Lawyer Han Jing

Lawyer Han Jing

  • major
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  • enthusiasm
    Service attitude
  • five
    Years of practice
  • Faster
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  • 111012019****9591 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Hengdu Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Marriage and family, contractual affairs, intellectual property
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Han Jing

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Lawyer Han Jing graduated from Peking University and the University of Minnesota with master's degree in law and doctor's degree in law respectively. Lawyer Han has been engaged in dispute resolution in many top law firms in China for many years, and is good at legal business in contract disputes, marriage and family, intellectual property protection, commercial litigation and arbitration. Represented a number of natural persons, entrepreneurs and enterprises in handling more than 200 litigation and arbitration cases in courts and arbitration institutions at all levels throughout the country, including many cases with complex legal relationships, large amount of disputes and great social impact. Lawyer Han Jing has always adhered to the concept of relying on professional knowledge to solve people in distress, listening to the needs and safeguarding the rights and interests of clients to the greatest extent.

Lawyer Han Jing
Beijing Hengdu Law Firm
marriage and family Contract affairs intellectual property right
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