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  •  Contract lawyer of Haishu District Zhou Linhang
    Zhejiang Jingheng (Ningbo) Law Firm Floor 29, Building 3, Greenland Center, No. 199, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District
    five branch

    Comments from 188 people

    Number of helpers: 9999+
    #Lawyer label: team player, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer introduction: It is convenient to meet at Jian'ao Village, Qinyuan Street, Tangcun Village and Wuyishan Road. Implement standardized, tangible and team based criminal defense/civil agency, and provide a variety of cost-effective solutions according to the different needs of clients. It has obtained several cases of obtaining guarantees, not approving arrests, not prosecuting, suspended sentences, commuted sentences, and terminating investigations. Ningbo has been practicing for many years, handling cases all over the country, and is online from time to time, with detailed consultation available for payment.
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Ningbo Lawyer Haishu District Lawyer Contract lawyer of Haishu District
  • Note to students: The limitation of action for the performance of the contract is up to three years, starting from the date when the obligee knows about the damage to the rights and interests and the obligor. After this time limit, the court will no longer provide protection even if it claims rights. Therefore, please be sure to exercise the right of claim within the statutory limitation to protect legitimate rights and interests, and the court will force the obligor to perform its responsibilities according to law. #Contract affairs 1026 readings
  • A contract that does not expressly provide for breach of contract has legal effect since it is signed. As long as the contract is legal, other parts of the contract are still valid even if there is no liability for breach of contract clause. The liability for breach of contract is not a necessary condition for the effectiveness of the contract, and the damages shall be based on the actual breach of contract, not affected by the absence of this clause. #Contract affairs 1054 readings
  • If a lease agreement is signed by a person who has no right to dispose of it, its effectiveness is usually undetermined, and it can only be effective after being approved by the person who has the right to dispose of it. Without permission, the property of others shall not be disposed of without authorization, otherwise the agreement will be invalid and the liability for compensation shall be borne. The lease agreement will have legal effect only after it is approved or temporary agency ownership is obtained. #Contract affairs 1397 readings
  • The validity of the contract is based on equality, voluntariness and true consensus. Participants must have civil capacity and be free from fraud or improper interference when signing. The contents of the contract shall not violate the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations and public order and good customs. Only when these conditions are complete can the contract be considered legal and valid. #Contract affairs 1090 readings
  • The project seal cannot be used to sign the lease contract because it is not a legal entity and has no independent civil liability capacity. The project chapter lacks legal effect and cannot represent the company's decision-making. The correct way is to use the special seal for contract or the official seal of the company. A contract shall not be deemed to be officially effective until it is signed and sealed by all parties concerned, in accordance with the law. #Contract affairs 1059 readings
  • The dispute over compensation for breach of contract belongs to the civil category, and the limitation of action of the Civil Code applies. The limitation of action for disputes over liquidated damages is three years, which shall not exceed three years from the date when the obligee finds that the rights and interests are damaged and confirms the obligor. Under special circumstances, if there are special provisions in the law or the loss is discovered after 20 years, judicial protection may be lost. #Contract affairs 1451 readings
  • In case of contract disputes, if there is no consensus, legal proceedings can be taken to pursue liabilities; The person subjected to execution may apply for compulsory execution for serious breach of contract. The liability for breach of contract is not limited to the express contract, and both contractual agreements and legal acquiescence are applicable. Whether specified in the contract or not, the breach of contract shall bear the corresponding legal consequences, including the responsibility for acts or omissions. #Contract affairs 1004 readings
  • An effective commercial legal act requires the actor to have the capacity to act, express his true intention, and not violate the legal provisions and public order and good customs. For revocable cases, they mainly include commercial acts caused by major misunderstanding, fraud, coercion or apparent unfairness. Although these acts have been established, they can still be revoked according to law upon the application of the parties under specific conditions. #Contract affairs 1150 readings
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