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Hello, if you are an accomplice in it, you can get a separate guarantee
#Latest Hubei Wuhan



Hello! Tell me the details of the case
From question: criminal case?
#Latest Hubei Wuhan



How much property do you need to consult
#Latest Hubei Wuhan



Hello, you can tell me the details here, and I will try my best to protect your legitimate rights and interests.
#Latest Hubei Wuhan



How much property do you need to consult
#Marriage and family Hubei Wuhan



Hello, you can tell me the details here, and I will try my best to protect your legitimate rights and interests.
#Marriage and family Hubei Wuhan



Hello, you can get it back. Do you need to sue
#Marriage and family Hubei Wuhan



Hello, can you tell me what you want to ask about divorce?
From question: Divorce?
#Marriage and family Hubei Wuhan



Hello, if you are an accomplice in it, you can get a separate guarantee
#Criminal defence Hubei Wuhan



Hello! Tell me the details of the case
From question: criminal case?
#Criminal defence Hubei Wuhan



Hello, yes, please go ahead
#Criminal defence Hubei Wuhan



Hello, I'll call you right away
#Traffic accident Hubei Wuhan



Hello, a professional legal adviser will contact you later to keep the phone open
#Traffic accident Hubei Wuhan



Hello, has the responsibility for the accident been divided
#Traffic accident Hubei Wuhan



Where did the accident happen Is the accident serious Did you call the police? Did you get the certificate of responsibility for the accident
From question: traffic accident?
#Traffic accident Hubei Wuhan



Why use your card to transfer money? Be careful that your card becomes a criminal tool
#Creditor's rights and debts Hubei Wuhan



If you don't change your money, you should sue immediately
#Creditor's rights and debts Hubei Wuhan



Hello, I'll call you right away
#Creditor's rights and debts Hubei Wuhan



Hello, what's your question
From question: Hello!
#Creditor's rights and debts Hubei Wuhan



Hello, what contract disputes need to be resolved
#Contract affairs Hubei Wuhan



It mainly involves the management of company seals, and there is no clear limit on the number of contract seals in law
#Contract affairs Hubei Wuhan



20% is the proportion that the law stipulates to apply the deposit penalty.
#Contract affairs Hubei Wuhan



Hello. What's the specific situation
From question: Where are you?
#Damages Hubei Wuhan



How big? Was it intentional or negligent?
#Damages Hubei Wuhan



Hello, it is generally a level 9 or 10 disability
#Damages Hubei Wuhan



Hello, do you need a lawyer to help you sue for compensation?
#Damages Hubei Wuhan
 Ma Shangyu, lawyer of Jiang'an District
Specially invited lawyer of Jiang'an District: Ma Shangyu
Online consultation
marriage and family criminal defense Labor disputes traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts
  • When buying a house after marriage, even if the property certificate indicates that it is owned separately, if there is no written agreement between husband and wife, it is usually regarded as joint property, and both parties enjoy half of the rights and interests. The property ownership certificate indicates "single ownership" to prevent adding co owners without permission. If not specified, it shall belong to the registered person.
    2024-06-28 16:48:00 Number of helpers: 1585
  • During the love period, the man gives the woman financial support, and generally has no right to ask for return after breaking up, because this is regarded as the love expense. However, if it is a huge amount of property or betrothal gifts with marriage symbolic significance, the man has the right to claim the return according to law. The specific situation shall be judged according to laws and regulations.
    2024-06-28 16:48:00 Number of helpers: 1584
  • According to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the illegitimate children born in junior high school have the same inheritance rights as the legitimate children, and can participate in the division of the estate as the first legal heir. However, if there is testamentary succession, the court will usually give priority to testamentary succession. Therefore, illegitimate children have the right to divide the husband's property, but the specific situation needs to be judged according to the content of the will and the legal provisions.
    2024-06-28 16:42:00 Number of helpers: 1510
  • The second marriage has no common children, and your husband died due to a work accident, so you have the right of inheritance. The husband's children can inherit their part of the estate, but have no right to inherit your personal assets. If a stepchild forms a custody relationship with the decedent, he or she has the corresponding right of inheritance.
    2024-06-28 16:42:00 Number of helpers: 1347
  • If you collect fireworks and firecrackers without permission and violate the public security regulations, you will be punished by law. Generally, violators will be detained for 10 to 15 days, and those with minor circumstances will be detained for 5 to 10 days. If it constitutes a crime of illegal operation, it will face a fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the illegal gains; If the circumstances are serious, he/she will be sentenced to more than 5 years' imprisonment, a fine or confiscation of property.
    2024-06-28 16:57:00 Number of helpers: 1479
  • Criminal detention does not necessarily lead to punishment. Sentencing should meet the requirements of investigating criminal responsibility and the situation that criminal punishment cannot be exempted. Interrogation must be conducted within 24 hours after detention, and improper detention must be released immediately; If the procuratorate does not approve arrest, he must also be released; Criminal responsibility shall be investigated after the evidence is conclusive and the arrest is approved by the procuratorate. If detention is a criminal punishment or administrative punishment, it shall be kept at the end of the case, and if released without guilt, it shall not be kept. If the evidence is conclusive, the public security will request the procuratorate to review the arrest, and the court will determine the crime and keep the case, otherwise, the release will not keep the case.
    2024-06-28 16:57:00 Number of helpers: 1708
  • Criminal detention is a compulsory measure in the Criminal Procedure Law, which aims to restrict the free movement of suspected criminals. The process includes four links: case filing and investigation, arrest approval, review and prosecution, and court hearing. At the stage of case filing and investigation, the public security organ conducts in-depth investigation and evidence collection; In the process of approving arrest, the procuratorate decides whether to approve arrest according to the evidence; In the stage of examination and prosecution, the procuratorate decides whether to prosecute after reviewing the evidence; At last, the court heard the case comprehensively, clarified the charges and judged the criminal responsibility.
    2024-06-28 16:54:00 Number of helpers: 1279
  • After being arrested for prostitution, his boyfriend usually has the right to visit, but the specific situation depends on the local laws and regulations and the provisions of the detention center. Administrative detention is a kind of administrative punishment that restricts personal freedom, mainly for those who violate administrative regulations but have not yet committed a crime. During the period of detention, relatives and friends of the detainee usually have the right to visit, but may be subject to certain rules and procedures. It is recommended to consult local lawyers or relevant institutions for more detailed and accurate information.
    2024-06-28 16:54:00 Number of helpers: 1270
  • If the employer fails to implement the labor arbitration award, the victim may apply to the court for enforcement. If the arbitration tribunal considers that the award is unenforceable, both parties can re arbitrate according to the written arbitration agreement, and if not, they can directly sue. However, if the court considers that the execution violates the public interest, it will not execute. If one party fails to perform the award of an arbitration institution established according to law, the other party may apply to the court with jurisdiction for enforcement.
    2024-06-28 17:00:00 Number of helpers: 1977
  • According to the regulations, the working years of employees are calculated by year. Working in the same unit for more than one year is one year's length of service, and less than one year is converted according to the actual number of months. When calculating economic compensation, pension insurance, etc., it is necessary to convert the working years into months. More than six months are counted as one year, and less than six months are counted as half a year. This calculation method ensures the accurate protection of employees' rights and interests.
    2024-06-28 16:54:00 Number of helpers: 1568
  • When a pregnant woman is dismissed, she should usually pay 2n plus three periods of salary as compensation. According to relevant laws and regulations, employers shall not reduce wages or dismiss female employees due to pregnancy, childbirth or breast-feeding. However, if the pregnant woman needs to be dismissed for legal reasons, the employer shall pay corresponding compensation. In any situation where compensation is required to be paid, the employer shall timely and accurately pay it. In a word, employers shall not reduce wages or dismiss female employees due to pregnancy or other reasons.
    2024-06-28 16:51:00 Number of helpers: 1132
  • When the contract expired, the company refused to renew it, but the employee was still months away from statutory retirement. From a legal point of view, the company has the right to decide whether to renew the contract, but should pay economic compensation. When the contract expires, the labor relationship will naturally terminate. Both parties shall negotiate for renewal on an equal, voluntary and fair basis. Both the employee and the company have the right to decide whether to continue the labor contract.
    2024-06-28 16:39:00 Number of helpers: 1767
  • When handling traffic accident litigation cases, it must be noted that both family members and victims have the right to participate in the hearing. However, according to the judicial procedure, the parties do not have to attend the trial in person. They can choose to be represented by a lawyer. This is because traffic accident litigation is a civil case, and the parties do not have to appear in court in person. Therefore, during the trial, family members and the injured can choose whether to participate or not according to their own conditions, or participate through lawyer representatives.
    2024-06-28 16:48:00 Number of helpers: 1785
  • Driving a vehicle without a driver's license will be severely punished by law if it causes a traffic accident and evades responsibility. If the circumstances are relatively minor, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall impose a fine of 200 yuan to 2000 yuan, and may detain for less than 15 days; If it constitutes a traffic accident crime, it will face 3 to 7 years of imprisonment; If escape causes death, it may be sentenced to more than 7 years of imprisonment.
    2024-06-28 16:36:00 Number of helpers: 1667
  • When the driver drives a motor vehicle and causes the death of another person, the compensation obligor shall pay medical expenses, work loss compensation, funeral expenses, living expenses of the supported person, death compensation, etc. In addition, it is also necessary to pay for the transportation, residence and missed work expenses of the bereavement of the family members. The amount of compensation is determined by the court according to the facts and legal provisions of the case, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan.
    2024-06-28 16:36:00 Number of helpers: 1569
  • Drunken driving may face severe punishment of lifelong driving ban if it causes serious injuries. But this mainly depends on whether the accident constitutes a major crime. Drunken drivers are usually prohibited from obtaining a new license for five years. Therefore, drivers must strictly abide by the traffic rules, avoid drunk driving, and ensure the safety of themselves and others. Drunken driving not only endangers oneself, but also may cause irreversible harm to innocent people. Everyone is responsible for complying with traffic regulations.
    2024-06-28 16:36:00 Number of helpers: 1722
  • Faced with poverty and unable to repay the online loan, it is necessary to actively communicate with the loan institution to seek a plan for extension or installment repayment. If the other party adopts legal means, be sure to be fully prepared to answer the lawsuit. If the lender loses the lawsuit and fails to fulfill the court judgment, it can apply for enforcement, and the court will check and verify the borrower's property. If there is no effective enforcement target and the judge refuses to comply with the judgment, the bad record will be included in personal credit and may be subject to multiple sanctions, such as consumption restriction, prohibition of going abroad, and even judicial detention.
    2024-06-28 17:00:00 Number of helpers: 1631
  • The credit card is overdue and unpaid, the late fees and interest are accumulated, and the financial burden is increased. The credit record is damaged, which affects the credit qualification, and the loan, card application and rental are blocked. If it is overdue for three years, it will face legal risks and the property may be frozen. Coping strategy: learn about debts, formulate repayment plans, seek professional assistance, strengthen financial management, and avoid falling into trouble again.
    2024-06-28 16:57:00 Number of helpers: 1844
  • Overdue repayment will face the consequences of high interest burden, legal risk, credit damage and possible violation of criminal law. The bank usually provides the minimum repayment limit to avoid late fees and credit damage, but it needs to pay the daily interest rate of 5%. Although it can alleviate short-term pressure, the compound interest effect may cause inconvenience, and it is only applicable to temporary fund shortage.
    2024-06-28 16:57:00 Number of helpers: 1777
  • If the amount of credit card bills owed by the cardholder reaches 10000 yuan or more, the bank can file a lawsuit according to law. If there is malicious overdraft, such as excessive overdraft for the purpose of illegal possession, and the overdraft has not been returned for more than three months after the card issuing bank has collected it twice, it may violate the crime of credit card fraud and face criminal liability. However, if the overdraft funds and interest can be fully repaid before the public security organ files the case, and the circumstances are minor, lenient treatment may be obtained for lightening or exempting criminal responsibility.
    2024-06-28 16:57:00 Number of helpers: 1827
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 Ma Shangyu, lawyer of Jiang'an District
Hello! I'm Ma Shangyu, a lawyer from Jiang'an District. I can always have legal problems Consult me