Lawyer Zhou Hui

Lawyer Zhou Hui

  • five
    User rating
  • seven hundred and thirty-five
    Number of people served
  • eight
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 111012016****8178 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Kangyun Law Firm | Executive Director
  • Creditor's rights and debts, contractual affairs, company operation
  • Tongzhou District, Beijing

Profile of lawyer Zhou Hui

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Executive Director and Partner Lawyer of Beijing Kangyun Law Firm: have professional knowledge and rich experience in litigation and non litigation, and understand various legal documents; Be familiar with the writing of various official documents and legal texts; He is good at agency of civil and commercial litigation cases, franchise, human resources, contract review and drafting, corporate legal risk prevention and control and other legal affairs related to the company. He has strong expression and communication skills, strong judgment ability and logical analysis ability. He has practiced for about seven years and has represented more than 500 litigation cases.

Lawyer Zhou Hui
Beijing Kangyun Law Firm
Creditor's rights and debts Contract affairs Company operation
 Lawyer Zhou Hui
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Diversified legal popularization content, easy to understand

Zhou Hui's Lawyer Service Record

Answer patiently

User comments received by lawyer Zhou Hui

Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
have a large stock of information two
Experienced two
be ready to help others two
Very quick reply two
Worthy of recommendation two
High quality service two
Professional image one
Treat people sincerely one
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    Jiangsu Nantong
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    Fujian Fuzhou
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    At 03:55 today
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    Qinghai Xining
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  • public17759052
    Anhui Huaibei
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 Lawyer Zhou Hui
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