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Jiangxi Lawyer Jian Lawyer Ji'an foreign lawyer
  • When the visa page of an ordinary passport is about to expire or the validity period does not meet the requirements of the country, even if it is less than six months or just after six months, the applicant has the right to apply for a new passport as long as his fingers are healthy and can carry out fingerprint collection. The expiration of the original passport does not affect the re application. #Foreign expertise 1000 readings
  • When investing in intangible assets, the following key points should be paid attention to: First, when the SME sector is listed, the proportion of intangible assets should not exceed 20% of net assets; The second is to conduct fair asset evaluation, which may require the intervention of a notary institution; Third, intangible assets must be monetized and transferable, and non economic factors must be excluded from capital contributions; Fourth, technology transfer needs to be legal, taking into account the duration of patent rights and copyrights, licensing and its impact on the company; Pay attention to economic benefits and prudent pricing during evaluation; Always comply with regulations to ensure investment process compliance. #Foreign expertise 1074 readings
  • The operation of road occupation in cities violates the Regulations on the Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation, which shows that the operators occupy streets, bridges and squares for profitable transactions without permission. The regulations prohibit unauthorized large-scale outdoor advertisements, illegal accumulation of materials or construction facilities, and unauthorized removal of environmental sanitation facilities. Such acts will be compulsorily cleaned up by the city appearance and environmental sanitation department of the city people's government, and the serious ones will face fines. Any unauthorized activity of this kind is illegal. #Foreign expertise 1453 readings
  • Chinese law defines smuggling as: illegally carrying contraband and restricted import and export goods at non customs points without approval; Evading customs supervision through fraud; Forge value to avoid tax; Buying and selling bonded or special preferential goods without authorization; Selling preferential imported goods or transferring them without permission; Illegally buying goods from smugglers; Transporting prohibited and restricted goods in inland waters without certification. These acts constitute violations of the law. #Foreign expertise 1220 readings
  • The crime of illegal business mainly aims at the market order, involving the unauthorized import and export license and exclusive goods trading. The subject includes qualified individuals and enterprises and institutions over the age of 8 who have the ability to take responsibility, and acts that intentionally violate the law and pursue illegal interests constitute crimes. Article 225 of the Criminal Law lists the prohibited acts in detail, such as illegal operation of monopoly products, trading licenses, illegal financial business, etc. If the circumstances are serious, they can be sentenced to less than 5 years and fined; if the circumstances are serious, the sentence is longer and property may be confiscated. Those who unintentionally violate the law shall be treated as administrative violations. #Foreign expertise 951 readings
  • For foreign-related divorce, you need to prepare: personal household register, ID card, marriage certificate, divorce agreement (including 2 2-inch color photos) and "divorce registration application statement" form. For divorce proceedings, the original ID card shall be returned to the court for verification; Marriage certificate and marital status certificate; List of the property jointly owned by the husband and wife and possible detailed evidence; If there are children, provide birth certificate and household register. #Foreign expertise 1181 readings
  • Chinese laws recognize marriages legally registered overseas on the premise that such acts do not violate the Constitution or affect the civil code and social public interests. To obtain a local marriage certificate, make sure there is no conflict. The use of overseas marriage certificates requires notarization and certification. If you want to divorce in China, you need to file a lawsuit with the court and attach a notarized foreign marriage certificate. #Foreign expertise 1497 readings
  • There are essential differences between monopoly and unfair competition: the monopoly subject usually has a strong economy, resulting in no competition or low competition in the market; The main body of unfair competition is not limited to this, and its influence focuses on short-term windfall profits and weakening rivals. Monopoly may be covered up by seemingly fair transactions, while unfair competition will openly use illegal means such as fraud and bribery. #Foreign expertise 1396 readings
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