Lawyer Wang Xu

Lawyer Wang Xu

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  • six hundred and fifty-four
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  • 111012022****1312 Practicing certification
  • BOC Beijing Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Marriage and family, contractual affairs, creditor's rights and debts
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Wang Xu

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Lawyer Wang Xu has handled a large number of disputes, such as marriage and family affairs, inheritance, labor legal counsel, contract affairs, medical disputes, criminal meeting and insurance defense, etc. His conscientious work attitude and patient and responsible communication method have been well received by the parties. He is a member of the All China Lawyers Association, Beijing Lawyers Association, and a specially invited lawyer of LATUNET. He is now working in the Bank of China Law Firm in Beijing. Lawyer Wang Xu is quick in thinking, skilled in legal expertise, experienced in handling cases, and proficient in various laws and regulations.

Lawyer Wang Xu
Beijing Zhongyin Law Firm
marriage and family Contract affairs Creditor's rights and debts
 Lawyer Wang Xu
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  • What is the procedure for the child found to be registered
    Lawyer's analysis: 1. The process of registering the child found is as follows: 1. If you find a child, you should go to the public security organ to report to the police for record; 2. The public security organ shall issue a certificate that the child has been abandoned; 3. Go through the adoption procedures at the civil affairs department; 4. Take the adoption procedures and other materials to the public security organ to apply for household entry procedures. 2、 The following minors may be adopted: 1. Orphans who have lost their parents; 2. Minors whose parents cannot be found; 3. Children whose parents have special difficulties and are unable to support them.
  • Does the law recognize the separation of father and daughter
    Lawyer's analysis: The relationship between biological parents and children is based on blood relationship, and this relationship cannot be changed. Therefore, our laws do not support the act of breaking off the relationship between biological parents and children. In addition, according to the law, parents have the obligation to support and educate their children, and children have the obligation to support and support their parents. When parents fail to fulfill their obligations of upbringing, children have the right to ask their parents to pay maintenance fees. When children fail to perform their duty of support, parents who are unable to work or have difficulties in living have the right to demand that their children pay alimony.
  • What are the conditions for the establishment of an adoptive relationship
    Lawyer's analysis: first, the effect of principle. Adoption shall follow the principle of being in the best interests of the adoptee and protect the lawful rights and interests of the adoptee and the adopter. It is prohibited to buy and sell minors in the name of adoption. Secondly, procedural provisions. The adoption shall be registered with a department of the people's government at or above the county level, and the adoptive relationship shall be established from the date of registration. Secondly, the provisions of subjectivity. If the parents place out their children for adoption, they must both place out their children for adoption. Both the adopter and the person placing out the child for adoption shall be voluntary. Where a minor aged eight or more is adopted, the consent of the adoptee shall be obtained. Thirdly, the subjectivity provisions. If the parents place out their children for adoption, they must both place out their children for adoption.
  • What are the conditions for adopting orphans
    Lawyer's analysis: According to Article 1098 of the Civil Code, the conditions for adopting orphans include: (1) no children or only one child; (2) Having the ability to support, educate and protect the adoptee; (3) Not suffering from any disease that is medically considered unsuitable for adoption; (4) There are no illegal and criminal records detrimental to the healthy growth of the adoptee; (5) At least 30 years old. This is a general provision for adopters to adopt children, which does not include inter family adoption by close relatives, adoption of orphans and disabled minors, minors whose parents cannot be found, and adoption of step children by step parents.
  • What conditions does the adopter need
    Lawyer's analysis: 1. The conditions that parents must meet as placers are as follows: 1. The parents have special difficulties and are unable to support their children. 2. If the parents place out their children for adoption, they must both place out their children for adoption. Under normal circumstances, parents are not allowed to place out their children unilaterally. 3. After the death of one spouse, if the other party requests to place out a minor child for adoption, the parents of the deceased party have the priority to support the child, and the parents of the deceased party must first ask for advice on placing out a minor child for adoption. If they are willing and able to bring up the grandson or grandchild, the other party shall not send them out for adoption.
  • How old can parents offset personal income tax
    Lawyer's analysis: As long as one of the parents reaches the age of 60, the taxpayer's maintenance expenditure can be deducted before tax according to certain standards. The maintenance expenditure of a taxpayer for supporting one or more dependents shall be uniformly deducted according to the following standards: (1) If the taxpayer is an only child, it shall be deducted in accordance with the standard quota of 2000 yuan per month; (2) If the taxpayer is not an only child, he/she and his/her siblings shall share the deduction amount of 2000 yuan per month, and the amount shared by each person shall not exceed 1000 yuan per month. The apportionment may be made by the supporters or by agreement, or designated by the dependents.
  • Who can be adopted
    The following minors can be adopted: (1) The adoptee is a minor under the age of 14. The adoption of minors under the age of 14 is to help establish and cultivate personal feelings between the adopter and the adoptee, thus promoting the stability and development of the adoptive relationship. (2) The adoptee is an orphan who has lost his or her parents, or an abandoned baby or child whose parents cannot be found, or a child whose parents have special difficulties and are unable to support.
  • What obligations do children have to support their parents
    Lawyer's analysis: children's obligations to support their parents mainly include financial support, daily care and spiritual comfort. Supporters refer to the children of the elderly and other persons who are legally responsible. The spouse of a supporter shall assist the supporter in performing his duty of support. The supporters shall provide medical expenses and nursing care for the sick elderly. The supporters shall not refuse to perform their obligations of support by giving up or other reasons. If the supporters fail to perform their obligations, the elderly have the right to require the supporters to pay alimony. Supporters may not require the elderly to undertake work beyond their means. Supporting the elderly starts at the age of 60.
  • The relationship between parents and children after divorce is
    Lawyer's analysis: the relationship between children and parents includes the relationship between legitimate children, adopted children and stepchildren and parents. Different relationships are handled differently, as follows: 1. The relationship between parents and legitimate children will not be extinguished by the divorce of parents, because the relationship between them is a natural kinship based on the birth of children. 2. The relationship between the adoptive parents and their children will not be destroyed by the divorce of the adoptive parents. The relevant provisions of the Civil Code on the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and obligations between adoptive parents and adopted children.
  • What are the ways of termination of adoption
    Lawyer's analysis: Generally, if there is an agreement, the agreement shall prevail. If there is no agreement, if the adopter has tort, the original parents and adult adopted children have the right to terminate the adoptive relationship. First of all, if a child of a person who has been declared dead is adopted by another person according to law during the period when he is declared dead, after the declaration of death is revoked, he may not claim that the adoption is invalid without his consent. Secondly, the adopter may not terminate the adoptive relationship before the adoptee reaches adulthood, unless the adopter and the person placing out the child for adoption agree to terminate it. If a child is eight years old or older, his or her consent shall be obtained.
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High quality service sixteen
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be ready to help others eight
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Treat people sincerely eight
Professional image seven
have a large stock of information six
Experienced five
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    Beijing Tongzhou District
    Excellent business ability, very professional!
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    Beijing Fangshan District
    Very reliable little sister
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    Jilin Baishan
    The answers were very timely and useful, thank you.
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    Macao - Franciscan Parish
    The answers were very careful, professional and patient
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