Lawyer Li Fengni

Lawyer Li Fengni

  • five
    User rating
  • enthusiasm
    Service attitude
  • three hundred and forty-eight
    Service days
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 111012023****3865 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Jingshi Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, marriage and family, industrial injury compensation
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

About Li Fengni, a lawyer

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Lawyer Li Fengni, full-time lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, member of Beijing Lawyers Association. He is mainly good at business areas: 1. litigation in major civil and commercial matters (contract disputes, real estate, marriage and family affairs, inheritance, company law, construction projects); 2. Criminal case defense; 3. Perennial legal adviser of the company; 4. Special legal counsel and other legal affairs. He has handled a large number of marriage and family affairs, inheritance, real estate, labor injury, economic contract disputes, criminal cases, and is good at negotiation. He has helped clients to deal with a large number of dispute cases through litigation and mediation, and has protected the legitimate rights and interests of clients to the greatest extent. Since practicing, always adhere to the "client centered, case quality as the mission"; Adhering to the concept of integrity and integrity, it has safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the client to the maximum extent and realized the maximization of the client's interests, which has been highly praised and evaluated by many clients. Practice belief: be a legal person with "temperature, depth and limitation"; Practice objectives: profession, integrity, dedication and justice; Practice philosophy: be loyal to facts, laws and clients. Mobile (WeChat): 13651358893

Lawyer Li Fengni
Beijing Jingshi Law Firm
Contract affairs marriage and family Worker's Compensation
 Lawyer Li Fengni
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Li Fengni's Lawyer Service Record

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User comments received by Li Fengni, lawyer

Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service one
have a large stock of information one
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    Beijing Chaoyang District
    Timely response, high quality service and profound knowledge
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 Lawyer Li Fengni
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