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  •  Can we compensate for the removal of corridor buildings
    When demolishing houses, if the passageway is included in the shared area of the house, there is economic compensation for the passageway, and the compensation for house demolition does not reduce the original living environment of the demolished people. The compensation standards for housing demolition are as follows: 1. The housing compensation fees are calculated at the unit price of square meters based on the structure and depreciation degree of the demolished houses; 2. Turnover compensation shall be filed according to the temporary living conditions, and shall be subsidized monthly according to the population of the house households to be demolished; 3. The incentive compensation shall be determined by the local people's government according to the local actual situation and the relevant national laws and policies. The procedures for house demolition include: 1. Obtain the approval documents for the construction project.
    # Views: 921
  •  What is the model of land subcontract
    1、 What is the land subcontract model? The land subcontract should have the following contents: (1) the name of the Employer and the Contractor, the name and address of the Employer's principal and the Contractor's representative; (2) Name, location, area and quality grade of the contracted land; (3) Contract period and start and end dates; (4) The purpose of the contracted land; (5) Rights and obligations of the Employer and the Contractor; (6) Liability for breach of contract.
    # Views: 921
  •  Whether rural housing ownership confirmation is related to demolition
    The confirmation of rural homestead rights has no direct relationship with demolition. The confirmation of rural homestead right is one of the work contents in the unified registration of rural real estate. The main purpose is to clarify the area and ownership of farmers' homestead, so as to effectively protect farmers' right to use homestead. This is because the management of rural homestead has gone through a process from non-standard to standardized, and there are many remaining problems. In order to further standardize the management of homestead, solve some remaining problems, and better protect farmers' right to use, it is necessary to reconfirm the existing homestead, and lay the foundation for future management and use.
    # Views: 921
  •  What qualifications do publishing companies need
    1、 The conditions required by a publishing company are as follows: (1) having the name and articles of association of the publishing unit; (2) There are sponsoring units and their competent authorities recognized by the competent department of publication administration under the State Council; (3) Having a definite business scope; (4) Having a registered capital of more than 300000 yuan and a fixed workplace; (5) Having an organizational structure suitable for the needs of the business scope and editorial and publishing professionals who meet the qualifications prescribed by the State; (6) Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.
    # Views: 921
  •  Is the compensation reasonable after the plant is requisitioned and demolished first
    When housing expropriation and demolition are carried out, compensation must be made first and then demolition. Therefore, it is illegal to relocate first and then compensate. If the housing expropriation department and the expropriated person cannot reach a compensation agreement within the contract period determined by the expropriation compensation scheme, or the owner of the expropriated house is not clear, the housing expropriation department shall report to the municipal and county people's governments that have made the housing expropriation decision to make a compensation decision according to the expropriation compensation scheme according to the provisions of these Regulations, and make an announcement within the scope of housing expropriation.
    # Views: 921
  •  What are the requirements for the law enforcement certificate
    1、 Administrative law enforcement personnel must meet the following conditions: 1. staff of administrative law enforcement agencies or authorized organizations; 2. At least 18 years old, with high school education or above; 3. No administrative sanction of criminal punishment or dismissal from public office; 4. Has obtained the special administrative law enforcement qualification; 5. Other conditions stipulated by laws, regulations and rules.
    # Views: 921
  • The land occupied by road construction in the village should also be compensated, and the compensation standard is the same as that of land requisition by the state. The owner and user of the expropriated land shall, within the time limit specified in the announcement, present the land ownership certificate to the land administrative department of the local people's government for land requisition compensation registration. The compensation fees for requisitioned cultivated land include land compensation fees, resettlement subsidies, and compensation fees for attachments and young crops on the ground. The land compensation fees for expropriated cultivated land shall be six to ten times of the average annual output value of the three years prior to the expropriation of the cultivated land. The resettlement subsidy for requisitioned cultivated land shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled.
    # Views: 921
  • The compensation given by the people's government of the city or county level that has made the decision on housing expropriation to the expropriated person includes: 1. compensation for the value of the expropriated house; 2. Compensation for relocation and temporary resettlement caused by house expropriation; 3. Compensation for the loss of production and business suspension caused by the expropriation of houses. The people's governments at the municipal and county levels shall formulate measures for subsidies and rewards, and give subsidies and rewards to the people who are expropriated. Various compensations paid by the demolition and construction unit to the owner or user of the demolished house according to the specified standards.
    # Views: 921
  • 1. The parties must have legal qualifications. Legal qualification means that the parties and their handlers who conclude the housing demolition agreement must have the legal right to conclude the housing demolition agreement. As a party to a housing demolition agreement, social organizations can enjoy their rights, perform their obligations and bear corresponding responsibilities only if they have the legal person status. Social organizations without legal person status cannot conclude housing demolition agreements, nor can they conclude housing demolition agreements in the name of a legal person. Therefore, both parties of housing demolition must know whether they have the qualification to enter into an agreement and whether they have the right to enter into an agreement when entering into an agreement.
    # Views: 921
  • The documents included in the land acquisition agreement include: 1. Land acquisition notice. That is, before the land requisition is submitted for approval, farmers should be informed in writing of the purpose, location, compensation standard and resettlement way of the land to be requisitioned. 2. Confirmation of land status survey. The land department shall inform the farmers of the survey on the location, nature and area of the proposed land, and the farmers shall sign for confirmation. 3. Request for Comments. The land department shall fully consult the compensation standard and resettlement way of the land to be acquired. If someone applies for a hearing, the hearing shall be organized according to the specified procedures and requirements. 4. Land acquisition announcement.
    # Views: 806
 Beijing Zaoming Law Firm Lawyer Team
The lawyer team of Beijing Zaiming Law Firm is good at: real estate disputes, land acquisition and demolition, and administration
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