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Hello, have you received the detention notice? Probably less than three years
#Latest Jiangsu Suzhou



Only those who collect evidence to sue the other party for divorce, this is the fastest operation. Contact and handle the specific situation
#Latest Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Latest Jiangsu Suzhou



Can you tell me the details of the case
From question: Sue for divorce?
#Latest Jiangsu Suzhou



Only those who collect evidence to sue the other party for divorce, this is the fastest operation. Contact and handle the specific situation
#Marriage and family Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Marriage and family Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, you can contact my lawyer
#Marriage and family Jiangsu Suzhou



If you can strive for the ownership of child custody, please contact us for details
#Marriage and family Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, have you received the detention notice? Probably less than three years
#Criminal defence Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, you can fight for it. If you need criminal defense, you can contact my lawyer
#Criminal defence Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Criminal defence Jiangsu Suzhou



The amount of theft is huge, and it is difficult to obtain a guarantor pending trial. If we get an understanding, we can fight for the opportunity of probation. Contact and handle the specific situation
#Criminal defence Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Traffic accident Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, how is the responsibility divided
#Traffic accident Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, let me tell you the details.
#Traffic accident Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, how many levels of disability, and how to classify the accident responsibility
#Traffic accident Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Creditor's rights and debts Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Creditor's rights and debts Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Creditor's rights and debts Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, can you tell us the details of the case
#Creditor's rights and debts Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, have you solved the problem?
#Contract affairs Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello. Has the problem been solved?
#Contract affairs Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello. Has the problem been solved?
#Contract affairs Jiangsu Suzhou



Which side are you from? Professional legal representatives can be entrusted to defend
#Damages Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, how much is the case amount involved? Still need further detailed communication
From question: Ask you some questions?
#Damages Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, your situation can be further understood
#Damages Jiangsu Suzhou



Hello, can you tell me the details of the case
#Damages Jiangsu Suzhou
 Zhu Yalong, lawyer of Gusu District
Specially invited lawyer of Gusu District: Zhu Yalong
Online consultation
marriage and family criminal defense Labor disputes traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts
  • If parents are partial and refuse to distribute the inheritance, but still require their children to bear the responsibility of providing for the elderly, this needs to consider the legal provisions. Generally, children have the obligation to support their parents, which is not exempted by giving up inheritance or changing their parents' marital status. If a child fails to perform his/her duty of maintenance when he/she has the ability and conditions, he/she may consider not sharing or less of his/her inheritance as punishment when distributing the inheritance. However, the specific situation should be determined according to the relevant legal provisions and judicial practice.
    2024-06-28 12:51:00 Number of helpers: 1854
  • It usually takes about half a year to apply for divorce, including the trial of ordinary divorce cases (6 months, which can be extended for 3 months) and simple divorce cases (3 months). After submitting the petition, the court shall decide whether to accept it or not within 7 days. As long as the content of the petition is clear and meets the requirements of jurisdiction, the court can file the case for trial.
    2024-06-28 12:51:00 Number of helpers: 1043
  • The procedure of property preservation in litigation divorce is: submit an application for preservation, provide property clues, and provide guarantees to the court of appeal before litigation, and the court will make a ruling within 48 hours. The ruling will be implemented immediately after the ruling, and the parties can review once without affecting the execution. The preservation may be terminated due to the provision of guarantee or failure to sue until the effective legal documents have been executed. The parties shall provide property clues and guarantees, and the court shall rule according to the conditions. The same applies to the effective and execution stages of the judgment.
    2024-06-28 12:48:00 Number of helpers: 1111
  • It is a complex problem to deal with and inherit the property right free housing heritage. The property ownership determines the possibility of inheritance. For example, the property with right of use should follow relevant policies. Only the right of use can be inherited, such as the central delivery room and military delivery room, but the shared right of use often causes disputes. Public rental houses cannot be inherited. Rural homestead and its housing inheritance are limited by collective membership and the principle of "one family, one house". To deal with these problems, we need to take into account the policy, law and actual situation.
    2024-06-28 12:48:00 Number of helpers: 1350
  • Minors enjoy the right of commutation in judicial practice. According to the Criminal Law of China, if the criminal suspect is a minor who has reached the age of 14, the criminal punishment can be mitigated, mitigated or exempted according to the actual situation, which reflects the special protection for minors.
    2024-06-28 13:00:00 Number of helpers: 1908
  • The professional quality of lawyers in dealing with criminal cases is reflected in: receiving consultation from the parties and handling entrustment procedures, comprehensively meeting with the parties to understand the case and record it, carefully consulting and copying relevant materials, actively collecting favorable evidence, and finally submitting targeted defense opinions in the court trial. These steps demonstrate the professional competence and sense of responsibility of lawyers.
    2024-06-28 13:00:00 Number of helpers: 1696
  • Misappropriating 600000 yuan and failing to repay, there is indeed a risk of litigation. Although credit card arrears usually only involve civil disputes and will not lead to imprisonment, they still need to pay overdue interest and bear liability for breach of contract. The borrower can apply for extension of repayment before maturity, but the lender's approval is required. Please seek legal solutions as soon as possible.
    2024-06-28 12:54:00 Number of helpers: 1458
  • The age of criminal responsibility for the crime of indecency against children is prescribed by law. According to Article 237 of the Criminal Law, if the criminal who acts indecently against children has reached the age of 16 and is capable of criminal responsibility, he can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than 5 years; If the circumstances are serious, the sentencing standard is more than 5 years of fixed-term imprisonment. As for the victims, if the children are under 14 years old, they can also be judged to constitute the crime of child molestation.
    2024-06-28 12:54:00 Number of helpers: 1057
  • Countermeasures for the difficult problem of service of labor arbitration legal documents: when the service is blocked, you can choose to publish a notice for service in accordance with the law. The service is deemed to be completed 30 days from the date of the notice, and the reason and process of service are recorded. After the service is completed, if the parties do not file a lawsuit to the court within 15 days, the labor arbitration award will become effective and legally binding.
    2024-06-28 12:57:00 Number of helpers: 1135
  • If an employer dismisses a worker without reason, it shall pay compensation twice the economic compensation standard. The calculation basis is the actual number of years the worker has worked in the unit, and the compensation of one month's salary shall be paid for each full year. The monthly salary refers to the average salary of the twelve months prior to the termination or rescission of the contract.
    2024-06-28 12:57:00 Number of helpers: 1188
  • The medical treatment period refers to the period during which an enterprise employee needs to suspend work for treatment due to illness or non work injury, during which the labor contract cannot be terminated. The specific provisions are as follows: for employees who have worked less than ten years and have served in the enterprise for less than five years, the medical treatment period is three months; Six months for more than five years. Employees who have worked for more than ten years have six months of service under five years, nine months from five to ten years, twelve months from ten to fifteen years, eighteen months from fifteen to twenty years, and twenty-four months from twenty to twenty years.
    2024-06-28 12:54:00 Number of helpers: 1326
  • When the contract is terminated, the salary compensation is usually calculated based on the length of service. One month's salary is paid as compensation after one year. If it is more than half a year but less than one year, it is also calculated as one year. If it is less than six months, half a month's salary is paid. If the company dismisses employees in violation of the law, they can get double compensation. However, the total amount of compensation shall not exceed the average salary of 12 months. Proper settlement is subject to these regulations.
    2024-06-28 12:54:00 Number of helpers: 1657
  • The determination of the company's liability for vehicle traffic accidents depends on the situation. If the accident involves company vehicles, it is usually considered that employees are performing their duties. The employer shall bear the responsibility for any damage caused to others by employees' performance of official duties. However, if the driver is in fault, the company can claim compensation from the driver after making compensation in advance.
    2024-06-28 12:54:00 Number of helpers: 1286
  • Responsibility analysis of motor vehicle collision accidents: full responsibility of electric vehicles. The authoritative report shows that both parties should bear the same responsibility, and the economic losses should be shared fairly according to the law. For traffic accidents, the party at fault shall bear the main compensation; If both parties are at fault, they shall share the responsibility according to the size of the fault. Under the same liability, each party shall bear 50% of the compensation liability.
    2024-06-28 12:48:00 Number of helpers: 1609
  • If an employee violates the law due to drunk driving, the company will deal with it according to law and may terminate the labor contract with him/her. As drunken driving involves criminal offences, employees shall bear criminal liabilities, including short-term imprisonment, fine and not be allowed to obtain driving qualification again within five years. The company attaches importance to the code of conduct of employees and resolutely maintains public safety and social moral order.
    2024-06-28 12:42:00 Number of helpers: 1867
  • If the owner is fully responsible for the electric vehicle accident, the compensation method is as follows: if the electric vehicle is regarded as a motor vehicle, it shall bear all the damages and property losses; If it is regarded as a non motor vehicle, the owner shall bear more than 90% of the compensation liability, and the motor vehicle shall bear less than 10%. Compensation shall comply with relevant laws and regulations.
    2024-06-28 12:39:00 Number of helpers: 1846
  • The procedures of property preservation in private lending include providing clues to the preserved property and applying to the court for preservation. In case of emergency, interested parties can apply for preservation measures to the people's court with jurisdiction at the place where the property is located, the place where the respondent or the applicant is domiciled, or the place where the applicant is domiciled to avoid losses before litigation or arbitration.
    2024-06-28 12:54:00 Number of helpers: 1653
  • 1. If you fail to repay the arrears in time due to negligence, you should take the initiative to contact the bank and bring your certificate to apply for eliminating the overdue records. 2. If it is overdue due to unemployment, illness and other irresistible reasons, explain the situation to the bank customer service before the expiration. 3. If the card is used continuously and repaid on time within two years after overdue, good records can dilute bad records. 4. If the overdue period is caused by non subjective fault, you can contact the bank customer service and provide proof to issue a "non malicious overdue statement". 5. The overdue record will be automatically deleted from the credit data after five years of proper handling and good credit investigation.
    2024-06-28 12:51:00 Number of helpers: 1125
  • The repayment period of credit card varies from bank to bank. The interest free period starts from the consumption date, and the due repayment date is the last interest free date, and interest and overdue fine shall be paid if overdue. For example, ICBC's repayment date is the 25th of the next month, and the interest free period is up to 56 days; The repayment date of CCB is the 20th day after the billing date; ABC is the 25th day after the billing date; CMB is the 18th day after the billing date.
    2024-06-28 12:48:00 Number of helpers: 1703
  • When the house auction fund is insufficient to repay the debt, the remaining property shall be used as compensation. If the person subjected to execution has no enforceable property, the court will suspend the execution and resume the execution after he has property. In this case, the creditor may need to accept partial repayment or seek debt settlement through other means. It is important that the judicial process be carried out in accordance with the law to ensure fairness and transparency in order to safeguard the rights and interests of all parties.
    2024-06-28 12:45:00 Number of helpers: 1487
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 Zhu Yalong, lawyer of Gusu District
Hello! I'm Zhu Yalong, a lawyer in Gusu District. I can always have legal problems Consult me