Lawyer Liu Yafeng

Lawyer Liu Yafeng

  • five
    User rating
  • seven hundred and ninety-seven
    Number of people served
  • six
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 131012018****7727 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Jingyun (Shanghai) Law Firm | Director
  • Property disputes, land acquisition and demolition
  • Dongcheng District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Liu Yafeng

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Lawyer Liu Yafeng, founding partner of Beijing Jingyun Law Firm and director of Beijing Jingyun (Shanghai) Law Firm. Lawyer Liu Yafeng has profound theoretical knowledge of law and has worked in the legal profession for many years. Since practicing, he has been focusing on legal business in the field of real estate disputes, and has made in-depth research on family real estate disputes, housing expropriation disputes, public rental housing disputes, and testamentary succession disputes. He has combined theory with practice to explore breakthrough points in case resolution and expand the way to resolve disputes. Since practicing, he has participated in hundreds of real estate cases, including housing disputes and housing demolition disputes in Beijing, Shandong, Shanghai, Sichuan, Hubei, Fujian and other parts of the country. After several years of practice, he actively explored a set of case handling methods. So far, it has solved legal problems for many parties, successfully defended their rights and recovered losses. Lawyer Liu Yafeng is a specially invited guest lawyer of Beijing TV's "Lawyers Help" and "Legal Progress". With his unique insights and clear thinking, he interprets hot issues and practical legal problems encountered in the mass life. Through the answers to legal problems, we can teach you how to use law to solve problems in life and convey the power of the rule of law! Some classic cases: 1. The dispute case between 63 households including Ms. Yang of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, and the developer on the purchase and sale of houses effectively resolved the group contradictions and disputes involving the property interests of house buyers. The case won, effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of buyers, properly resolving the contradictions between the parties, and achieved good results. 2. In the case of a private loan dispute between Mr. Yang, an old man in Beijing, and a senior citizen's apartment, the senior citizen's apartment borrowed money in the name of investment rebates and maliciously denied the historical borrowing, Liu Yafeng, an attorney, broke the illusion and obtained the winning result of the borrower's return of money and agreed interest, thus preserving the savings of the elderly with a long life. 3. In the case of Hubei Farm continuing to perform the relocation, resettlement, compensation and resettlement agreement, when the expropriation party unilaterally "tore up" the contract, chose to "renege" after paying part of the compensation in advance, and after going through litigation and selecting five evaluation structures, our lawyers took out iron evidence, and through multiple rounds of mediation, finally locked the compensation amount at 5804258 yuan, and the rights and interests of the parties were protected. 4. Acting as the relocation agent of Anhui enterprises, the lawyer formulated the best rights protection plan in combination with the characteristics of the relocated enterprises. After hearing and litigation, the enterprise obtained ideal compensation. 5. In the case of property dispute after divorce in Beijing, the husband and wife signed the Voluntary Divorce Agreement, but they disputed the meaning of "the rest of the property belongs to the woman" in the agreement, leading to a deadlock in the ownership of a property in Beijing. Lawyer Liu Yafeng accepted the plaintiff's entrustment to represent the case, and finally won the second trial and obtained the property for the woman plaintiff.

Lawyer Liu Yafeng
Beijing Jingyun (Shanghai) Law Firm
Property disputes Land acquisition and demolition
 Lawyer Liu Yafeng
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