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Why hire a lawyer?
China is gradually becoming a country with relatively mature legal system.
The handling of legal affairs is highly theoretical and technical.
Professional lawyers can avoid or reduce economic losses to the greatest extent and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and legal persons.
What procedures should a lawyer go through?
Sign a lawyer service contract with the law firm where the lawyer works.
According to the agreement of the lawyer service contract, the lawyer's fee shall be paid to the law firm, and the law firm shall issue a tax invoice.
According to the agreement of the lawyer service contract, issue the power of attorney necessary for the lawyer to handle legal affairs.
 Lawyer Jin Shuangquan
Lawyer Jin Shuangquan
Good at: property disputes, land acquisition and demolition, marriage and family
Jin Shuangquan, a real estate lawyer, Vice President of China Real Estate Marketing Association, and a specially invited lecturer of, has worked in Beijing Dongwei Law Firm since 2005. In 2008, Anju Real Estate Lawyer Network was founded, and has been engaged in teaching research and litigation practice related to real estate law. He has handled a large number of difficult and complex cases, and has profound theoretical foundation and rich practical experience in the real estate field and extended marriage, inheritance, demolition and other real estate related fields. The main types of cases handled include: 1. The purchase of real estate by borrowing a name involves the purchase of affordable housing, two limited housing, housing reform housing and commercial housing. When the investor claims to confirm the right, transfer ownership, compensate for the house or use the house to pay debts, it may be necessary to terminate the loan contract; The celebrity may claim that the contract is invalid and require that the house be returned without prejudice. 2. On the issue of inheritance, due to the defects in the self written, proxy, witness, notarized will, joint will, and printed will, it may lead to their being sued as invalid or partially invalid; The problem of limitation may lead to the loss of the right of action; Children's participation in the reconstruction of houses may require confirmation of co ownership rights; The conflict between the gift contract and the will may lead to disputes on application. 3. The marriage relationship involves the purchase, gift, loan and other issues of real estate. Whether before or after marriage, a series of disputes may arise, such as property division, the implementation of divorce agreement, the revocation or transfer of gifts, spiritual compensation, and the unauthorized transfer of property or malicious mortgage of one party. 4. For special types of real estate, such as public rental housing, housing reform housing, fund-raising housing, relocation housing, central production housing and affordable housing, a series of complex problems may be involved, such as lessee change, excessive problems, difficulties in handling property rights certificates, invalid sales, inability to list and transfer. 5. In the process of buying and selling second-hand houses, the seller may claim invalidation or cancellation of the contract due to unauthorized disposal, unauthorized agency, yin-yang contract or overdue payment; The buyer may require transfer of ownership, compensation for breach of contract or performance of the contract based on the principle of bona fide acquisition, or terminate the contract without liability due to new policies or force majeure. 6. In the process of expropriation and demolition, the validity of demolition agreement, the legality of demolition behavior, the division of resettlement housing, the confirmation of residence right, the protection of the rights and interests of vacant households, and the division of interests after the death of the obligee may be involved. 7. There are many legal risks in the sale of small property houses and homestead houses, such as invalid contracts and compensation issues; Private lending with real estate sales as collateral may involve economic crimes; The conflict between the registration of impersonation and bona fide acquisition; And project fund settlement disputes arising from project contracting affiliation, labor subcontracting, etc.
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