Lawyer Wang Haiyang

Lawyer Wang Haiyang

  • five
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  • six hundred and seventy-nine
    Number of people served
  • eight
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 111012016****6904 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Jingyun Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Marriage and family, contract affairs, property disputes
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Wang Haiyang

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Since his practice in 2016, Wang Haiyang has undertaken a large number of civil and commercial cases. He has rich experience in case handling, clear case handling ideas and skilled litigation skills. Real estate is the foundation of settling down. In order to make every party feel safe, Wang Haiyang focuses on the field of real estate Real estate disputes arising from divorce are professional and in-depth, and are committed to safeguarding the rights and interests of each party

Lawyer Wang Haiyang
Beijing Jingyun Law Firm
marriage and family Contract affairs Property disputes
 Lawyer Wang Haiyang
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Collected Works of Wang Haiyang

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 3.5k people
    Do non legal heirs have the right to inherit?
    Latest revision: 2022-08-29

    Brief introduction: Mr. Li's parents went through divorce procedures when Mr. Li was young. Mr. Li followed his mother, Prince, and had little contact with his father, Lao Li. In May 2021, Lao Li died of a sudden illness and left a house. Mr. Li wanted to inherit the house involved. At this time, Lao Li's niece said that she had taken care of Li's daily life and was responsible for the funeral of old people, Lao Li said that he inherited the house

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 10w+ people
    Where will the lawsuit be filed for divorce from a prisoner?
    Latest revision: 2022-08-24

    Brief introduction to the case: Mr. Wang called for consultation. His wife has served nearly five years in prison. If she wants to go through divorce procedures, where should she litigate? There may be four courts with jurisdiction in this case, namely the people's court where the defendant is domiciled, the people's court where the defendant is imprisoned, the people's court where the plaintiff is domiciled, and the people's court where the plaintiff often resides. Which court has jurisdiction over this case? Legal basis

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 6.6w people
    What's the problem with the 10 million yuan loss in a steady demolition and property analysis lawsuit?
    Latest revision: 2022-07-27

    Brief introduction: Ms. Zhang's family has an old house, including three in the north, three in the south, and two in the east and west wing rooms. In 2003, in order to get more property for demolition, Ms. Zhang sold the three rooms in the south to her brother, Mr. Zhang, at a price of 3000 yuan, and then divided the house. The demolition was officially launched in 2013. In order to complete the demolition task as soon as possible, the demolition department

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 10w+ people
    Why do lawyers defend "bad people"?
    Latest revision: 2022-06-14

    Why do lawyers defend "bad people"? For lawyers, it is the professional instinct of lawyers to accept the entrustment of criminal suspects and defendants to defend, just like doctors' visits, and defense is the work of lawyers. In life, many wrong cases committed by friends are not fully guaranteed the rights of suspects and defendants. In order to protect the rights of suspects and defendants, suspects have the right to

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 6w people
    What should I do if I find that the child I brought up is not my own?
    Latest revision: 2022-06-09

    What should I do if I find that the child I brought up is not my own? 1、 Can compensation be claimed if the child is found not born during the marriage? According to relevant laws and regulations, husband and wife should be faithful to each other and respect each other. Violation of the duty of loyalty often causes very serious damage to the spouse's emotion and spirit. If the non biological man of the child can claim "damages" while filing a divorce lawsuit

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 10w+ people
    Under what circumstances should the court decide on divorce?
    Latest revision: 2022-06-08

    Under what circumstances should the court decide on divorce? According to Article 1079 of the Civil Code, if one of the husband and wife requests divorce, relevant organizations may mediate or directly file a divorce lawsuit with the people's court. When hearing divorce cases, the people's courts shall conduct mediation; Divorce shall be granted if the relationship has really broken down and mediation has failed. Mediation is invalid under any of the following circumstances

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 10w+ people
    Can we claim double compensation for traffic accidents on the way to and from work?
    Latest revision: 2022-06-06

    Can we claim double compensation for traffic accidents on the way to and from work? In case of traffic accidents on the way to and from work, workers can enjoy the benefits of industrial injury insurance in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance and obtain compensation for traffic accident damages in accordance with the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law, thus obtaining double compensation for industrial injury and traffic accident damages. Legal basis: according to the Work Injury Insurance Clause

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 5.8w people
    Under what circumstances can the party apply for retrial? How to apply?
    Latest revision: 2022-06-02

    Under what circumstances can the party apply for retrial? How to apply? What should I do if I want to apply for retrial after the judgment of the first instance comes into force if I fail to appeal in time? It is very difficult to start the retrial procedure. Under what circumstances can a retrial application be filed? How long can I apply? Where to apply? How should the court deal with it? 1、 The reasons for the retrial application are in accordance with Article 207 of the Civil Procedure Law

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 5.5w people
    What should I do if my child suffers personal injury during school?
    Latest revision: 2022-05-31

    What should I do if my child suffers personal injury during school? Brief introduction: Mr. Li is a student of a school, Mr. Zhang is the head teacher of the class, and Mr. Wang, the mother of Mr. Li, heard that Mr. Li was beaten by Mr. Zhang when he was in school. He was frightened because Mr. Li was young. After many communications with him, Mr. Wang learned that Mr. Li was beaten by Mr. Zhang many times during school, and made verbal attacks. He explicitly prohibited other students from playing with him in class

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Haiyang
    Helped 3.3w people
    How long is the investigation period?
    Latest revision: 2022-05-13

    Many people are detained in the detention center after being suspected of committing a crime, but their relatives do not know how long the suspect will be detained, especially the time of criminal investigation. So how long will the investigation period last? According to relevant laws and regulations, within three days (seven days under special circumstances) after criminal detention (thirty days after fleeing or committing a crime in a gang), apply to the procuratorate for arrest; Procuratorate VII

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Wang Haiyang's Lawyer Service Record

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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service forty
have a large stock of information twenty-five
Experienced twenty-four
Worthy of recommendation twenty-two
Treat people sincerely twenty
Professional image nineteen
Very quick reply eighteen
be ready to help others seventeen
  • ask****557
    The reply is fast and very attentive. Thank you, lawyer.
    Before January
  • ask****486
    Beijing Chaoyang District
    very good
    Before January
  • ask14657929
    Beijing Dongcheng District
    Thanks for the advice and help from the lawyer, and also let me know how to use legal weapons to safeguard my legal rights. I recommend that you can feel free to consult if you have any questions.
    Before January
  • ask****482
    Tianjin Beichen District
    The reply speed is very fast and professional
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