Lawyer Zhang Wei

Lawyer Zhang Wei

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  • two hundred and four
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  • 111012023****9912 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Kunhan Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Land acquisition and demolition, administrative
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Zhang Wei

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Lawyer Zhang Wei's main practice field is administrative litigation, especially in the fields of land acquisition and demolition, administrative punishment, administrative licensing, environmental protection shutdown, administrative litigation and civil litigation caused by land disputes, and has accumulated rich experience by acting as an agent for many relevant cases across the country. Land dispute business: Lawyer Zhang Wei acted as an agent for land expropriation cases in many places across the country, dealing with land ownership issues, land pre expropriation process Land acquisition procedures, land compensation standards and land compensation conditions have been studied. Lawyer Zhang Wei actively promotes the process of the case, and can put himself in the position of the parties to win the best interests after the land transfer. Land acquisition and demolition business: Lawyer Zhang Wei mainly acts as an agent for land requisition and housing demolition cases nationwide, and can quickly and efficiently solve the problems of the parties in respect of the early investigation of housing expropriation, asset evaluation, housing relocation, water and power outages, forced demolition, national compensation and other businesses. In addition, lawyers also have deep attainments in the field of civil litigation, especially rich legal practice experience in tort disputes, economic disputes, marriage and family Work experience: Lawyer Zhang Wei has worked in a court and an administrative organ in Beijing for 12 years, and can handle administrative penalty cases in depth according to different case perspectives. Lawyer Zhang Wei, acting as an agent for administrative cases nationwide, was able to resolve various land disputes, housing disputes, illegal demolition and other complex cases in a timely manner, which was highly praised by clients and their families. He has been focusing on the development of administrative litigation since he started his career, especially in land acquisition and demolition, administrative licensing, administrative punishment, environmental protection shutdown, land disputes and other related cases. ▄ Representative cases 1.? Qu Mouhua sued the people of Luzhi Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City for the illegal act of forced demolition of zg 2.? Sun Mouhui sued Kaifeng Longting District People's Government for administrative expropriation compensation 3.? The case that a certain airline sued Yuxi Fuxian Lake Administration Bureau and Tonghai County Agricultural and Rural Bureau for illegal demolition 4.? Administrative license case between a stone development company in Yunnan and Mile Forestry Bureau 5.? Chen Mouping's dispute with Qichun County Forestry Bureau and Qichun County Natural Resources Bureau on illegal occupation of cultivated land and forest land 6.? Administrative punishment case between a building materials limited company and Yancheng Natural Resources Bureau 7.? Yao Mouping v. Panzhihua Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau Government Information Disclosure Case 8.? Yang Mouli and the Case of Government Information Disclosure of Xidayuan Township Government 9.? A dispute over land contract between the second team of a community in Zhaoqing and Li Huisheng 10.? Zhao Moukun, Wang Liquan and Sun Linsheng's Lease Contract Dispute Case

Lawyer Zhang Wei
Beijing Kunhan Law Firm
Land acquisition and demolition Administrative
 Lawyer Zhang Wei
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