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  •  Guyuan Marriage and Family Lawyer Qi Ying
    Ningxia Yanzhuo Law Firm Business Room 5, Zhongbo Jiatianxia, New Area
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    From 25 people

    Number of helpers: 770
    #Lawyer label: highly educated, experienced in consulting unit, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Partner of Ningxia Yanzhuo Law Firm. During his practice, he handled a number of civil and criminal cases. He is good at marriage and family, traffic accidents, creditor's rights and debts, corporate affairs, bankruptcy cases and other cases.
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Ningxia Lawyer Guyuan Lawyer Guyuan Marriage and Family Lawyer
  • During divorce, if the relationship is broken due to the spouse's improper behavior, the innocent party has the right to request compensation for property losses, aiming to protect the victim and punish bad behavior. Specific performance: illegal cohabitation may lead to divorce judgment, economic compensation (including mental and property losses) and criminal liability, which may be used by the court as a divorce judgment factor. This is not only the protection of the rights and interests of victims, but also has the role of legal sanctions. #Marriage and family 1460 readings
  • When the guardian violates his/her obligations or infringes upon his/her rights, the relevant right subject may file a lawsuit, and the court will determine his/her civil legal liability. The hearing is divided into ordinary procedures (dealing with legal liabilities) and special procedures (changing custody). When both are involved, the responsibility determination and guardianship change will be reviewed separately. #Marriage and family 1215 readings
  • As a compound judicial procedure, divorce proceedings aim to solve many problems after marriage breakdown, including dissolution of marriage, distribution of custody and division of property. The focus of litigation is property and custody, and the core rights and interests of marriage and family are dealt with in an integrated manner. The parties can only claim for divorce, without having to apply for property division at the same time, so as to protect their right of selective litigation, which reflects full respect for the plaintiff's rights and interests. #Marriage and family 1370 readings
  • At the time of divorce, the custody of children is not only judged by extramarital love. If there is no consensus, the judicial authority will make a decision. Children under the age of two usually belong to their mothers. However, if one of the parents has sterilization, adaptability to the growth of the children, no other children, is beneficial to the development of the children, but has their own health or upbringing obstacles, grandparents are willing and able to help, they may obtain custody. Both parties agree to take turns to raise children, which is also protected by law, in order to protect the rights and interests of minors. #Marriage and family 1113 readings
  • According to the Civil Code of China, children are awarded to their mothers for custody during the lactation period after divorce; If there is a dispute about the ownership of custody after the child has reached the age of two, the court will consider the child's rights and interests and the actual situation of both parties. The priority of custody may be given to: those who are unable to bear children, those who have a negative impact on the growth of their children, those who have infectious diseases or serious diseases, those who are not conducive to the physical and mental development of their children, and parents who need to raise no other children alone. Both parties can also negotiate to support the child in turn to maximize the protection of the child's interests. #Marriage and family 890 readings
  • The Civil Code stipulates that alimony includes living expenses, education expenses and medical expenses, and the amount is determined according to the parents' income, children's needs and local living standards: for those with stable income, alimony accounts for 20% - 30% of the monthly income, and can be appropriately increased but not more than 50% for those caring for more children; Those without fixed income refer to the total annual income or industry average. In special circumstances, such as special educational needs or parents' inability to afford, alimony may be adjusted. The legal obligation to support the child is up to the age of 18. However, if the child is still receiving education at the age of 18 and has no ability to live independently, the parents still have the financial ability to continue to pay. #Marriage and family 1496 readings
  • When the divorce mediation statement or judgment clearly indicates that one party with custody has the right to claim maintenance fees, it can directly apply to the court for enforcement, such as proving the other party's obligations through agreement or litigation. If the other party fails to perform, the supporting party can apply for compulsory execution according to law. The court judgment has legal effect, and those who refuse to perform will face compulsory execution. #Marriage and family 1223 readings
  • The amount of child support fee shall be determined in consideration of the actual needs of children, parents' economic ability and regional living standards. For those with stable income, 20% - 30% of the monthly income shall be paid; With more than two children, the burden can be increased appropriately, but not more than 50%. If there is no fixed income, the total income of the current year or the average income of the industry shall be referred to and the corresponding proportion shall be adopted for calculation. #Marriage and family 1498 readings
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