Lawyer Wang Hongzhi

  • Beijing Yingke Law Firm
  • Contract affairs, creditor's rights and debts, criminal defense
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Lawyer Profile

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Wang Hongzhi, a lawyer who graduated from the law department of Peking University, is currently the deputy director of the Economic Crime Department of Beijing Yingke Law Firm (global headquarters) and a member of the All China Lawyers Association. Practicing experience: Lawyer Wang has practiced for nearly ten years, accumulated profound legal theoretical foundation and case handling experience, and has undertaken hundreds of criminal and civil cases. Many major cases represented by him have attracted the attention of the society and the media, such as the crime of Wang's organization leading the underworld (involving about 500 million yuan, defense effect: reducing charges) The case of Liu Mou bribing Chen Mou, the mayor of Hebei Province (defense effect: obtaining a guarantor pending trial) L Fraud case (sentencing more than 10 years, defense effect: the procuratorate will not prosecute), Zheng's illegal business case (involving more than 6 million yuan, probation), Zhou's illegal absorption of public deposits (involving 120 million yuan, defense effect: no prosecution), Zhang's job embezzlement case (defense effect: probation), Zhang's illegal absorption of public deposits (defense effect: probation), Gao organized prostitution cases (defense effect: acquittal), Zhang falsely issued VAT invoices (defense effect: not handed over to the judicial authorities), Zhu was suspected of rape cases (defense effect: the public security authorities did not file a case for investigation). At the same time, the Hebei "100 million yuan water official" series of cases of deposit were reported by well-known websites for many times, and a major case of illegal absorption of public deposits by a man in Chengde was reported by the financial channel of CCTV. The case of Wang's illegal absorption of public deposits, the case of Li's illegal absorption of public deposits, the case of Zhao's illegal absorption of public deposits (involving nearly 600 million yuan), the case of Du's fraud, the case of Lu's intentional injury and death, and the case of Wang's rape, all achieved good results in sentencing. Lawyer Wang has had a comprehensive, pragmatic and thorough understanding of legal issues for many years, and can use flexible legal and non legal means to realize the legitimate interests of the parties from the actual legal effect. "Every detail shows style, and every detail determines the future" is the principle that lawyer Wang Hongzhi has always adhered to. Lawyer Wang is modest, diligent and responsible, and his clear case handling ideas and serious attitude have won unanimous praise from the parties. Main practice fields: criminal defense, economic disputes, etc.
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