Lawyer Song Xiao

Lawyer Song Xiao

  • five
    User rating
  • two thousand and seven hundred
    Number of people served
  • seven
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 137062017****0975 Practicing certification
  • Shandong Laude Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, property disputes, creditor's rights and debts, criminal defense, traffic accidents
  • Yantai, Shandong

About Lawyer Song Xiao

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Lawyer Song Xiao, a bachelor of law, has been engaged in civil and commercial contract disputes, family inheritance disputes, equity disputes, criminal defense cases and other cases for five years. Lawyer Song Xiao has a solid foundation of legal theory and rich experience in handling cases, successfully handling civil and commercial cases, criminal defense and non litigation business. Civil and commercial cases involving contracts, traffic accidents, personal injury compensation, creditor's rights and debts, private lending, equity transfer, property inheritance disputes, etc. Criminal defense: handling cases of theft, illegal fishing of aquatic products, drug taking, provocation, dangerous driving, intentional injury, arson, etc. Lawyer Song Xiao's purpose in handling cases is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the greatest extent, and promote a fair and just trial of cases. During his career as a lawyer, Song Xiao once acted as an agent for group cases, involving 146 people. During his career as a lawyer, Song Xiao served as the legal adviser of the company, providing legal services and legal advice for the operation of the company.

Lawyer Song Xiao
Shandong Laude Law Firm
Contract affairs Property disputes Creditor's rights and debts
 Lawyer Song Xiao
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100% personal case handling and case comparison

Case of Lawyer Song Xiao

  • criminal defense defendant
    Lawyer Song Xiao's value: the defendant refused to pay the fare after taking a taxi because he drank too much and was in poor mental state that day. After the driver called the police, the police went out. The defendant beat and abused the police in a confused state. After the lawyer intervened in the case, he met the defendant to understand the situation on the day of the case, went to the court to review the papers, and the lawyer tried to obtain the minimum sentence for the defendant through criminal defense, The defendant served the sentence without appeal.
  • Property disputes appellant
    Lawyer Song Xiao's value: In the dispute, the judge of the court of first instance omitted many items in the case, such as housing decoration loss, housing area difference, property maintenance fund and other costs. After acting as an agent for the appeal of the second instance of the case, the lawyer wrote the appeal petition in detail and specified the facts and reasons of the appeal, so that the court of second instance could clearly define the matters of the appeal of the case. The lawyer believes that since all losses arising from the termination of the contract by both parties should be borne by the other party, the appellant should bear the cost of the difference in housing area and the property maintenance fund that the appellant has already paid. The appellant in the second instance believed that the cause was not the cause of review by the court of second instance. After the lawyer's efforts, the second instance of the case was changed, Strive for the maximum rights and interests of the parties.
Diversified legal popularization content, easy to understand

Song Xiao's Lawyer Service Record

Answer patiently

User comments received by lawyer Song Xiao

Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service twenty-one
Worthy of recommendation eighteen
Very quick reply seventeen
Experienced sixteen
be ready to help others sixteen
Professional image fourteen
Treat people sincerely thirteen
have a large stock of information twelve
  • ask943***839
    Gansu Linxia
    The explanations were very detailed and the business ability was very strong, thank you!!!
    Before January
  • ask707***387
    Guangxi Qinzhou
    Very good, basically there are questions and answers, and the answer speed is very fast
    Before January
  • ask610***106
    Xinjiang Bortala
    Thank you. I sincerely help you. Thank you very much
    Before January
  • ask****377
    Explanations were very detailed, very patient, good comments
    Before January
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