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Hubei Lawyer Lawyer Huang Gang Huanggang Administrative Lawyer
  • For the administrative punishment of fighting and affray, under mild circumstances, minor acts will face up to five days of detention and a fine of 500 yuan; If the violence escalates, the detention period will be increased to five to ten days, and the fine will be increased to 200 to 500 yuan; If large-scale fights, disabled persons or special groups (pregnant women, minors) are involved, the punishment will be aggravated, and the detention will be more than 15 days, and a fine of 500 to 1000 yuan will be imposed. #Administrative 821 readings
  • The Administrative Punishment Law of China stipulates that ordinary enterprises have no administrative law enforcement power and cannot impose fines on employees for their violations. It is illegal for any enterprise to impose fines on employees who violate the law, which goes beyond the authority granted by the law and violates the spirit of the law. Therefore, there is a lack of legal support for the appeal to revoke such fines. #Administrative 1370 readings
  • Administrative detention is a short-term administrative punishment imposed by the public security department according to laws and regulations on individuals who violate the law but fail to meet the criminal standards, which is more strict than other methods. It is applicable to serious violations of public security management, invalid warnings and fines. When it is found that the personal freedom needs to be further restricted due to criminal offences, it can be transferred to criminal detention. #Administrative 957 readings
  • For the administrative punishment of fighting and affray, under mild circumstances, minor acts will face up to five days of detention and a fine of 500 yuan; If the violence escalates, the detention period will be increased to five to ten days, and the fine will be increased to 200 to 500 yuan; If large-scale fights, disabled persons or special groups (pregnant women, minors) are involved, the punishment will be aggravated, and the detention will be more than 15 days, and a fine of 500 to 1000 yuan will be imposed. #Administrative 1242 readings
  • The Administrative Punishment Law of China stipulates that ordinary enterprises have no administrative law enforcement power and cannot impose fines on employees for their violations. It is illegal for any enterprise to impose fines on employees who violate the law, which goes beyond the authority granted by the law and violates the spirit of the law. Therefore, there is a lack of legal support for the appeal to revoke such fines. #Administrative 1229 readings
  • Administrative detention is a short-term administrative punishment imposed by the public security department according to laws and regulations on individuals who violate the law but fail to meet the criminal standards, which is more stringent than other methods. It is applicable to serious violations of public security management, invalid warnings and fines. When it is found that the personal freedom needs to be further restricted due to criminal offences, it can be transferred to criminal detention. #Administrative 801 readings
  • According to Article 70 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, if you provide convenience for gambling or participate in gambling activities with huge gambling funds, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, you may be detained for less than five days or fined less than 500 yuan, or detained for 10 to 15 days and fined 500 to 3000 yuan. Gambling up to hundreds of thousands of yuan may be regarded as a serious case. The specific punishment shall be determined by the circumstances of the case and the ruling of the judicial organ. #Administrative 1402 readings
  • According to Article 99 of the Road Traffic Safety Law, driving without a driver's license is illegal and will be fined by the traffic management department, and may also be subject to administrative detention of less than 15 days under certain circumstances. This is an administrative compulsory measure in the administrative management of the public security organ, which is different from the criminal detention in criminal proceedings. The latter is a measure taken by the public security organ and the procuratorate law in accordance with the law to prevent suspects from evading investigation. Therefore, the detention caused by driving without a license is administrative detention rather than criminal detention. #Administrative 1246 readings
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