Gao Faxing, lawyer

  • Shandong Borui (Zibo) Law Firm
  • Traffic accident, criminal defense, contract affairs
  • Zibo, Shandong

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Gao Faxing, the lawyer in charge of Shandong Borui (Zibo) Law Firm. He has his own unique opinions and thoughts on labor dispute cases, corporate debt disputes, traffic accidents and other tort liability disputes, and economic contract disputes. I have worked in a large state-owned enterprise for several years and have a deep understanding of company management and risk prevention and control. As a lawyer, you should take the law as your profession, the law as your teacher, and be entrusted and loyal to others. Try to solve problems for the parties with legal weapons within the legal framework.
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Lawyer case

  • Creditor's rights and debts 26% 18
  • Damages 16% 11
  • Contract affairs 13% 9
  • intellectual property right 12% 8
  • traffic accident 7% 5
  • Land acquisition and demolition 7% 5
  • Labor injury 6% 4
  • marriage and family 6% 4
  • criminal defense 4% 3
  • Construction project disputes 1% 1
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