Lawyer Xie Shiping

  • Beijing Junyong Law Firm
  • criminal defense
  • Dongcheng District, Beijing

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Lawyer Xie Shiping, graduated from the Law School of Jilin University, is a lawyer of Beijing Junyong Law Firm, a member of the Criminal Business Research Committee of Beijing Dongcheng District Lawyers Association, and a member of the Young Lawyers Working Committee of Beijing Dongcheng District Lawyers Association. Trained from the famous criminal defense lawyer Xu Lanting, mainly engaged in criminal defense business, especially good at handling duty crimes and economic crimes, and handled some representative cases: 1. The case of He Xingxiang, the former vice president of China Development Bank (acting with Mr. Xu Lanting); 2. The bribery case of Lu Guimin, the former director of the Department of Farmland Construction and Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas (acting together with Mr. Xu Lanting); 3. The case of embezzlement and bribery of Guo, the former director of the Engineering Department of Huadian Shanxi Energy Co., Ltd. (acting together with Xu Lanting); 4. The bribery case of Mr. Zhang, the former office director of Beijing Property Service Guidance Center (probation); 5. The case of corruption and bribery by Mr. Li, the former secretary and director of the Party Committee of Beijing Shunyi District Supply and Marketing Cooperative; 6. Chen Weigang, the chairman of Fujian Quanzhou Fuyou Group, raised funds to defraud (co acting with Mr. Xu Lanting); 7. The fraud case of Liu Moumou, the legal representative of a big data company in Huainan City, Anhui Province (in the first instance, he was sentenced to 8 years and 6 months of imprisonment for fraud; in the second instance, he was sentenced to embezzlement of funds, and the sentence was reduced to 3 years and 6 months); 8. The case of Yang Moumou in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province (acting together with teacher Xu Lanting, several charges were successfully removed during the review and prosecution phase, and the "mafia boss" was charged with 9 charges and only sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment); 9. The bribery case of Gong, the actual controller of a well-known cable company in Qufu, Shandong Province (the procuratorate withdrew the prosecution at the trial stage and was acquitted); 10. The insider trading case of Lu XX, the actual controller of Jiangsu Sunshine Group Co., Ltd. (the procuratorate withdrew the prosecution at the trial stage and was acquitted); 11. Beijing Song's rape case (when the investigation and prosecution stage intervened, Song had signed a written statement of guilty plea and punishment. The sentencing proposal was four years and six months, to strive for the plot of the attempt, compensate and obtain the victim's understanding. The sentencing proposal was adjusted to one year and six months. The trial stage further strived for a lighter punishment, and the first trial was sentenced to one year's imprisonment); 12. Qinghai Riyue Mountain Corpse Burial Case (supervised by the Ministry of Public Security).
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