Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Guizhou Lawyer > Guiyang Lawyer > Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer
  •  Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer - Yue Jie
    Guizhou Wentai Law Firm Guiyang, Guizhou
    five branch

    Comments from 18 people

    Number of helpers: 463
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Specialized in criminal and civil affairs, he is now a full-time lawyer of Guizhou Wentai Law Firm. He has successively served as legal counsel for private enterprises such as Guizhou Dejiang Sanjie Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Zhongzheng Qianyuan Project Management Co., Ltd. Guiyang Branch, Guizhou Dongyou Water Steam Energy Industry Development Co., Ltd., Shiyan Ruixinda Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., Sichuan Zhiborui Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Guizhou Qiansheng Xinda Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd., and provided legal services. Since its practice, it has handled hundreds of criminal, civil and arbitration cases under the jurisdiction of courts and arbitration commissions all over the country independently and jointly.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Guiyang industrial injury compensation lawyer Tang Dengju
    Guizhou Fuzheng Law Firm 10/F, Wuzi Building, No. 68, Fushui North Road, Yunyan District, Guiyang, Guizhou
    five branch

    Comments from 11 people

    Number of helpers: 1066
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases and rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Tang Dengju's lawyer team relies on Guizhou Longzaitian Law Firm, Guizhou Fuzheng Law Firm and Guizhou Yuanhe Law Firm. All members of the team have many years of practice experience and have acted as agents for a large number of construction contract disputes, private lending disputes, commercial housing pre-sale contract disputes, sales contract disputes, lease contract disputes Labor dispute disputes, industrial injury compensation disputes, advertising contract disputes, property service contract disputes, bankruptcy reorganization, debt restructuring and other litigation and non litigation cases have accumulated solid professional theoretical knowledge and rich practical case handling experience, and are committed to combining theory with practice to provide more professional and high-quality services to the parties. For a long time, it has formed a conscientious, responsible, rigorous and efficient work style, resolutely safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and its working ability and achievements have been unanimously recognized by the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer - Guizhou Xiangwei Law Firm
    Guizhou Xiangwei Law Firm 3611, Floor 36, No.1 International Finance Street, Huaguoyuan E District, Nanming District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province
    five branch

    Comments from 129 people

    Number of helpers: 1690
    #Lawyer label: team, consultant experience, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Guizhou Xiangwei Law Firm is a comprehensive law firm. Its main fields include: 1. medical disputes, professional medical dispute lawyer team, medical damage disputes, medical malpractice litigation, mediation and negotiation of medical malpractice compensation. Assist in handling responsibility, disability identification, medical accident grade identification II. Criminal defense, criminal interview, bail pending trial, innocent defense, minor crime defense, probation, retrial at second instance, commutation and parole. 3、 Marriage and family, creditor's rights and debts, inheritance, construction contract, project payment disputes, meet the different needs of the parties and provide high-quality legal services for the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Guiyang industrial injury compensation lawyer Xie Zhongjun
    Guizhou Yuedahe Law Firm Room 3906, Floor 39, Building B, Convention City 101, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province
    five branch

    Comments from 21 people

    Number of helpers: 2376
    #Lawyer label: team, chief lawyer, consultant experience, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Xie Zhongjun, chief lawyer of Guizhou Yuedahe Law Firm. Graduated from the Central University for Nationalities, he has been engaged in legal work for more than ten years, with superb professional standards and good professional ethics. He has profound theoretical knowledge of law and rich practical experience in major difficult criminal cases, has provided legal counsel, litigation rights protection, legal training and other services for more than 100 enterprises, and is proficient in various criminal, civil and commercial affairs, administrative litigation, and enterprise non litigation legal business.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer - Guizhou Guiheng Law Firm Lawyer
    Guizhou Guiheng Law Firm Guiyang
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 393
    More> #Lawyer profile: Guiheng Law Firm now has more than 50 practicing lawyers, trainee lawyers, paralegals and other administrative auxiliary personnel, all of whom are lawyers with rich experience and profound skills in the industry. The firm has been constantly expanding and making progress in line with the concept of "justice is the key to law".
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer - Guizhou Shuoye Law Firm Lawyer
    Guizhou Shuoye Law Firm 21/F, Block D, Midea Caizhi Center, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province
    five branch

    Comments from 14 people

    Number of helpers: 1384
    #Lawyer label: team player, foreign-related agency experience, handling major cases, high education, large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Guizhou Shuoye Law Firm is located in Block D, Midea Financial Intelligence Center, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. It is a comprehensive partnership law firm approved by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Justice. Shuoye has a number of legal teams composed of partners, full-time lawyers, assistant lawyers and expert consultants. We adhere to the law firm's purpose of "great faith in the heart, long history of the industry", highlight the advantageous professional fields, provide high-quality legal services as the practice characteristics, and provide clients with customized legal service programs through solid theoretical foundation and rich practical experience, It is highly praised by customers. Guizhou Shuoye Law Firm's legal services include legal advice, criminal defense, traffic injuries, labor disputes, marriage and family affairs, contract disputes, business negotiations, legal counsel, etc. It is committed to providing comprehensive and professional legal services for state organs, state-owned enterprises, well-known private enterprises, people's groups and natural persons.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer Deng Wei
    Guizhou Bingshang Law Firm 8th Floor, Business Building N1, Phase II, Financial City, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province
    five branch

    Comments from 20 people

    Number of helpers: 572
    #Lawyer label: have handled major cases, have experience in consulting units, and have rich professional experience
    More> #About Lawyer: Deng Wei, born in 1980, a lawyer and economist, graduated from the Law Department of Guizhou University of Technology in 2004 with a bachelor's degree. In 2006, he was admitted to the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guizhou Province, and successively worked in the Industrial Injury Insurance Department, the Labor Capability Appraisal Center (Labor Capability Appraisal Committee), and the Vocational Capacity Building Department. He resigned from public office in June 2017 and became a full-time lawyer. He is now the secretary of the Party branch and senior partner of Guizhou Bingshang Law Firm. Areas of expertise: (1) Be good at handling various types of labor disputes. In particular, he has deep theoretical research and rich practical experience in industrial injury insurance and labor capacity appraisal. Participated in the formulation of regulations and policies related to industrial injury insurance, such as the Regulations of Guizhou Province on Industrial Injury Insurance, and participated in the administrative review and review of industrial injury identification; Responsible for guiding the work of labor capacity appraisal in the province, presiding over the organization of experts to carry out the work of labor capacity appraisal at the provincial level, personally handling the provincial re appraisal of more than 8000 cases of work-related injuries, injuries and disabilities, and preparing the analysis of more than 100 difficult cases of labor capacity appraisal in Guizhou Province. (2) Have some research on fire accident investigation, fire review and fire compensation. Since practicing, he has handled a large number of civil and commercial affairs, criminal and administrative cases, and served as legal counsel for many government departments. Expertise: deep theoretical research and rich practical experience in industrial injury insurance and labor capacity appraisal. Participated in the formulation of regulations and policies related to industrial injury insurance, such as the Regulations of Guizhou Province on Industrial Injury Insurance, and participated in the administrative review and review of industrial injury identification; Responsible for guiding the work of labor capacity appraisal in the province, presiding over the organization of experts to carry out the work of labor capacity appraisal at the provincial level, personally handling the provincial re appraisal of more than 8000 cases of work-related injuries, injuries and disabilities, and preparing the analysis of more than 100 difficult cases of labor capacity appraisal in Guizhou Province. Since practicing, he has handled a large number of civil and commercial affairs, criminal and administrative cases, and served as legal counsel for many government departments.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer - Guizhou Qianzhu Law Firm Lawyer
    Guizhou Qianzhu Law Firm 1902-05, Block A, Building 3, Huaguoyuan International Center, Nanming District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province
    zero branch
    Number of helpers: 40
    #Lawyer label: there is a team, chief lawyer, who has handled major cases, has experience in consulting units, and has rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Our firm was approved by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Justice on June 17, 2019 to issue the practice license of the law firm. At this stage, the law firm is mainly engaged in criminal cases, marriage and family, traffic accidents, industrial injuries, human damage, banking, insurance and other cases. The number of cases of this type of law firm reached more than 400 in a year. With rich legal experience and efficient and professional team in dealing with traffic accident cases, our firm was listed and authorized as a designated aid unit for traffic accidents by the Justice Bureau of Yunyan District, Guiyang City in 2020. At present, there are more than 30 professional lawyers, trainee lawyers and other personnel in our firm. Lawyer He Ping, the director of the law firm, has worked in the procuratorate for 15 years, served as the head of the Public Prosecution Section, the head of the Civil Administrative Procuratorial Section, the deputy director of the Judicial Bureau, and has rich judicial practice experience. He has handled hundreds of criminal, civil and administrative cases, and is good at criminal defense, civil and commercial cases, and marriage and family disputes. The quality of the cases he handled is good, and he has been praised by the parties. Lawyer Kong Wei is the manager of our lawyer team, leading, organizing, and assigning our lawyers to accept and conduct cases. He is the main lawyer in charge of our important cases. Under the leadership of lawyer Kong Wei, the lawyer team of Qianzhu not only has a solid legal foundation and social foundation, keen insight and judgment, and unique ability to solve, but also can enable customers to get more professional, accurate and comprehensive legal services. In 2022, we were authorized as the consultant unit of the Bank of Communications Credit Card Center to handle a number of related cases for the Bank of Communications, with rich case experience and efficiency. Qianzhu keeps up with the pace of the development of the times to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the client and the correct implementation of national laws. We are committed to the meticulous work of every case, so that every customer can recognize. At present, the office space of the law firm is nearly 500 square meters, and it is still developing rapidly.
    Consulting lawyer
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Guizhou Lawyer Guiyang Lawyer Guiyang Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer
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  • The insurance claims after the accident cover medical treatment, lost time, nursing, travel and accommodation, catering and nutrition. Medical expenses shall be confirmed according to receipts and other evidence. The cost of lost time is calculated according to the length of lost time and personal income. The nursing fee is determined by referring to the income of nursing staff. #Industrial injury compensation 1277 readings
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