Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian

Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian

  • five
    User rating
  • seven thousand four hundred and eighteen
    Number of people served
  • twelve
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 111012012****0466 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Jingshi Law Firm | Partner
  • Property disputes, land acquisition and demolition, administrative
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

About Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian

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Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian Partner lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm Director of Legal Affairs Department of Primary Land Development and Circulation of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm Member of All China Lawyers Association Member of Beijing Bar Association Member of Beijing Bankruptcy Law Society Practicing period: 10 years Professional fields: litigation, arbitration legal services, administrative litigation, real estate construction engineering legal affairs, expropriation and demolition, etc

Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian
Beijing Jingshi Law Firm
Property disputes Land acquisition and demolition Administrative
 Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian
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Xu Xiaoqian's Lawyer Service Record

Answer patiently

User Comments Received by Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian

Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service four
have a large stock of information three
Experienced three
Treat people sincerely three
be ready to help others three
Very quick reply three
Professional image three
Worthy of recommendation three
  • Emp****ing
    Inner Mongolia Xilingol League
    Clear explanation
    Before January
  • ask****158
    Very good service attitude, friendly and professional
    Before January
  • Emp****ing
    Thank you very much. Answer the questions quickly
    Before January
  • ask****723
    Thanks to lawyer Xu for his patient and professional answers, which solved a big problem for me. His professionalism is very good!
    Before January
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 Lawyer Xu Xiaoqian
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