Lawyer Yang Rui

  • Beijing Strategic Law Firm
  • Criminal defense, marriage and family, labor disputes
  • Dongcheng District, Beijing

Lawyer Profile

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985 University full-time master of law, Secretary General of the Strategic Family Office. Focus on criminal defense, marriage and family affairs, and labor disputes. During his practice, he participated in the handling of cases of fraud and bribery of non state staff as a defender. We will not let go of the defense in any link of investigation, review and prosecution and trial, and actively follow up the progress of the case with the public security, the procuratorate and the court to exchange defense opinions. These include: 1. The defendant successfully defended the amount involved in a fraud case to less than 500000 yuan (the legal sentence for fraud crimes above 500000 yuan is more than 10 years), and the defendant was finally sentenced to only four years. 2. Actively communicated with the procuratorate on the opinion of pleading guilty, accepting punishment and sentencing, and finally obtained the minimum sentencing within the statutory punishment range. Serve as the Secretary General of the Family Office of the law firm where he works, organize regular training and actively empower. She has participated in many divorce proceedings, and fully protected the legitimate rights and interests of the parties from the perspective of property, child custody, etc. The divorce case I acted for lasted for three years, and realized the comprehensive protection of our party's important property such as house, car and children's custody. He is good at finding remedies for rights protection outside the litigation to reduce the litigants' litigation burden. For the cases that need to be resolved by litigation, the legal rights and interests of the parties shall be actively protected by means of careful reading of papers, organizing evidence, holding court debates and other means.
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