Lawyer Liu Zhaojie

Lawyer Liu Zhaojie

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  • five hundred and ninety-six
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  • two Within minutes
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  • 111012022****6701 Practicing certification
  • Jinglin (Beijing) Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, criminal defense, financial insurance
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Profile of Lawyer Liu Zhaojie

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Lawyer Liu Zhaojie, Master of Law in Criminal Law, Tongji University. He has handled more than 100 criminal cases, successfully obtained a guarantor pending trial and residential surveillance for the client for many times, and successfully reduced the amount of crime for economic suspects. With a profound background in the financial field, he has worked in many financial institutions such as the Global Top 500 Insurance Companies, and has accumulated nearly ten years of experience in the industry. During his tenure in a financial institution, he successfully identified a number of insurance fraud and fraud cases through detailed analysis of all kinds of case data and precise development of investigation direction. With the increasing demand for comprehensive talents in multiple fields in the current society, he has successfully transformed into a criminal defense lawyer from the financial crime field that has been deeply cultivated for many years, relying on accumulated case experience, overlapping cross fields and regulatory resources to extend to the comprehensive field. Focusing on the field of financial crime and comprehensive development, it has provided efficient defense for the parties for many times, and put forward accurate criminal charges for the victims, which has won wide recognition from the industry and customers. Main service areas: criminal defense, contract disputes, insurance compensation disputes. (Some cases) 1. The arbitration case of a software technology company and a state-owned company's technical service contract saved nearly two million yuan of economic losses; 2. Ji's alimony dispute case, striving for the maximum legitimate rights and interests; 3. Mr. Zhang is suspected of making, selling and disseminating pornographic materials for profit, and has successfully obtained a guarantor pending trial for him after providing him with criminal defense; 4. Wei was suspected of rape, provided criminal defense for Wei and successfully obtained a guarantor pending trial; 5. Liao has committed the crime of illegal absorption of public deposits, and provided criminal defense for Liao. The court recognized and adopted his defense opinions, and finally sentenced him to a lighter sentence; 6. In a national compensation case, Mr. L won a national compensation of one million yuan.

Lawyer Liu Zhaojie
Jinglin (Beijing) Law Firm
Contract affairs criminal defense Financial insurance
 Lawyer Liu Zhaojie
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Lawyer Liu Zhaojie's case

  • criminal defense applicant
    The value of lawyer Liu Zhaojie: Please stop adhering to the theory of "lawyers' uselessness", let alone being delayed by people who publicize the theory of "lawyers' uselessness", especially in criminal cases.

Liu Zhaojie's Collected Works of Lawyers

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Liu Zhaojie
    Helped 1.8w people
    After 1852 days of detention, the unjust case was finally solved, and the compensation of nearly a million yuan was justified
    Latest revision: 2024-09-11

    In the early summer of 2024, June was full of flowers. It was supposed to be a time for sightseeing. A phone call to ask for national compensation made my skin burn. After hearing the case, the burning fire of justice seemed to be filled with dry wood, burning the bronze statue of Themis in my heart red, so that the sword of justice in my hand could paint the perfect circle for this innocent case. Brief introduction to the case: Mr. L is suspected of

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Liu Zhaojie
    Helped 2.9k people
    Borrowing money is not only a civil liability, but also likely to involve criminal offences
    Latest revision: 2024-02-01

    "Hey friend, lend me some money and I'll write a note for you." This happens frequently among friends and acquaintances. The borrower thinks that when he issues the IOU, he will have a "yellow robe" and will get away with the law in the future. What if he is an old Lai. This is not the case. Even if there are IOUs, criminal offences may still be involved. In judicial practice, "loan type" fraud is more

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Liu Zhaojie
    Helped 7.2k people
    You should know this when you get a guarantor pending trial. You can't take it lightly!
    Latest revision: 2023-12-21

    "I'm on bail, so I'm fine, lawyer." Such questions were asked dozens of times in a short week, and the client always felt that temporary freedom was equal to permanent freedom. Is that true? Please read through this article. Obtaining a guarantor pending trial is a "vocabulary" often encountered in criminal cases, but many people still do not know what is a guarantor pending trial? What does it mean to obtain a guarantor pending trial

Diversified legal popularization content, easy to understand

Recommended by lawyer Liu Zhaojie

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  • Is it okay to have a record of how many years the sentence for burglary is
    Lawyer's analysis: burglary is an extremely bad crime, and the degree of punishment is mainly determined by the value of the stolen goods, the circumstances of the crime and other factors. Under normal circumstances, the trial result of the crime of burglary is not more than three years' imprisonment, detention or control, and the corresponding fine shall be paid at the same time; If the amount involved is huge or there are other serious circumstances, they will face imprisonment of more than three years to less than ten years, with additional fines; For criminals with a particularly large amount or other particularly serious circumstances, the prison term may be longer. Once convicted, a permanent record of the case will be left in the personal file.
  • How much is the standard for criminal fraud filing
    Lawyer's analysis: According to China's current laws and regulations, the criminal filing benchmark of fraud is usually positioned at the amount of 3000 yuan or more involved. Specifically, cases involving fraud of public and private property with a value of 3000 to 10000 yuan, 30000 to 100000 yuan, and 500000 yuan or more should be defined as "large amount", "huge amount", and "particularly large amount" according to the provisions of Article 266 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. It is worth noting that due to the differences in economic development levels among regions, the above filing standards may be adjusted accordingly in some regions.
  • Whether the attempted extortion can be filed for investigation and prosecution
    Lawyer's analysis: for unverified threats and extortion intentions, even if the expected purpose has not been successfully achieved, the case can also be filed for investigation and legal proceedings can be initiated. Although the criminal act failed, the subjective malice of the perpetrator and the potential harm to social order still exist. In the process of judicial practice, it will comprehensively weigh the nature of its behavior, the means used, and the possible harmful consequences and other factors to determine specific legal sanctions. However, the attempt is only one of the factors to be considered when sentencing, and does not change the qualitative judgment of the nature of its behavior.
  • How to deal with attempted burglary
    Lawyer's analysis: although the burglary will not be punished by law due to failure, according to relevant laws and regulations, such criminals still need to bear the corresponding criminal responsibility. However, when sentencing them, the court usually gives them a lighter or mitigated punishment according to the situation of the criminals who have successfully committed robbery. Home robbery is a serious case of robbery, even if it is not successful, its nature is quite bad. In the trial process, the judge will comprehensively weigh the criminal suspect's criminal intent, crime tactics, and the resulting harmful results and other factors to determine the final judgment and sentencing.
  • What will happen to residential surveillance
    Lawyer's analysis: suppose that in the stage of residential surveillance, the investigation, prosecution and judicial trial of the case can be smoothly carried out and completed, and finally the court will make a decision on whether to convict or not based on the specific facts and evidence in the case. If the person under surveillance is proved guilty, he will be sentenced to corresponding punishment according to law and regulations; On the contrary, if they are found innocent, they will be declared innocent according to law and released. On the other hand, if during the period of residential surveillance, it is found that the person should not bear criminal responsibility or the period of residential surveillance has expired, the residential surveillance measures should be immediately lifted.
  • How to handle criminal detention without bail
    Lawyer's analysis: if bail is not obtained during the period of criminal detention, this may be due to the fact that the case situation does not conform to the bail conditions. Generally speaking, if the case is of a serious nature and the suspect has a high risk of absconding or may hinder the progress of case investigation, the relevant department may make a decision not to grant bail. You can apply to the judicial authority responsible for handling the case to find out the exact reason for not being granted bail, and try to pave the way for possible future bail opportunities by collecting evidence that can prove that the suspect has no risk of evasion and does not hinder the investigation of the case.
  • What are the requirements of prosecution conditions for intentional injury
    Lawyer's analysis: the elements of legal proceedings for intentional injury crime mainly include the following aspects: First, there must be a clear and correct perpetrator and victim. Secondly, the evidence on which the complaint is based must be able to fully prove the illegal fact of intentional injury, including but not limited to witness testimony, surveillance video, injury identification and other relevant materials. Thirdly, the degree of injury suffered by the victim must meet the standards prescribed by law. Generally, the level of injury should be at least above the level of minor injury. Finally, any form of legal action should be carried out within the statutory time limit for prosecution, otherwise it will lose legal protection.
  • How to go through the formalities for fraud cases after obtaining a guarantor and waiting for trial for one year
    Lawyer's analysis: When the time limit for obtaining a guarantor pending trial expires, the enforcement authority shall terminate the measures taken against the party to obtain a guarantor pending trial in accordance with the law. If the case has been completely investigated and concluded within this period, the matter of release of bail pending trial shall be announced to the procuratorial organ or the judicial organ. If the case is still under investigation, relevant mandatory measures may be changed according to law, such as residential surveillance. The case can also be withdrawn if it is confirmed after investigation that there is no need to bear criminal responsibility. However, if there is sufficient evidence to show the reasons for the need to prosecute criminal responsibility, it will be transferred to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution according to law.
  • How much to sentence 200000 yuan for gambling crime
    Lawyer's analysis: Gambling cases involving more than 200000 yuan can generally be identified as serious circumstances and face severe punishment of imprisonment of more than three years but less than ten years and fine. However, in actual judicial trials, sentencing decisions for such cases need to comprehensively consider many complex factors, such as the criminal suspect's confession and repentance, whether there are statutory mitigating circumstances such as voluntary surrender or meritorious service, etc. However, based on the single indicator of the amount involved in the case, the amount of 200000 yuan is enough to constitute a huge crime, which may lead to a heavier punishment.
  • How to judge a minor by gathering people to fight
    Lawyer's analysis: As for the determination of the participation of young people under 18 years of age in group fighting, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate many factors. Such as the role they played in the fight, whether they deliberately caused conflict, the seriousness of the consequences, and so on. Generally, in view of the fact that teenagers are still in the development stage in terms of psychology and cognitive ability, the court will moderately reduce the punishment in the process of sentencing. However, if the circumstances of the crime involved are serious, the corresponding legal punishment cannot be avoided. In addition, the court will give full consideration to the feasibility and necessity of re education and reform of the juvenile involved in the case when hearing the case.
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High quality service eight
Very quick reply seven
Worthy of recommendation five
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Professional image three
have a large stock of information three
Experienced three
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