and family
 Lawyer Wen Feng
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Case of Lawyer Wen Feng

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Recommended by Lawyer Wen Feng

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  • No intermediary agreement is signed. Does the intermediary need intermediary fees?
    Lawyer's analysis: If you have not accepted the services of an intermediary, you do not need to pay intermediary fees. According to the provisions of relevant laws in China, an intermediary contract is a contract in which the intermediary reports to the client the opportunity to conclude a contract or provides intermediary services for the conclusion of a contract, and the client pays the remuneration. If the intermediary facilitates the formation of the contract, the client shall pay remuneration as agreed. Where a contract is formed because the intermediary provides intermediary services for the conclusion of the contract, the parties to the contract shall equally bear the remuneration of the intermediary.
  • Which party to the contract has the right to request the people's court to cancel
    Lawyer's analysis: According to the law, the types of contracts that have the right to request the people's court to revoke are: contracts concluded due to major misunderstanding; A contract entered into by one party or a third party against the other party's true intention by means of coercion; A contract concluded by one party by taking advantage of the other party's besieged status, lack of judgment ability and obvious unfairness; A contract concluded by a party who commits fraud; Other statutory circumstances.
  • What are the basic conditions for the formation of the contract
    According to the law, the basic conditions for the formation of a contract include: the parties signing the contract must be persons with corresponding civil capacity; The parties to the contract express their true intention; The contract can be concluded in written, oral or other legal forms; The contents of the contract shall not violate laws and regulations or public order and good customs; Other legal conditions, etc.
  • What is a legally voidable contract
    Legal voidable contracts include the following three types: (1) contracts concluded due to major misunderstanding; (2) A contract that is grossly unfair. One party takes advantage of the advantages or the other party's inexperience to cause the rights and obligations of both parties to obviously violate the principle of fairness and compensation for equal value; (3) A contract concluded by means of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of a person's difficulties.
  • How do developers refuse to sign contracts after receiving deposit
    Lawyer's analysis: if the time limit for signing the formal contract is agreed upon when paying the deposit, the developer can be required to perform the obligation of signing the contract within the agreed time limit; If the developer fails to sign the contract at the expiration of the time limit, it may claim to terminate the contract. If the time limit for signing the contract is not agreed, the developer can claim the other party to sign the contract at any time, but need to give the developer the necessary preparation time. If the developer still fails to sign the contract after the time limit expires, the developer can claim to terminate the contract, and the developer will return double the deposit.
  • How can a sales contract prevent fraud
    Lawyer's analysis: prevention of fraud in sales contracts: first, try to understand the relevant information of the other party before concluding the contract; 2、 Understand the agent's agency right when signing the contract; 3、 Pay attention to improving the quality of specific business personnel and leaders; 4、 The contract should be concluded in written form and using comparative standards; 5、 Prevention of malicious performance; 6、 The payment by cheque shall be checked according to the specified procedures to avoid being taken away from the subject matter.
  • What are the main contents of the economic contract
    Lawyer's analysis: the main contents of an economic contract include: 1. the names, units and addresses of the parties to the contract; 2. The purpose and basis for the parties to the contract to subscribe to the economic contract; 3. The subject matter of the contract, the quantity of the subject matter, the quality of the subject matter, the price or remuneration, the time limit for the performance of the contract, the place and method of performance; 4. Liability for breach of contract and dispute resolution; 5. Other contents specified by law.
  • How to Determine the Place of Performance of a Contract of Work in the Civil Code
    Lawyer's analysis: The determination of the place of performance of the contract of work in the Civil Code can be agreed or legal. The relevant provisions on the place of performance are as follows: 1. The parties agree on the place of performance. If the place of performance is not agreed or the place of performance is unclear, if the currency is paid, it shall be performed at the place where the party receiving the currency is located; 2. If the real estate is delivered, it shall be performed in the place where the real estate is located; 3. Other objects shall be performed at the place where the party performing the obligation is located.
  • How to deal with contract disputes without signing a contract
    Lawyer's analysis: how to deal with a contract dispute without signing a contract: a contract dispute without signing a contract can be settled through negotiation. If there is sufficient evidence to prove the existence of civil legal relations, they can bring a lawsuit in the people's court. According to Article 120 of the Civil Procedure Law, a complaint shall be submitted to the people's court, and copies shall be provided according to the number of defendants.
  • How to Identify the Substantive Elements of a Revocable Contract
    The law stipulates that one of the parties has the right to request the people's court or arbitration institution to change or cancel the following contracts: the contract was concluded due to a major misunderstanding; It is obviously unfair when concluding the contract. If one party causes the other party to enter into a contract against its true intention by means of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of the other party's difficulties, the aggrieved party shall have the right to request the people's court or arbitration organ to cancel the contract.
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  • What are the conditions for adoption
    Lawyer Wen Feng said: (1) An adult with full capacity for civil conduct, that is, an adult who can carry out civil activities independently and is in normal mind. (2) At least 35 years old. However, adoption of orphans or disabled children may not be subject to this restriction. The adoption of stepchildren by stepparents is not subject to this restriction. (3) No children. However, adoption of orphans or disabled children may not be subject to this restriction.
  • What is the crime of falsely issuing special VAT invoices
    Lawyer Wen Feng said: According to the provisions of Article 205 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the false issuance of special invoices for value-added tax or other invoices used to defraud export tax rebates and offset taxes refers to one of the acts of false issuance for others, for oneself, for oneself, for others, or for introducing others, which violates the relevant norms and causes losses to the country.
  • How to pay taxes when increasing capital and shares
    Lawyer Wen Feng said that the undistributed profits used for conversion should be deducted from the amount of taxes payable as of the time point of transfer, because the company is likely to fail to pay taxes on time, or the payment date is later than the date of conversion, the corresponding taxes should be deducted first when increasing capital and shares.
  • Under which circumstances should be fully responsible for the accident
    Lawyer Wen Feng said: 1. Those who rear end the front car shall be fully responsible for the accident. 2. When changing the lane, those who do not let the vehicle driving in the lane go ahead shall bear full responsibility for the accident. 3. When the green light is on, if the turning car fails to let the straight driving car being released go first, it shall bear full responsibility for the accident. 4. When the red light is on, if the right turning vehicle fails to let the released vehicle go first, it shall bear full responsibility for the accident.
  • Punishment for the crime of allowing others to take drugs
    Lawyer Wen Feng said: The public security organ shall detain the person for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and may also impose a fine of not more than 3000 yuan; If the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan.
  • How to determine the nature of sexual assault cases with insufficient physical evidence and mostly verbal evidence
    Lawyer Wen Feng said that when dealing with sexual assault crimes, the public security organ more often uses the details of the case to analyze whether the statements of the perpetrator and the victim are consistent, and the degree of reduction of the verbal evidence of the two to the details of the case depends. In many cases of sexual crimes, in addition to procedural evidence, the evidence in the case file is more verbal evidence, while physical evidence, documentary evidence, audio-visual materials often account for a small part.
  • Is it still a crime to steal cultural relics and return them
    Lawyer Wen Feng said: Even if the property has been returned, it will still constitute a theft, but the sentence will be lighter. If the property is returned, it can be considered as a sentencing circumstance. If you steal something and it is out of the scope of the victim's monitoring, it belongs to an accomplished case and should be punished as theft.
  • How to draft the rescission agreement of housing sales contract
    Lawyer Wen Feng said: Write down the detailed information of both parties. Through friendly negotiation, both parties reached the following agreement on matters related to Party B's application for returning the house purchased by Party A and rescission of the original house sales contract, and then write down the contents of the agreement, including the return of the house property, when to return or replace the money, and the provisions on liquidated damages. Then indicate the date of signature and seal.
  • How to treat the dispute over the death penalty of trafficking in children
    Lawyer Wen Feng said: As ordinary people, they certainly hate this kind of traffickers, but to tell the truth, it is really irrational. Chinese people always regard this seemingly just voice as the appeal of the law, but they do not know that if such behavior is really adopted, it is the real loss of the rule of law. The law needs to be sentenced. The premise of equal treatment is to respect every different individual, even criminals, We have come from the era when everyone can kill people by shouting death. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
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Wen Feng's Lawyer Service Record

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Professional image four
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