Triple certification process

1. Apply for certification on the legal chart platform

2. After carefully reading the lawyer's triple service agreement, enter the lawyer's triple certification

3. Triple certification

(1) Real name authentication: fill in the ID card number and real name correctly, submit the photos on the front and back of your ID card, and the customer service will conduct the real name authentication after passing the review;

(2) Practicing certification: submit your license photo, and confirm that the license information you filled in is consistent with the information on the photo. The customer service will review it, and the practice certification will be carried out after it is passed;

(3) Platform authentication: after real name authentication and practice authentication, you can choose whether to participate in the platform authentication, pay a certain authentication fee on the platform, and enjoy a one-year lawyer service on the platform;

Advantages of applying for certification:

1. Can become a certified lawyer, accept the appointment of the client, and enjoy the service of recommending cases on the platform,

2. They can fill in their own information more comprehensively, and show their bright spots in front of the parties,

3. More professional personal page display, improve the credit rating, and gain the trust of the parties.

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