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Brief Introduction of Lawyer Sun Yating

Lawyer Sun Yating, a practicing lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, an enterprise compliance engineer, and a mediator of the Mediation Center of the Small and Medium sized Enterprises Association, is qualified to engage in securities business. He graduated from Heilongjiang University with a master's degree. Sun Yating is mainly good at labor disputes, civil disputes, commercial disputes, corporate compliance, corporate legal counsel and other business areas. During his practice, he has provided various types of legal services for many enterprises and industries. Sun Yating has served many enterprises and industries, participated in and hosted hundreds of litigation cases, and has rich experience in non litigation and litigation. He has provided perennial legal advisory services to a Beijing holding group limited company and its 8 related parties, a private equity investment fund management limited liability company in Hainan, a Beijing passenger transport limited company, and a Beijing building materials limited company Acting as an agent for an investment holding company in Beijing, an equity investment enterprise (limited partnership) in Dongguan and more than 10 investors in partnership disputes (this case has great influence in Dongguan, in which the lawyer saved economic losses for private fund managers and fund products and avoided negative effects) Providing non litigation legal services to more than 40 private fund management institutions, including a private equity investment fund management limited liability company in Hainan and a private fund management limited company in Heze; Acting as agent for a service contract dispute between Geng and a cultural media company in Beijing (successfully recovered all the training fees for the parties), acting as agent for a housing sales contract dispute between Zhang and Bai (the parties in this case have fought for a house with a market price of about 5.6 million yuan for the parties for nearly ten years in order to split the house in dispute), and acting as agent for a partnership contract dispute Disputes over housing lease contracts, disputes over equity transfer contracts, disputes over liquidation responsibilities and many other cases. Lawyer Sun Yating has rich practical experience in providing perennial legal advisory services to enterprises and representing enterprises or employees in litigation disputes. The types of business in labor law include litigation/arbitration, corporate governance, major safety accident handling, personnel placement, equity incentive, employee training, system compliance construction, negotiation, social insurance, etc.

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Lawyer Sun Yating's Files

  • Lawyer's gender: female
  • Legal firm: Beijing Jingshi Law Firm
  • Firm size: National institutes
  • Lawyer position: Lead lawyer
  • Lawyer's expertise: Labor disputes
  • Location: Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • Location description: Central urban area
  • Service area: Beijing, Chaoyang District
  • Office address: Jingshi Lawyers Building, No. 37, East Fourth Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Personal information of lawyer Sun Yating

  • Lawyer:
  • Lawyer constellation:
  • Lawyer's hometown: Ulanqab League, Inner Mongolia
  • Lawyer education: master
  • University one is graduated from: Heilongjiang University
  • Major: Law
  • political sect: The masses
  • hobby:
 Lawyer Sun Yating

Lawyer Sun Yating

Work location: Chaoyang District, Beijing

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