Lawyer Hu Xiao

Lawyer Hu Xiao

  • five
    User rating
  • one thousand seven hundred and twelve
    Number of people served
  • nine hundred and fifty-eight
    Service days
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 133022022****6236 Practicing certification
  • Zhejiang Yingning Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, damages, labor disputes
  • Ningbo, Zhejiang

About Lawyer Hu Xiao

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Zhejiang Yingning Law Firm is a full-time lawyer, economist, human resource manager, senior legal adviser of the enterprise, and head of Juwei legal service team. Lawyer Hu Xiao is responsible for various litigation and non litigation businesses in the field of civil and commercial affairs, such as labor, work-related injury, contract, creditor's rights, infringement and other dispute handling, account collection, compliance construction, corporate legal counsel, etc; The team can also handle criminal defense, marriage and family affairs, intellectual property, foreign-related legal services and other businesses. Lawyer Hu Xiao has rich social experience, has long been engaged in management work in many well-known enterprises, can better participate in various dispute resolution from a multi-dimensional perspective, and is willing to work with the team to provide high-quality legal services for customers with a rigorous and responsible attitude. If you need legal advice and help, please check "View all profiles", plus WeChat or phone contact. (Please note "legal consultation+name" if applying for micro payment)

Lawyer Hu Xiao
Zhejiang Yingning Law Firm
Contract affairs Damages Labor disputes
 Lawyer Hu Xiao
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Diversified legal popularization content, easy to understand

Hu Xiao's Lawyer Service Record

Answer patiently

User comments received by lawyer Hu Xiao

Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service two
Very quick reply one
Worthy of recommendation one
have a large stock of information one
Experienced one
be ready to help others one
  • ask****29
    Zhejiang Ningbo
    Lawyer Hu replied promptly and analyzed in detail.
    Before January
  • ask17363061
    Zhejiang Jiaxing
    This user has not filled in text.
    5 days ago
  • public17281056
    Zhejiang Hangzhou
    This user has not filled in text.
    22 days ago
  • ask17266211
    Zhejiang Hangzhou
    This user has not filled in text.
    24 days ago
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