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Template of divorce petition

civil action 2019-01-13 07:56:24 Read by 7 people Nomogram

Plaintiff: (name, gender, age, nationality, occupation, work unit and address)

Defendant: (name, gender, age, nationality, occupation, work unit and address)


Write the purpose that you want to achieve, including: asking for divorce, child support, bearing of maintenance fees, the other party's request for visitation rights when raising, the division of property, the way or amount of asking the other party for financial assistance when you are in difficulty, the other party's bigamy, cohabitation, domestic violence or abuse The amount of damages claimed when abandoning family members, such as:

1、 Divorce the plaintiff and the defendant;

2、 The legitimate son/daughter ×× shall be supported by the plaintiff, and the defendant shall pay a one-time alimony of yuan to the plaintiff (/the defendant shall pay alimony every month until the son/daughter is 18 years old);

3、 The joint property of husband and wife is divided equally according to law (the plaintiff is entitled to ____);

4、 The defendant shall pay economic compensation of ____ yuan to the plaintiff in a lump sum;

5、 The defendant shall pay the plaintiff a lump sum of ____ yuan as compensation for mental damage.

Facts and reasons

Facts and reasons: state the specific time of marriage and birth of children, and specify the basis of the claim, including the reason and basis for divorce, the reason and basis for who is raising the child, the support fee, the visit method, the property situation, the reason and basis for division.

Reason for divorce: the fact and basis that the relationship between husband and wife has really broken down and there is no possibility of reconciliation should be described in detail. The fact that there is no possibility of reconciliation and there is no possibility of reconciliation between husband and wife should be explained mainly from the basis of marriage, the feelings after marriage, the reasons for divorce, and the status quo of the relationship between husband and wife. In case of legal divorce (bigamy or cohabitation with others; domestic violence or maltreatment or abandonment of family members; persistent gambling, drug abuse and other bad habits; separation due to emotional discord for two years), special points shall be pointed out. The number of words should be determined according to the specific situation and unlimited, but it should not be too cumbersome.

For this reason, the plaintiff has filed a lawsuit in accordance with the law and requested your court to make a ruling in accordance with the law.


People's Court



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