Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Tianjin Lawyer > Lawyer of Jinnan District > Lawyer for Maternal and Child Rights of Jinnan District
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Tang Guochao
    Tianjin Jiuchuang Law Firm Tianjin Jiuchuang Law Firm, the ground floor of Hongtuo No. 1 Store at the intersection of Xuhua Road and Diwei Road, Jinghai District Development Zone, Tianjin
    five branch

    Comments from 31 people

    Number of helpers: 2397
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Tang Guochao, a professional criminal defense lawyer. Lawyer Tang Guochao has hosted or assisted in handling hundreds of criminal cases. Proficient in handling procedures of various types of criminal cases, with rich practical experience. Especially familiar with the trial habits of courts in Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong and other places. Lawyer Tang Guochao believes that professional professional ability is the foundation for lawyers to settle down, and rich practical experience is the core competitiveness of lawyers. In particular, he is good at handling the change of compulsory measures such as obtaining a guarantor pending trial, and holding the core of the case for effective defense.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Ji Yichun
    Tianjin Gangshan Law Firm Tower C, Daheng Financial and Business Center, No. 10, Yijing Road, Dongli Development Zone, Tianjin
    five branch

    Comments from 23 people

    Number of helpers: 76
    #Lawyer label: foreign-related agency experience, knowledge of foreign languages, high education, large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Ji Yichun, a master of Nankai University, has careful logical thinking and solid legal skills. He is conscientious in dealing with cases regardless of difficulty, respecting the will of the client, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the client to the greatest extent. Advantages: contract disputes, criminal defense, tort damage, marriage and family affairs
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Han Jiancheng
    Shanghai Shenhao (Tianjin) Law Firm No. 1701, Jingu Building, No.1 Binjiang Road, Heping District, Tianjin
    five branch

    Comments from 187 people

    Number of helpers: 9687
    #Lawyer label: having handled major cases, high education, experience in consulting units, and rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Han Jiancheng, a lawyer, is a postgraduate in criminal law. He graduated from Anhui University of 211 Engineering School, and has deep theoretical knowledge of law. Since he worked as a lawyer in 2009, he has rich practical experience in civil and economic contract disputes, personal injury compensation disputes such as traffic accidents, medical injuries, employee victims, and labor disputes including industrial injury insurance benefits, and has unique insights and profound understanding of major, difficult, and complex criminal defense and agency. Han Jiancheng, a lawyer who once served as the legal manager of a well-known group enterprise, has a thorough understanding of the company's operational risks and can provide comprehensive and professional legal advisory services for enterprises. Only more professional and dedicated lawyers can provide you with high-quality and efficient legal services; A more diligent and diligent lawyer can provide you with comfortable legal services. Since practicing, lawyer Han Jiancheng has undertaken dozens of influential criminal cases, such as: 1. In 2011, Ai killed his wife. After being defended by lawyer Han, the man was sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; 2. In 2011, the defendant who directly led to the death of the victim entrusted lawyer Han to defend the case of a massive Internet bar brawl in a city. With the efforts of lawyer Han, on the premise that other defendants had been sentenced to life imprisonment, the client was eventually sentenced to 13 years of fixed-term imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; 3. In 2012, in the case of smuggling ivory by Jiang, lawyer Han successfully defended the case and sentenced the defendant to three years' imprisonment with a statutory sentence of more than 10 years; 4. In 2012, the Ministry of Public Security supervised the case of Mr. Li and others who falsely issued special VAT invoices involving hundreds of millions of taxes. After the defense of lawyer Han, the client was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment, and more than 10 other defendants were sentenced to more than 10 years' imprisonment; 5. In 2012, lawyer Han defended the defendant Zhang Mou in a drug trafficking and transportation case. The court finally adopted the defense opinion of lawyer Han that the client Zhang Mou was an accessory, and sentenced the client to 13 years' imprisonment, two years less than the accomplice; 6. In 2012, the client was sentenced to three years' imprisonment and three years' probation in the case of "monk" beating a judge in a city; 7. In 2012, Lawyer Han spent a year successfully representing Zhu Mou against Sha Mou in the case of criminal private prosecution with civil compensation for intentional injury. After the first and second trials, the two parties finally reached a settlement, and Sha Mou compensated Zhu Mou, the client, for more than 60000 yuan; 8. In 2013, a minor named Yue was suspected of theft. After the successful defense of lawyer Han, the public security organ revoked the criminal case and turned it into an administrative punishment warning; 9. In 2013, the case of Hemou's affray was defended by lawyer Han, and the court adopted the defense opinion of lawyer Han that the client was an accessory, and sentenced the client to three years' imprisonment and three years' probation; 10. In 2013, lawyer Han defended Zhu, the defendant in the murder of his wife and mother in a city, and Zhu was eventually sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; 11. In 2013, Lawyer Han defended the defendant Wang Mou in a massive affray case in the east of a city, and the client was sentenced by the district court to three years' imprisonment and three years' probation; 12. In 2013, Lawyer Han defended the suspect Chen in a robbery, rape and intentional homicide case in a city. The Intermediate Court finally adopted the defense opinion of Lawyer Han, and finally determined that Chen did not commit rape; 13. In 2013, lawyer Han defended the defendant Li in the case of the leader of the pyramid scheme beating a new member to death. The Municipal Intermediate People's Court finally adopted the defense opinion of lawyer Han and sentenced Li to life imprisonment; 14. In 2013, lawyer Han defended Wang's case of suspected trafficking of 30.8 grams of methamphetamine, and Wang was eventually sentenced to seven years and six months in prison; 15. In 2013, lawyer Han defended Li Moumou, the defendant of a sensational robbery case in a gold store. Li Moumou robbed many times, involving a huge amount of money. After the successful defense of lawyer Han, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court sentenced Li Moumou to death with a two-year reprieve; 16. In 2013, Lawyer Han defended the defendant of the freak love murder case, who shocked the local people. Because his family refused to compensate, he could not obtain the understanding of the victim's family, and finally Li was sentenced to death by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; 17. In 2013, Lawyer Han defended Mr. Yu, who was suspected of stealing the server that the traffic police team placed at each intersection of the urban area to store monitoring photo data. After Mr. Han successfully defended, the District People's Procuratorate decided not to prosecute Mr. Yu; 18. In 2013, lawyer Han defended Xie who was suspected of falsifying special VAT invoices. After successful defense by lawyer Han, Xie was sentenced to three years' imprisonment and three years' probation by the District People's Court; 19. In 2013, lawyer Han defended a 17-year-old girl named He who was suspected of theft. After a serious negotiation with the public security organ, the District Public Security Bureau finally adopted the defense opinion of lawyer Han, withdrew the charge against He, and released He on the same day; 20. In 2014, lawyer Han defended the defendant Wang Mou in Shaoxing's major illegal purchase and sale of precious and endangered wild animals supervised by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Forestry. Wang Mou, who finally illegally purchased more than 80 Asian pythons, was sentenced by the district court to 10 years' imprisonment according to the minimum prescribed by law; 21. In 2014, lawyer Han defended Mr. Zhou who was suspected of illegal business in a development zone. Within less than ten days after accepting the commission, lawyer Han successfully applied for Mr. Zhou to obtain a guarantor pending trial and was approved. In April 2015, the Public Security Bureau of the Pharmaceutical High tech Zone decided to cancel the case; 22. In 2014, lawyer Han defended Feng Mou, a suspected traffic accident suspect who caused one person's death. On the fifth day after accepting the entrustment, lawyer Han obtained the approval of the District Public Security Bureau for Feng Mou's application to obtain a guarantor pending trial. After the successful defense of lawyer Han, Feng Mou was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment and one year's probation; 23. In 2014, Lawyer Han defended the criminal suspect in the major pyramid selling case in the district on behalf of me. With the efforts of Lawyer Han, his application for bail pending trial on behalf of me was approved by the District Public Security Bureau. Finally, the District Procuratorate accepted the defense opinion of Lawyer Han and decided not to prosecute me; 24. In 2014, Lawyer Han defended Mr. Li, a criminal suspect in the 5.16 River Diversion Major Environmental Pollution Case supervised by the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department. After Mr. Han successfully defended, the District Court suspended the trial of Mr. Li, and other defendants had been sentenced; 25. In 2014, Lawyer Han defended Mr. Li, a criminal suspect in the case of major illegal ephedrine trade in a district. After Mr. Han successfully defended, Mr. Li was sentenced to one year's imprisonment and released ten days after the sentence; 26. In 2014, lawyer Han defended the case of corruption and bribery of a bureau staff in a district. After successful defense, the defendant who embezzled 170000 yuan and accepted 100000 yuan of bribes was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment; 27. In 2014, Lawyer Han participated in the lawsuit on behalf of the victim's legal representative in the case of Mr. Li's traffic accident crime. Under the condition that the public prosecutor suggested sentencing for one and a half years, the defendant was successfully sentenced by the court to three years' imprisonment, and the victim's family members were relieved; 28. In 2014, lawyer Han defended Xiong in the second instance of the case of suspected theft and bluffing. After his successful defense, the court of second instance changed the sentence from two years' imprisonment in the first instance to one year and six months' imprisonment; 29. In 2014, lawyer Han defended Mr. Wang, who was suspected of trafficking more than 240 grams of methamphetamine. After his successful defense, Mr. Wang was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; (The benchmark sentence is life imprisonment if the methamphetamine is more than 200g but less than 500g) 30. In 2014, Han lawyer defended Yi who was suspected of selling 500g methamphetamine. After Han lawyer successfully defended, Wang was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; (The benchmark sentence is life imprisonment if the methamphetamine is more than 200g but less than 500g) 31. In 2014, lawyer Han defended Chen who was suspected of drug trafficking and causing trouble, and Chen was sentenced by the district court to one year's imprisonment; 32. In 2015, Lawyer Han defended the second instance case of Cai's female fraud. After his strong defense, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court changed the sentence from one year and two months to nine months. Seven days after the change, he was released from prison; 33. In 2015, Lawyer Han defended Mr. Yu in the "largest drug trafficking case in history" in a city supervised by the Ministry of Public Security. Mr. Yu was suspected of trafficking and transporting 300 grams of methamphetamine, and finally the Municipal Intermediate People's Court sentenced Mr. Yu to 15 years' imprisonment; 34. In 2015, lawyer Han defended Liu, who was suspected of intentionally injuring one person and causing death. After lawyer Han successfully defended, a city Intermediate People's Court adopted lawyer Han's defense view that Liu was an accessory and sentenced Liu to five years' imprisonment; 35. In 2015, lawyer Han defended Jiang, who was suspected of drug trafficking. After his successful defense, Jiang, who had more than 900 grams of drug trafficking, was sentenced to life imprisonment by a city's Intermediate People's Court; 36. In 2015, lawyer Han defended Shu, who was suspected of drug trafficking. After his successful defense, Shu, who sold more than 2000 grams of drugs, was sentenced to life imprisonment by a city's Intermediate People's Court; 37. In 2015, lawyer Han defended Yu, who was suspected of transporting and trafficking drugs. After his successful defense, Yu was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment for more than 300 grams of drug trafficking; 38. In 2015, Lawyer Han defended Cao, who was suspected of provoking trouble. After his successful defense, an urban court sentenced Cao to one year's imprisonment and two years' probation; 39. In 2015, lawyer Han defended the case of Bai Mou's killing of a woman in a city. After lawyer Han defended, Bai Mou was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; 40. In 2015, lawyer Han defended Mr. Li, who was suspected of trafficking 3000 grams of methamphetamine. After his successful defense, he found that Mr. Li had legally mitigated circumstances. Finally, Mr. Li was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, and was sentenced to death immediately; 41. In 2015, lawyer Han defended Mr. Lu, who was suspected of illegally absorbing public deposits. After his successful defense, Mr. Lu, who illegally collected more than 80 million yuan, was sentenced by a city court to three years and six months in prison; 42. In 2016, lawyer Han defended Liu on suspicion of producing and selling fake drugs, and Liu was successfully guaranteed pending trial; 43. In 2016, Lawyer Han defended Mr. Yang on suspicion of defrauding loans. After Mr. Han successfully defended, Mr. Yang was sentenced by the district court to three years' imprisonment and three years and six months' probation; 44. In 2016, lawyer Han defended Zhang for suspected fraud. After his successful defense, Zhang was sentenced by the district court to two years' imprisonment and three years' probation; 45. In 2016, lawyer Han defended Yanbao, a Burmese suspect suspected of organizing the crime of illegally crossing the border, who was sentenced by a municipal intermediate court to two years and nine months' imprisonment; 46. In 2016, Lawyer Han defended Min for suspected intentional homicide. After his successful defense, Min was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; 47. In 2016, Lawyer Han defended Feng, who was suspected of credit card fraud, and maliciously overdrawn more than 300000 yuan. The District Court finally sentenced him to a minimum sentence of five years in prison; 48. In 2016, lawyer Han defended Yan who was suspected of fraud. After his successful defense, a district court in Beijing sentenced Yan to one year and five months of fixed-term imprisonment, with a two-year suspension of sentence; 49. In 2016, lawyer Han defended Mr. Chang, who was suspected of affray. After his successful defense, Mr. Chang was sentenced to one year's imprisonment and released after two months' imprisonment; 50. In 2017, lawyer Han defended Huo who was suspected of obstructing the public service. When the public prosecutor insisted on a fixed-term imprisonment, after the successful defense of lawyer Han, Huo was sentenced by the district court to a fine of only 10000 yuan; 51. In 2017, Lawyer Han defended Mr. Chen who was suspected of intentionally injuring someone and causing death. After the defense of Lawyer Han, without any compensation, Mr. Chen was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court; 52. In 2017, lawyer Han defended Mr. Huang on suspicion of accepting bribes. After lawyer Han defended, the city procuratorate did not approve the arrest, and the back district procuratorate dismissed the case; 53. In 2017, Lawyer Han represented Zhang and Wang in the case of being injured. With the efforts of Lawyer Han, the client received a compensation of 280000 yuan; 54. In 2017, Lawyer Han applied for national compensation to a county procuratorate in Shijiazhuang on behalf of Mr. Hou, which is now being handled; 55. In 2017, Lawyer Han represented Zhang in the case of provocation and trouble making, which is now being handled; 56. In 2018, Lawyer Han defended Liu in a county of Cangzhou, who was suspected of fraud, and is now handling the case; 57. In 2018, Lawyer Han defended Mr. Zhang for the crime of illegal detention suspected of extortion, which is now being handled; 58. In 2018, Lawyer Han represented the contract dispute case of more than 20 million yuan, which is now being handled. At the same time, lawyer Han Jiancheng handled hundreds of civil, economic and administrative cases, all of which saved losses for the client and received unanimous praise from the client. Lawyer Han is the legal adviser of many enterprises. He has provided timely and efficient legal services for the consulting units and has been highly praised by the consulting units.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Yang Junqiang
    Tianjin Tianxun Law Firm 1903, Floor 19, Gate 1, Building 8, Wantong Upstream International (Shangdu Home), Hongqiao District, Tianjin
    five branch

    From 65 people

    Number of helpers: 1705
    #Lawyer label: able to speak foreign languages, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Yang Junqiang, senior partner of Tianxun Law Firm, is legal adviser of many units and government agencies, public welfare lawyer of Hongqiao District Public Legal Service Center and Tianjin Public Legal Service Center, and has participated in the recording of Tianjin TV's 315 Evening Party and We Are All Consumers for many times. Over the years of practice, Lawyer Yang Junqiang has been focusing on the research and practice in the fields of contract and criminal law. He has handled more than 100 cases alone, discussed and studied nearly 1000 various dispute cases with the team, and customized targeted solutions for clients according to different situations of clients. The first "routine loan" criminal case defended by lawyer Yang Junqiang was rated as one of the top ten criminal cases in China and one of the top ten influential cases in Tianjin in 2018. In 2019, he represented a large enterprise in a contract dispute case, and saved tens of millions of losses for the enterprise through litigation.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Lawyer for Maternal and Child Rights of Jinnan District - Lawyer of Tianjin Oriental Law Firm
    Tianjin Dongfang Law Firm 20th Floor, Beifang Financial Building, Youyi Road, Hexi District, Tianjin
    five branch

    Comments from 199 people

    Number of helpers: 9565
    #Lawyer label: chief lawyer, who has handled major cases, has a political position, a high degree, experience in consulting units, and rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: In order to better help you solve problems in a timely and efficient manner, you can directly call 18630993523/18522505107 (WeChat same number). Tianjin Dongfang Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as "Dongfang Law Firm"), founded in 1988, is the first cooperative law firm in China, a pilot unit for the reform of the lawyer system of the Ministry of Justice, and the first batch of law firms in Tianjin. In December 1991, it was named by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China as an advanced cooperative law firm. At the end of 1996, it was approved by the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Justice to become a self disciplined law firm led by the famous senior lawyer Sun Fangqiao. Since its establishment, Orient has taken "family culture" as the foundation, "based in China, serving the world" as the concept, respected the tradition and inherited the concept, taken "scale, specialization, branding, internationalization, intelligence" as the direction, and pursued the service concept of truth, integrity, extreme efficiency to create a business that can be relied on Reliable professional lawyer team. In its more than 30 years of development, Orient has closely linked the "Orient" lawyers in Beijing, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Henan with a common vision, mission and values to form the "Orient Alliance", always adhering to the legal concept of "justice, equality and freedom", and providing standardized, efficient, convenient and fast legal services for the parties, On the basis of providing perennial legal advisory services, professional litigation and non litigation legal services are combined to provide personalized and professional legal solutions for customers with scholarly rigorous attitude, expert service level and team service. As an "old firm" with a deep history, Dongfang Institute has never stopped upgrading and iteration of legal professional services, and has continuously optimized the business system. By 2020, Dongfang Institute had 14 professional committees: administration, criminal, civil infringement, marriage and family affairs, contracts, legal counsel, corporate governance, enterprise dissolution and bankruptcy liquidation, intellectual property, construction engineering, real estate, securities/funds/futures, and finance. At present, it has served more than 100000 client users and nearly 10000 corporate customers. It has been widely praised and praised by customers with its exquisite professional ability, excellent professional ethics and rigorous and meticulous style of handling affairs.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Zhang Xuanxuan
    Shanghai Jingyulin (Tianjin) Law Firm 39/F, Block A, Lujiazui Financial Plaza, 170 North Road, Hongqiao District, Tianjin
    five branch

    Comments from 59 people

    Number of helpers: 4887
    #Lawyer label: there are teams, chief lawyers, who have handled major cases, have political positions, high education, have experience in consulting units, and have rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Zhang Xuanxuan Lawyer Profile Shanghai Jing Yulin (Tianjin) Director of the Law Firm, Vice President of the Litigation Law Branch of Tianjin Law Society, Director of the Tianjin Hongqiao District Legal Working Committee, Director of the Tianjin Law Society Criminal Law Credit Society, Director of the Tianjin Law Society Criminal Law Credit Society, Director of the Tianjin Law Society Criminal Law Credit Society, Hearing Officer of the First Branch of the Tianjin People's Procuratorate, Master of Law Practice Tutor of Nankai University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin University, Visiting Professor of Law, Tianjin TV Guests from the "Legal Counsel" column of the TV station once served as prosecutors of a district procuratorate in Tianjin, and worked in the district party committee office, the organization department of the district party committee, and the general office of the municipal party committee. During his work in the procuratorate, he handled hundreds of criminal cases, and accumulated a lot of experience in handling criminal cases. Since the transfer of lawyers, they have led the team to handle nearly 1000 criminal cases of traditional crimes, economic crimes, duty crimes, cross between criminal and civil crimes, and have obtained acquittals from multiple courts through effective defense, as well as a large number of non prosecution, withdrawal of cases by public security organs, changes in the nature of the courts, and misdemeanor judgments; Strive for a good defense effect for many parties to obtain a guarantor pending trial and probation; Acting in many criminal charges helped the parties recover the stolen goods and recover damages, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the greatest extent. He is good at innocent defense, defense before arrest, and defense of economic crimes, duty crimes, sexual crimes, and cross criminal and civil cases. He is good at providing enterprises and individuals with criminal legal risk prevention and control and criminal prosecution services. Some personal cases? A woman was convicted in the first instance of a suspected extortion case. After strenuous defense, the court of second instance directly changed the verdict of innocence.? In a rape case in Shanxi Province, the investigation and prosecution phase intervened in the case. Through defense, the suspect was detained for 9 months and released. Finally, the procuratorate withdrew the prosecution, and the public security organ withdrew the case. The victim and three other people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for the crime of false accusation and frame up. ".? The former president of a hospital in Hebei Province was accused by the current president of provoking trouble. Through sorting out and analyzing the facts and evidence of the case, he defended closely around the constitution of the crime, and finally the procuratorial organ made a decision not to prosecute if there was any doubt. ".? An actor was detained for rape. He was involved in the stage of examination and arrest. After his defense, if the facts are unclear and the evidence is insufficient, he will not be arrested and eventually not prosecuted. ".? The bribery case of the president of a district court in a province involved a huge amount of money. It was recommended that he be sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment. After the first trial ended, he intervened in the case and found that there was a plot of voluntary surrender. After investigation and evidence collection, the relevant facts were restored, and the court finally determined that it constituted a plot of voluntary surrender, which was eventually reduced by 6 years on the basis of the sentencing recommendations. ".? A contract fraud case in Hebei Province involved 10 million yuan. After being arrested, he intervened in the case and defended it.? A debtor was accused by the creditor of a false lawsuit, and firmly believed that the debtor had the right of claim against the creditor, so the procuratorial organ finally made a decision not to sue if there was any doubt.? In a case of infringement of trade secrets, the sentencing proposal is five years. After the defense, the amount involved in the case will be significantly reduced, and the final sentence will be one year.? The food safety cases in North China, which were approved by the senior management, grasped the relevance of the expert opinions, and finally the defendant was able to reduce the punishment. ".? In a case of production and sale of toxic and harmful food, the analysis of the evidence obtained in the administrative procedure was strengthened, and the public security organ finally withdrew the transfer for review and prosecution, and changed from a criminal case to an administrative case.? In the case of a casino, through qualitative defense, the procuratorial organ finally made a decision not to prosecute in case of doubt.? After defending a case of selling fake drugs, the public security organ withdrew the transfer for review and prosecution and turned the case into an administrative case.? After defending a series of false invoices, the procuratorial organ made a relatively non prosecution decision.? In a major accident case, after fully exploring the circumstances of sentencing, the procuratorial organ finally made a decision not to prosecute.? A case of a crime of endangering public security by dangerous means, after thorough and careful excavation of details, won't be arrested by the procuratorate, and finally won't be prosecuted. ".? A bribery case involving a non-state staff member involved a huge amount of money. The qualitative defense of the case was strengthened, and the defendant was eventually suspended.? In a theft case, the amount was especially huge. Through defense, the charge was changed to occupation of duty, and the final sentence dropped significantly.? A fraud case of "unfreezing national assets" involved a huge amount of money. After the defense, the accusation became the crime of organizing and leading pyramid selling activities, and the defendant's prison term eventually dropped significantly.? A crime of helping to destroy evidence, after the investigation phase of defense, the procuratorate did not approve the arrest, and ultimately did not prosecute.? The MLM case of an organization leader, with large scale, large number of people involved and huge amount, was not prosecuted by the defense procuratorate. Representative courses: "How to discover the missing objective facts", "How to defend from the perspective of legal interpretation", "How to use common sense and common sense to defend", "The way to obtain evidence in criminal defense", "Common mistakes in criminal defense", "Defense skills in the stage of examination, approval and arrest", "Skills in handling cases of guilty plea", "The position and technology of criminal interview", "The way to attack and defend legal negotiations" Legal Document Writing Skills
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Tianjin Guosan'ao Law Firm
    Tianjin Guosanao Law Firm No. 90, Changjiang Road, Nankai District, Tianjin
    five branch

    From 73 people

    Number of helpers: 2291
    #Lawyer label: there are teams, chief lawyers, who have handled major cases, know foreign languages, have high education, have experience in consulting units, rich professional experience, experience in large-scale enterprise services, and experience in patent agency
    More> #Lawyer Profile: As the senior partner of Tianjin Guosanao Law Firm, Zhang Zixiong serves as the chief lawyer, mainly responsible for legal counsel, litigation, arbitration and other non litigation activities. In civil cases, Lawyer Zhang Zixiong has rich litigation experience in labor, work-related injuries, creditor's rights and debts, franchise, franchise, and other legal proceedings, and has a good reputation in the industry.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Lawyer for Maternal and Child Rights of Jinnan District - Lawyer of Guangdong Huashang (Tianjin) Law Firm
    Guangdong Huashang (Tianjin) Law Firm 2901 Luneng International Center, the intersection of North Water Park Road and East Water Park Road, Nankai District, Tianjin
    five branch

    From 575 people

    Number of helpers: 6474
    #Lawyer label: there are teams, chief lawyers, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Chief lawyer Wang Wusheng handles cases carefully, rigorously and meticulously, and strives for legal interests for the parties, which is well received by the parties. For the client, a small case may be a big one in his life. It is his service tenet to serve each client with a professional and dedicated attitude. Due to busy working hours, it is impossible to answer your questions on the Internet all the time due to frequent appearances in court, visits to detention centers and other case handling agencies. If the problem is urgent, it is recommended to call directly, and I hope to give you a satisfactory answer
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Tianjin Gangshan Law Firm
    Tianjin Gangshan Law Firm 1903, Block B, Wanda Plaza Office Building, Hedong District
    five branch

    From 44 people

    Number of helpers: 9999+
    #Lawyer label: team, chief lawyer, foreign-related agency experience, major case handling, high education, consultant experience, rich professional experience, hospital work experience, large enterprise service experience, patent agency experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: The case handling is serious, rigorous and meticulous, striving for the legitimate interests of the parties, which is well received by the parties. For the client, a small case may be a big one in his life. It is his service tenet to serve each client with a professional and dedicated attitude. Due to busy working hours, it is impossible to answer your questions on the Internet all the time due to frequent court appearances and visits to detention centers and other case handling agencies. If the problem is urgent, it is recommended to call directly, and I hope to give you a satisfactory answer!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Jinnan District Maternal and Child Rights Lawyer Chen Cuilu
    Tianjin Yiqing Law Firm Intersection of 23 Changjiang Road and Sudi Road, Nankai District, Tianjin
    five branch

    From 346 people

    Number of helpers: 3064
    #Lawyer label: able to speak foreign languages, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Chen Cuilu, graduated from 985 University with a master's degree, is a lawyer of Tianjin Yiqing Law Firm. Born in a legal family, his father is an old lawyer who has worked for many years. He was deeply influenced by his father and was full of awe for the lawyer industry. Lawyer Chen Cuilu has a solid theoretical foundation in law and works conscientiously and responsibly. His expertise includes but is not limited to various civil and commercial cases such as marriage and family, contract disputes, creditor's rights and debts, property disputes, etc. Most of the hundreds of cases he has acted for have been settled by winning or mediation, which has safeguarded the interests of the parties to the greatest extent and is highly praised by the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
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Tianjin Lawyer Lawyer of Jinnan District Lawyer for Maternal and Child Rights of Jinnan District
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