Lawyer Liang Lei

Lawyer Liang Lei

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  • two hundred and twelve
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  • 111012022****6198 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Yinghui Law Firm
  • Criminal defense, construction project disputes, contract affairs
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Liang Lei

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Senior lawyer of Beijing Yinghui Law Firm, member of All China Lawyers Association, has rich experience in handling cases, and is good at handling civil and commercial cases, criminal cases, and providing legal services for enterprises.

Lawyer Liang Lei
Beijing Yinghui Law Firm
criminal defense Construction project disputes Contract affairs
 Lawyer Liang Lei
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The case of lawyer Liang Lei

  • criminal defense defendant
    The value of lawyer Liang Lei: Tang XX is suspected of fraud. Lawyer Liang Lei met and rushed to meet Tang XX out of town as soon as he was entrusted by his family. When meeting Tang XX to learn about the facts of the case, lawyer Liang Lei found that there was new favorable information for the suspect that Tang XX did not reflect with the police handling the case. After the meeting, lawyer Liang Lei reported the situation to the public security organ as soon as possible, In combination with the fact that Tang XX did not cause serious consequences, was a first-time offender and an accidental offender in this case, it emphatically explained the relevant handling principles of juvenile crime and communicated with the public security organ, and finally successfully handled the bail pending trial for Tang XX.
  • criminal defense defendant
    The value of lawyer Liang Lei: In the case of Huang XX suspected of abusing the ward, lawyer Liang Lei met with the client as soon as possible after receiving the client's entrustment to understand the case, and communicated with the public security organ for many times, submitted the application for obtaining a guarantor pending trial, and finally helped Huang XX to obtain a guarantor pending trial with the help of lawyer Liang Lei.
  • criminal defense defendant
    Lawyer Liang Lei's value: Qi XX was suspected of intentional injury crime. After many communications with the other party, he obtained a letter of understanding. In the public security investigation stage, he obtained a guarantor pending trial in half a year. In the procuratorate stage, he communicated with the procurator for many times, submitted written opinions, and participated in the hearing. Finally, he won the procuratorate's decision not to prosecute for Qi XX.
  • criminal defense defendant
    The value of lawyer Liang Lei: Ma XX is suspected of causing trouble in the case. After receiving the commission, lawyer Liang Lei immediately went to the procuratorate to read the criminal file, understand the case situation, find Ma XX to understand the case situation in detail, obtain a letter of understanding through repeated communication with the other party, communicate with the prosecutor many times at the procuratorate stage, and submit written opinions, Finally, we won the decision of the procuratorate not to prosecute for Ma XX.
  • criminal defense defendant
    Lawyer Liang Lei's value: Wang XX is suspected of concealing and covering up his crime. After receiving the case, lawyer Liang Lei met with Wang XX immediately to understand the situation of the case and defend Wang XX for his misdemeanor. Finally, through communication with the procuratorate, the procuratorate made a sentencing proposal for Wang XX to reduce his sentence by one fifth
  • Contract affairs plaintiff
    Lawyer Liang Lei's value: after the defendant purchased the plaintiff's building materials and the equipment was demobilized, the defendant was in arrears with the payment for goods for a long time, and the plaintiff had no settlement sheet stamped by the defendant. The plaintiff had only one contract and no settlement sheet stamped. The defendant delayed in paying the payment for goods, and claimed that the owner had not paid in full, and should pay the payment for goods according to the payment proportion. After the plaintiff found lawyer Liang Lei, lawyer Liang Lei finally recovered the payment of 755200 yuan for the plaintiff by verifying the settlement amount and the agreed settlement method in many ways
  • plaintiff
    Lawyer Liang Lei's value: after the defendant purchased the plaintiff's building materials and the equipment was demobilized, the defendant was in arrears with the payment for goods for a long time, and the plaintiff had no settlement sheet stamped by the defendant. The plaintiff had only one contract and no settlement sheet stamped. The defendant delayed in paying the payment for goods, and claimed that the owner had not paid in full, and should pay the payment for goods according to the payment proportion. After the plaintiff found lawyer Liang Lei, lawyer Liang Lei finally recovered the goods payment of 201000 yuan for the plaintiff by verifying the settlement amount and the agreed settlement method in many ways
  • Contract affairs plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Liang Lei: The defendant purchased jade at the plaintiff's Wu XX, but still had some money to pay, but refused to pay. The plaintiff found lawyer Liang Lei to act on behalf of the plaintiff, and the court sentenced the defendant to pay the rest of the total payment and attorney's fee of 822070 yuan
  • Contract affairs plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Liang Lei: the client Xie XX purchased the house from the developer Hainan XX Real Estate Co., Ltd., but the developer's property was uncompleted and unable to deliver the house. Lawyer Liang Lei filed a lawsuit to the court according to law, and the court decided that the developer would return the house purchase price of 809905 yuan and pay the interest on capital occupation of 101576.71 yuan
  • Creditor's rights and debts plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Liang Lei: the defendant defaulted on the loan of the plaintiff Xue XX and refused your court. The plaintiff found lawyer Liang Lei to sue on behalf of the plaintiff, and the court finally decided that the defendant should repay 160626 yuan and pay interest

Collected Works of Lawyer Liang Lei

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Liang Lei
    Helped 1.6w people
    Ma is suspected of provoking trouble - to win the prosecutor's office for Ma not to prosecute
    Latest revision: 2024-03-27

    Brief information of the case of Ma XX suspected of causing trouble: Ma XX suspected of causing trouble. Lawyer Liang Lei went to the procuratorate to read the criminal file as soon as he received the commission, learned about the case and found Ma XX to understand the case in detail. After many communications with the other party, he obtained a letter of understanding, communicated with the prosecutor many times at the procuratorate stage, submitted written opinions, and finally

  • Other Collected Works · Interpretation of Legal Hotspots
    Lawyer Liang Lei
    Helped 1.8w people
    The case of dispute over the sales contract between Shandong XX Trading Co., Ltd. and the defendant Beijing XX Construction Group Co., Ltd
    Latest revision: 2024-03-21

    Case analysis The focus of the dispute over the sales contract between Shandong XX Trading Company (hereinafter referred to as "Shandong Trading Company") and Beijing XX Group Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Group Company") represented by Lawyer Liang Lei in the Civil Judgment (2022) Jing 0102 Min Chu No. 29558 of the People's Court of Xicheng District, Beijing

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Liang Lei
    Helped 3.4k people
    Benefits of applying for preservation before or during litigation
    Latest revision: 2024-03-21

    The advantages of applying for preservation before or during litigation mainly include the following two points: First, the initiative in litigation can be gained. First, freeze the other party's property. This part of the other party's property (such as deposits) cannot be circulated. If the other party needs money urgently or wants to reduce interest, he will take the initiative to find us for mediation. Of course, not all cases are saved to each other

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Liang Lei
    Helped 1.9w people
    In the case of Beijing XX Municipal Group Company's lease contract dispute, the plaintiff received the rent of 2645400 yuan in the absence of early evidence
    Latest revision: 2024-03-20

    Brief introduction to the case of lease contract dispute between Beijing Boyu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Boyu Company") and Beijing XX Group Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Group Company") represented by Lawyer Liang Lei in the Civil Judgment (2022) Jing 0102 Min Chu No. 28540 of Beijing Xicheng District People's Court

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