Lawyer Guo Peiyuan

Lawyer Guo Peiyuan

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  • five hundred and seventy-eight
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  • 111012021****8084 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Jiawei Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Non litigation, criminal defense, labor dispute
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Guo Peiyuan

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Lawyer Guo Peiyuan has handled a large number of dispute cases such as criminal defense, company operation, labor injury, contract affairs, etc., and served as legal counsel for many companies. His conscientious working attitude and patient and responsible communication method have been well received by the parties. Lawyer Guo Peiyuan is quick in thinking, skilled in legal expertise, experienced in handling cases, and proficient in various laws and regulations; Be familiar with the writing of various official documents and legal texts; Strong ability of expression, communication, judgment and logical analysis; Be good at communicating with people and have good team spirit. Lawyer Guo Peiyuan handles cases seriously, rigorously and meticulously, and strives for legal interests for the parties, which is highly praised by the parties. For the client, a small case may be a big one in his life. It is his service tenet to serve each client with a professional and dedicated attitude. Due to busy working hours, it is impossible to answer your questions on the Internet all the time due to frequent court appearances and visits to detention centers and other case handling agencies. If the problem is urgent, it is recommended to call directly, and I hope to give you a satisfactory answer!

Lawyer Guo Peiyuan
Beijing Jiawei Law Firm
Non litigation criminal defense Labor disputes
 Lawyer Guo Peiyuan
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Recommended by lawyer Guo Peiyuan

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  • Can the company dismiss employees who make mistakes
    Lawyer's analysis: whether the enterprise has the right to dismiss after employees make mistakes should be carefully analyzed according to the specific situation. If the mistakes made by employees in their work seriously violate the rules and regulations and professional disciplines formulated by the company, or cause irreparable major economic losses to the enterprise, the enterprise has the right to take dismissal measures according to relevant laws and regulations. However, if the employee's negligence is minor, or there is no explicit provision for such behavior in the company's rules and regulations, the enterprise may not arbitrarily exercise the right of dismissal in such cases.
  • What are the consequences of terminating the labor contract
    Lawyer's analysis: When the labor contract is terminated, the laborer may lose his existing job and stable and reliable source of income. For employers, they may have to pay corresponding economic compensation to workers in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, or they may face legal risks caused by labor disputes. In addition, the social insurance payment of workers may also be affected, thus affecting the various benefits they enjoy. More importantly, if the dissolution of the labor contract violates the relevant laws and regulations, then the worker has the right to request the restoration of the original labor relations.
  • How to sue the other party for salary deduction
    Lawyer's analysis: First of all, we must start to collect relevant and sufficient evidence materials, such as labor contracts, salary bills and attendance data. Then, you can submit a written appeal to the labor arbitration institution in the administrative region where the employer is located and request labor arbitration. If there is still any doubt or dissatisfaction with the arbitral award, an application for litigation may be submitted to the local people's court within 15 natural days from the date of receiving the notice of the arbitral award. When filing a lawsuit, be sure to prepare a complete bill of complaint in advance, detailing your claims for rights and interests, factual basis, legal basis, etc.
  • Should employees be compensated when the company is dissolved
    Lawyer's analysis: When the company announces its closure for rectification or dissolution, it will always make corresponding compensation to its employees. This decision originates from the relevant provisions on the termination of labor contracts. When such situation occurs, the in-service employees have the right to obtain corresponding economic compensation. Specifically, the economic compensation will be implemented by paying one month's salary every full year according to the number of years of service in the enterprise. If the employee has served in the enterprise for more than six months but less than one year, it will be regarded as a whole year; On the contrary, if it has not reached six months, it only needs to pay half a month's salary as economic compensation.
  • How many days in advance to resign without signing a contract
    Lawyer's analysis: If you have not signed a formal labor contract, it is still recommended that you make necessary notification to the employer in advance when you decide to resign. According to the general regulations, you need to submit a written application to the employer and make a statement at least 30 days in advance to formally terminate the labor relationship between the two parties. However, if the employer fails to provide you with a safe and reliable working environment or appropriate working conditions as agreed, or fails to pay your due wages and benefits on time and in full, then you have the right to immediately terminate the labor relationship with the employer without any notice in advance.
  • What to do if you resign without signing a contract
    Lawyer's analysis: If you have not signed the employment contract to apply for resignation can be approved, don't worry too much. First of all, according to relevant laws and regulations, the employer is obliged to sign a legal and valid labor contract with you before you start work. Therefore, it is imperative that you send a written notice to the employer, clearly express your intention to resign, and properly keep all relevant supporting documents. If the employer has not approved your resignation request, you have the right to leave your post directly and require the employer to pay your due salary and possible economic compensation according to law.
  • Can I leave without resigning during the probation period
    Lawyer's analysis: During the probation period, the employee only needs to give three working days' notice in advance to terminate the employment relationship. If the employer refuses to approve the employee's resignation and forces him to continue working, a series of disputes may arise. However, in general, as long as sufficient evidence can be provided to prove that they have indeed submitted a request to the employer to terminate the labor contract in advance, the employer can not excessively investigate this situation. Nevertheless, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes and annoyances, we still recommend that you complete the resignation procedures according to the legal process.
  • Is it legal to dismiss the company without compensation
    Lawyer's analysis: In most cases, it is undoubtedly illegal for enterprises to dismiss employees without providing any economic compensation without authorization. According to relevant laws and regulations, if the company takes such actions without authorization without any employee's legal cancellation of labor relations due to violation of the company's rules and regulations or gross negligence, it must pay corresponding economic compensation to the employee. In other words, if an enterprise dismisses an employee for an unwarranted reason, it will constitute an act of illegal termination of the labor contract, and the enterprise should pay corresponding compensation to the employee according to the requirements of laws and regulations.
  • Is there a good chance of paying double wages for not signing a labor contract
    Lawyer's analysis: if you can submit sufficient and conclusive evidence to the arbitration institution to prove that there are real and specific labor behaviors in the process of establishing labor relations with employers, and the unsigned labor contract has corresponding laws and regulations, then the possibility of obtaining double compensation for workers will be considerable. For example, you can provide relevant salary payment vouchers, work certificates, attendance data and statements of other workers as evidence support. However, the realization of its final rights and interests depends on the overall situation of the case and the sufficiency of the evidence presented for a comprehensive and prudent assessment.
  • How long can we get compensation for arbitration without signing a labor contract
    Lawyer's analysis: there is no uniform standard answer to whether compensation can be obtained within the specified time when applying for arbitration without signing a labor contract, because it is affected by many factors, such as the complexity of the case, the adequacy of the evidence provided, and the work efficiency of the local labor arbitration institution. Generally speaking, if the arbitration procedure progresses smoothly, it may only take a few months to obtain compensation; However, if there are legal disputes and more in-depth judicial proceedings are needed, the waiting time may be longer, or even longer than a whole year.
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  • What is the sentencing standard for the crime of provoking trouble?
    The sentencing standard for the crime of provocation and trouble making on file is to be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years. If the social order is seriously disrupted, it can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years. The specific judgment should be based on the actual consequences of the crime on file. The results of the judgments for different crimes are different.
  • What is the age of criminal responsibility of natural persons?
    The age of full criminal responsibility is 16 years old, and people who have reached the age of 16 should bear criminal responsibility for their crimes, that is, the age of full criminal responsibility. If they have reached the age of 12 but not the age of 16, they also need to bear responsibility for some particularly serious criminal acts. We can refer to the following contents when we meet the age of full criminal responsibility.
  • What is the filing standard of theft
    If the theft amount is 1000 yuan, the case can be filed. Voluntary surrender after theft, or voluntary refund of the stolen amount, may be appropriately mitigated. In most cases, the amount of theft on file is determined by the amount of theft. The higher the amount of theft, the more serious the sentence, starting with imprisonment or criminal detention of less than three years. The legal knowledge related to larceny is described separately below.
  • Where are you going to jail for two months
    According to the relevant regulations, if a criminal is sentenced to criminal detention according to law, it is usually executed by the public security organ in the nearest detention house, detention house or other places of supervision, and the criminal is not sent to prison for compulsory reform through labor. During the execution of the sentence, the criminal law also stipulates that they are allowed to go home every month to reunite with their relatives for one to two days.
  • How to sentence for attempted theft
    1. Taking huge amount of property as the target of theft; 2. Taking precious cultural relics as the target of theft; 3. Other serious circumstances. If there are both accomplished and attempted thefts, and they reach different sentencing ranges, they shall be punished in accordance with the provisions on heavier punishment; Those who reach the same range of sentencing shall be punished with the crime of theft. It stipulates that an attempted offender may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment in comparison with an accomplished offender.
  • What is the punishment for the crime of spreading infectious disease strains and strains?
    According to Article 331 of the Criminal Law, anyone who commits this crime shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; If the consequences are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years. Cause of aggravating punishment: the cause of aggravating punishment of this crime is the crime of spreading infectious bacteria and virus seeds, which has particularly serious consequences. Here, the consequences are particularly serious, which means causing multiple deaths or disabilities.
  • What is the sentencing standard for the crime of illegal organization selling blood?
    Article 333 of the Criminal Law who illegally organizes others to sell blood shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years and shall also be fined; Whoever forces another person to sell blood by violence or threat shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined. Whoever commits the act mentioned in the preceding paragraph and causes harm to another person shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 234 of this Law.
  • Under what circumstances can I not be paroled 2024
    In accordance with the provisions of China's laws, no parole shall be granted to recidivists or criminals who are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than 10 years or life imprisonment for intentional murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, arson, explosion, dangerous substances or organized violent crimes.
  • How to punish the crime of causing trouble to minor injury
    How to sentence a person for minor injury caused by provocation should be based on the nature of the act. If it is determined as a criminal offence, the sentence should be based on the crime of provocation. If it is only an ordinary public security case, it does not need to be sentenced. Therefore, if minor injuries are caused to a person and they are not recidivists or principal offenders, they will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years. The specific sentencing shall be determined by the procuratorate according to the seriousness of the crime and the degree of minor injury.
  • How is the crime of forced prostitution usually sentenced
    Whoever forces another person to engage in prostitution shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined not more than 10000 yuan; Whoever falls under one of the following categories shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined not more than 10000 yuan or be sentenced to confiscation of property; If the circumstances are especially serious, the death penalty shall be imposed (Amendment 9 to the Criminal Law abolishes the death penalty and confiscates property: 1. forcing a girl under 14 to engage in prostitution; 2. forcing prostitution after rape; 3. forcing multiple people to engage in prostitution or repeatedly forcing others to engage in prostitution; 4. causing serious injury, death or other serious consequences to the person being forced to engage in prostitution.

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