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Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China

The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China is formulated to maintain road traffic order, prevent and reduce traffic accidents, protect personal safety, protect the property safety and other legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and improve traffic efficiency.
This Law includes 124 articles in 8 chapters of the General Provisions, vehicles and drivers, road traffic conditions, road traffic regulations, traffic accident handling, law enforcement supervision, legal liability, and supplementary provisions.
On April 29, 2021, the 28th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China adopted the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Eight Laws Including the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, which shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

  • Issued by: Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

  • Document No.: No information

  • Issued on: 2021-04-29

  • Implementation time: 2021-04-29

  • Timeliness: Currently valid

  • Level of effectiveness: Constitutional law

general provisions

Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to maintain road traffic order, prevent and reduce traffic accidents, protect personal safety, protect the property safety and other legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and improve traffic efficiency.

Article 2 All vehicle drivers, pedestrians, passengers and units and individuals related to road traffic activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall abide by this Law.

Article 3 Road traffic safety work shall follow the principle of managing according to law and facilitating the masses, so as to ensure the order, safety and smoothness of road traffic.

Article 4 People's governments at all levels shall ensure that the management of road traffic safety is compatible with economic construction and social development.

The local people's governments at or above the county level shall, to meet the needs of road traffic development, formulate road traffic safety management plans in accordance with road traffic safety laws, regulations and relevant national policies, and organize their implementation.

Article 5 The public security department under the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of road traffic safety throughout the country. The traffic management departments of the public security organs of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the management of road traffic safety within their respective administrative areas.

The transportation and construction administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the relevant road traffic work according to their respective responsibilities.

Article 6 People's governments at all levels shall regularly carry out road traffic safety education to raise citizens' awareness of road traffic safety.

When performing their duties, the traffic management department of the public security organ and the traffic police shall strengthen the publicity of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and set an example in abiding by the laws and regulations on road traffic safety.

State organs, armed forces, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and other organizations shall educate their own personnel on road traffic safety.

Education administrative departments and schools shall incorporate road traffic safety education into legal education.

The press, publishing, radio, television and other relevant units have the obligation to carry out road traffic safety education.

Article 7 For the management of road traffic safety, scientific research should be strengthened, and advanced management methods, technologies and equipment should be popularized and used.

Chapter II Vehicles and Drivers

Section 1 Motor Vehicles and Non motor Vehicles

Article 8 The State applies a registration system to motor vehicles. A motor vehicle may not run on the road until it has been registered by the traffic management department of the public security organ. If a motor vehicle that has not been registered needs to run on the road temporarily, it shall obtain a temporary pass.

Article 9 To apply for the registration of motor vehicles, the following certificates and vouchers shall be submitted:

(1) The identity certificate of the motor vehicle owner;

(2) Origin certificate of motor vehicle;

(3) The certificate of conformity of the finished motor vehicle or the import certificate of the imported motor vehicle;

(4) Tax payment certificate or tax exemption certificate of vehicle purchase tax;

(5) Other certificates and vouchers required by laws and administrative regulations to be submitted at the time of motor vehicle registration.

The traffic management department of the public security organ shall complete the examination of motor vehicle registration within five working days from the date of accepting the application, and shall issue the motor vehicle registration certificate, number plate and driving license to those who meet the conditions specified in the preceding paragraph; If the conditions specified in the preceding paragraph are not met, the reasons for not registering shall be explained to the applicant.

No unit or individual other than the traffic control department of the public security organ may issue motor vehicle plates or require motor vehicles to hang other plates, except as otherwise provided in this Law.

The patterns of motor vehicle registration certificates, number plates and driving permits shall be prescribed and supervised by the public security department under the State Council.

Article 10 The motor vehicles approved for registration shall conform to the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles. When applying for the registration of a motor vehicle, the applicant shall accept the safety technical inspection of the motor vehicle. However, for the motor vehicle models produced by enterprises recognized by the national motor vehicle product department in accordance with the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles, if the new models meet the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles after inspection at the time of delivery and obtain the inspection certificate, the safety technical inspection shall be exempted.

Article 11 When driving a motor vehicle on the road, the number plate of the motor vehicle shall be hung, the inspection mark and insurance mark shall be placed, and the motor vehicle driving license shall be carried with the vehicle.

The number plates of motor vehicles shall be hung in accordance with the regulations and kept clear and complete, and shall not be deliberately covered or defaced.

No unit or individual may confiscate or detain the license plates of motor vehicles.

Article 12 Under any of the following circumstances, corresponding registration shall be carried out:

(1) The ownership of the motor vehicle is transferred;

(2) The registration contents of motor vehicles are changed;

(3) The motor vehicle is used as mortgage;

(4) The motor vehicle is scrapped.

Article 13 The registered motor vehicles that run on roads shall be subject to regular safety and technical inspection in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, according to the purposes of the vehicles, the number of passengers and goods carried, the service life and other different conditions. Where a motor vehicle license and a compulsory motor vehicle third party liability insurance policy are provided, the motor vehicle safety and technical inspection institution shall inspect them, and no unit may attach other conditions. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall issue inspection marks to those that meet the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles.

The safety technical inspection of motor vehicles shall be socialized. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.

Where the safety technical inspection of motor vehicles is socialized, no unit may require motor vehicles to go to designated places for inspection.

The traffic management department of the public security organ and the motor vehicle safety technical inspection institution shall not require motor vehicles to go to designated places for repair and maintenance.

The safety and technical inspection institution of motor vehicles shall strictly implement the charging standards approved by the competent pricing department of the State Council when collecting fees for the inspection of motor vehicles.

Article 14 The State implements a compulsory scrapping system for motor vehicles, and sets different scrapping standards according to the safety and technical conditions and different uses of motor vehicles.

The motor vehicles that should be scrapped must go through cancellation registration in a timely manner.

Motor vehicles that meet the scrapping standards shall not be driven on roads. The scrapped large passenger cars, trucks and other operating vehicles shall be disassembled under the supervision of the traffic management department of the public security organ.

Article 15 Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles shall be painted with sign patterns and installed with alarm sirens and sign lamps in accordance with regulations. No other motor vehicle may paint, install or use any sign pattern, siren or sign lamp specially used for or similar to the above vehicles.

Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles shall be used in strict accordance with the specified purposes and conditions.

Special vehicles for highway supervision and inspection shall be equipped with unified signs and warning lights in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law.

Article 16 No unit or individual may commit any of the following acts:

(1) Assembling motor vehicles or changing the registered structure, structure or characteristics of motor vehicles without authorization;

(2) Change the model, engine number, frame number or vehicle identification code of the motor vehicle;

(3) Forged, altered or used forged or altered motor vehicle registration certificate, number plate, driving license, inspection conformity mark and insurance mark;

(4) Registration certificate, number plate, driving license, inspection mark and insurance mark of other motor vehicles.

Article 17 The State implements a compulsory third party liability insurance system for motor vehicles and establishes a social assistance fund for road traffic accidents. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.

Article 18 Non motor vehicles that should be registered according to law may not run on roads until they are registered with the traffic control department of the public security organ.

The types of non motor vehicles that should be registered according to law shall be stipulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government according to the actual local conditions.

The overall dimensions, mass, brakes, bells and night reflective devices of non motor vehicles shall comply with the safety technical standards for non motor vehicles.

Section 2 Motor Vehicle Drivers

Article 19 Anyone who drives a motor vehicle shall obtain a motor vehicle driving license according to law.

When applying for a motor vehicle driving license, the driver shall meet the driving license conditions prescribed by the public security department under the State Council; After passing the examination, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall issue a motor vehicle driving license of the corresponding category.

A Chinese motor vehicle driver's license may be issued to a person who holds a foreign motor vehicle driver's license, meets the driving license conditions prescribed by the public security department under the State Council, and has passed the examination of the traffic control department of the public security organ.

The driver shall drive the motor vehicle in accordance with the permitted model specified in the driver's license; When driving a motor vehicle, the driver shall carry his motor vehicle driving license with him.

No unit or individual other than the traffic control department of the public security organ may confiscate or detain the motor vehicle driving license.

Article 20 The driving training of motor vehicles shall be socialized. The competent department of transportation shall put on record the management of driving training schools and driving training classes, and strengthen the supervision of driving training activities. The specialized tractor driving training schools and driving training classes shall be supervised and managed by the competent department of agriculture (agricultural machinery).

Driving training schools and driving training classes shall, in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, train students in road traffic safety laws, regulations and driving skills to ensure the quality of training.

No State organ or the competent department for driving training and examination may establish or participate in the establishment of driving training schools or driving training classes.

Article 21 Before driving a motor vehicle on the road, the driver shall carefully check the safety and technical performance of the motor vehicle; It is not allowed to drive a motor vehicle with potential safety hazards such as incomplete safety facilities or its components failing to meet the technical standards.

Article 22 Motor vehicle drivers shall abide by the provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations, and drive safely and in a civilized manner in accordance with the operating specifications.

Those who drink, take psychotropic substances or narcotic drugs under state control, or suffer from diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles, or are too tired to drive safely, shall not drive motor vehicles.

No one may force, instigate or connive a driver to drive a motor vehicle in violation of road traffic safety laws and regulations and the requirements for safe driving of motor vehicles.

Article 23 The traffic control department of the public security organ shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, conduct regular verification of motor vehicle driving licenses.

Article 24 The traffic management department of the public security organ shall, in addition to imposing administrative penalties according to law, implement a cumulative scoring system for motor vehicle drivers who violate the laws and regulations on road traffic safety. The traffic management department of the public security organ shall detain the motor vehicle driver's license for the motor vehicle driver whose cumulative score reaches the specified score, educate him about the laws and regulations of road traffic safety, and take a new examination; Those who pass the examination shall be returned their motor vehicle driving licenses.

For motor vehicle drivers who comply with road traffic safety laws and regulations and have not accumulated scores within one year, the examination period of motor vehicle driver's license may be extended. The specific measures shall be formulated by the public security department under the State Council.

Chapter III Road Traffic Conditions

Article 25 Unified road traffic signals shall be implemented throughout the country.

Traffic signals include traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic markings and the command of traffic police.

The setting of traffic signal lights, traffic signs and traffic markings shall meet the requirements of road traffic safety and smoothness and national standards, and shall be clear, eye-catching, accurate and intact.

Road traffic signals shall be added, replaced and updated in time according to traffic needs. The addition, replacement and renewal of restrictive road traffic signals shall be announced to the public in advance and widely publicized.

Article 26 Traffic lights are composed of red lights, green lights and yellow lights. A red light means no passage, a green light means permission, and a yellow light means warning.

Article 27 Warning lights, warning signs or safety protection facilities shall be installed at the level crossings of railways and roads. Warning signs shall be set up at a certain distance from unguarded railway crossings.

Article 28 No unit or individual may, without authorization, set up, move, occupy or damage traffic lights, traffic signs and traffic markings.

Trees or other plants planted on both sides of the road and on the isolation belt, billboards, pipelines, etc. shall be kept at a necessary distance from the traffic facilities, and shall not block street lights, traffic signal lights, traffic signs, impede the safe sight distance, or affect the passage.

Article 29 The planning, design and construction of roads, parking lots and road supporting facilities shall meet the requirements of road traffic safety and smoothness, and shall be adjusted in time according to traffic demand.

If the traffic management department of the public security organ finds that the road already put into use has sections with frequent traffic accidents, or there are serious hidden dangers of traffic safety in parking lots and road supporting facilities, it shall report to the local people's government in a timely manner, and put forward suggestions on preventing traffic accidents and eliminating hidden dangers, and the local people's government shall make a decision on handling them in a timely manner.

Article 30 Where a road is damaged or destroyed by collapsing, hollowing, flooding or bulging, or traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic markings and other traffic facilities are damaged or lost, the maintenance department or the administrative department of the road and traffic facilities shall set up warning signs and repair them in a timely manner.

If the traffic control department of the public security organ finds that the situation mentioned in the preceding paragraph endangers traffic safety and has not set up warning signs, it shall take safety measures in a timely manner to divert traffic, and notify the maintenance department or the management department of roads and traffic facilities.

Article 31 Without permission, no unit or individual may occupy the road for non traffic activities.

Article 32 If it is necessary to occupy or excavate roads for project construction, or to erect or add pipeline facilities across or across roads, prior consent should be obtained from the road authorities; If traffic safety is affected, the consent of the traffic control department of the public security organ shall also be obtained.

The construction unit shall construct at the approved road section and time, set up obvious safety warning signs at a safe distance from the construction site in the direction of approaching vehicles, and take protective measures; After the completion of construction, the obstacles on the road shall be quickly removed to eliminate potential safety hazards, and the traffic can be resumed only after the road competent department and the traffic management department of the public security organ have accepted and met the traffic requirements.

For construction roads that do not interrupt traffic, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall strengthen traffic safety supervision and inspection to maintain road traffic order.

Article 33 Parking lots shall be added to new, rebuilt or expanded public buildings, commercial blocks, residential areas, large (medium) buildings, etc; If the parking space is insufficient, it shall be reconstructed or expanded in a timely manner; The parking lot put into use shall not be stopped or used for other purposes without authorization.

Within the scope of urban roads, the relevant government departments may allocate parking spaces without affecting the passage of pedestrians and vehicles.

Article 34 Where there are no pedestrian crossing facilities on the roads in front of schools, kindergartens, hospitals and nursing homes, crosswalks shall be drawn and warning signs shall be set up.

The sidewalks of major urban roads shall be provided with blind paths according to the plan. The setting of blind lanes shall comply with national standards.

Chapter IV Provisions on Road Passage

Section 1 General Provisions

Article 35 Motor vehicles and non motor vehicles shall pass on the right side.

Article 36 Where a road is divided into motor vehicle lanes, non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks according to the road conditions and traffic needs, motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians shall pass in separate lanes. Where there is no division of motor vehicle lanes, non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks, motor vehicles shall pass in the middle of the road, and non motor vehicles and pedestrians shall pass on both sides of the road.

Article 37 Where a road has a special lane, only specified vehicles are allowed to pass in the special lane, and other vehicles are not allowed to enter the special lane.

Article 38 Vehicles and pedestrians shall pass according to traffic signals; In case of on-site command by the traffic police, they shall follow the command of the traffic police; On roads without traffic signals, the traffic shall be carried out on the principle of ensuring safety and unimpeded traffic.

Article 39 The traffic control department of the public security organ may, according to the specific conditions of the road and traffic flow, take measures to divert, restrict or prohibit the passage of motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians. In case of large-scale mass activities, large-scale construction and other situations, if it is necessary to take measures to restrict traffic, or make decisions directly related to the public's road traffic activities, it shall be announced to the public in advance.

Article 40 The traffic control department of the public security organ may exercise traffic control in the event of natural disasters, severe meteorological conditions, major traffic accidents and other circumstances that seriously affect traffic safety, and it is difficult to ensure traffic safety by taking other measures.

Article 41 Other specific provisions on road passage shall be formulated by the State Council.

Section 2 Provisions on the Passage of Motor Vehicles

Article 42 When running on roads, motor vehicles shall not exceed the maximum speed per hour indicated on the speed limit signs. In the sections without speed limit signs, the safe speed shall be maintained.

When driving at night or in a road section prone to danger, or when encountering meteorological conditions such as sand, dust, hail, rain, snow, fog, ice, etc., the driving speed shall be reduced.

Article 43 For motor vehicles running in the same lane, the rear vehicle shall keep a safe distance from the front vehicle enough to take emergency braking measures. Under any of the following circumstances, overtaking is not allowed:

(1) The vehicle ahead is turning left, turning around or overtaking;

(2) It is possible to meet the oncoming car;

(3) The front vehicles are police vehicles, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles carrying out emergency tasks;

(4) Passing through railway crossings, intersections, narrow bridges, curves, steep slopes, tunnels, crosswalks, sections with large traffic flow in urban areas, etc. without overtaking conditions.

Article 44 When passing an intersection, motor vehicles shall follow the traffic signal lights, traffic signs, traffic markings or the direction of the traffic police; When passing an intersection without traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic markings or the command of traffic police, the driver shall slow down and let pedestrians and vehicles passing first.

Article 45 When a motor vehicle encounters a vehicle in front of it waiting in line or driving slowly, it shall not overtake or occupy the opposite lane, and shall not cross the waiting vehicles.

When vehicles are waiting in line or driving slowly at a road section or intersection with fewer lanes, or at an intersection without traffic signal lights, traffic signs, traffic markings or traffic police command, they shall pass in turn.

Article 46 When passing through railway crossings, motor vehicles shall follow the traffic signals or the directions of the administrative personnel; If there is no traffic signal or management personnel, they shall slow down or stop, and pass after confirming safety.

Article 47 When passing a pedestrian crossing, a motor vehicle shall slow down; If a pedestrian is passing the crosswalk, he shall stop to yield.

When a motor vehicle is passing a road without traffic signals, it shall give way when pedestrians cross the road.

Article 48 The load of a motor vehicle shall conform to the verified load mass, and overload is strictly prohibited; The length, width and height of the load shall not violate the loading requirements, and the load shall not be spilled or scattered.

If a motor vehicle carries over sized and indivisible articles that affect traffic safety, it shall run at the time, route and speed designated by the traffic control department of the public security organ and hang obvious signs. The carrying of over gauge and non detachable articles on highways shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law.

Motor vehicles carrying explosives, inflammable and explosive chemicals, highly toxic, radioactive and other dangerous goods shall, after being approved by the public security organ, drive at the designated time, route and speed, hang warning signs and take necessary safety measures.

Article 49 The number of people carried by motor vehicles shall not exceed the verified number, and passenger motor vehicles shall not carry goods in violation of regulations.

Article 50 Freight motor vehicles are prohibited from carrying passengers.

Where cargo motor vehicles need to carry operators, safety measures shall be taken to protect operators.

Article 51 When a motor vehicle is running, the driver and passengers shall use seat belts as required, and the motorcycle driver and passengers shall wear safety helmets as required.

Article 52 When a motor vehicle breaks down on the road and needs to stop to remove the fault, the driver shall immediately turn on the hazard warning flash and move the motor vehicle to a place that does not interfere with the traffic; If it is difficult to move, the hazard warning flasher shall be turned on continuously, and warning signs shall be set in the direction of approaching vehicles to expand the warning distance, and the alarm shall be given quickly if necessary.

Article 53 Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles may use alarm sirens and marker lamps when performing emergency tasks; On the premise of ensuring safety, other vehicles and pedestrians shall give way without being restricted by the driving route, direction, speed and signal lights.

Police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles shall not use alarms and sign lamps when they are not performing urgent tasks, and shall not enjoy the right of way specified in the preceding paragraph.

Article 54 When road maintenance vehicles and engineering vehicles are operating, their driving routes and directions are not restricted by traffic signs and markings on the premise that the passage of passing vehicles is not affected. Passing vehicles and personnel should pay attention to avoiding them.

Motor vehicles such as sprinklers and sweepers shall operate in accordance with safe operation standards; Under the condition that the passage of other vehicles is not affected, it may not be restricted by the traffic separation of vehicles, but it is not allowed to drive in the opposite direction.

Article 55 Tractors are prohibited from passing through expressways and roads in central urban areas of large and medium-sized cities. Other roads where tractors are prohibited shall be stipulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the actual local conditions.

On roads where tractors are allowed to pass, tractors may be used for freight transportation, but shall not be used for carrying people.

Article 56 Motor vehicles shall be parked at specified places. It is prohibited to park motor vehicles on the sidewalk; However, the parking spaces designated in accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of this Law are excluded.

Temporary parking on roads shall not impede the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians.

Section 3 Provisions on the Passage of Non motor Vehicles

Article 57 Driving a non motor vehicle on the road shall comply with the provisions on traffic safety. Non motor vehicles shall run in non motor vehicle lanes; On a road without a non motor vehicle lane, the driver shall drive on the right side of the carriageway.

Article 58 When motorized wheelchairs and electric bicycles for the disabled drive in non motor vehicle lanes, the maximum speed per hour shall not exceed 15 kilometers.

Article 59 Non motor vehicles shall be parked at specified places. If there is no parking place, the parking of non motor vehicles shall not impede the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians.

Article 60 Domesticated animals shall be used to drive animal drawn vehicles; When driving an animal drawn vehicle across a road, the driver shall get off the vehicle to draw animals; When the driver leaves the vehicle, he shall tie up the livestock.

Section IV Provisions on Pedestrians and Passengers

Article 61 Pedestrians shall walk within the sidewalk, and if there is no sidewalk, walk by the roadside.

Article 62 When passing an intersection or crossing a road, pedestrians shall use crosswalks or street crossing facilities; When passing a crosswalk with traffic lights, one should follow the directions of the traffic lights; When passing an intersection without traffic lights or crosswalks, or crossing a road in a section without crossing facilities, it shall pass after it is confirmed that it is safe.

Article 63 Pedestrians shall not cross or sit on road isolation facilities, pick up cars, forcibly block cars or commit other acts that hinder road traffic safety.

Article 64 Preschool children, patients with mental diseases and mental retardation who cannot recognize or control their own behavior, shall be led by their guardians, persons entrusted by their guardians or persons responsible for their management and protection when passing on roads.

When a blind person passes on a road, he shall use a blind stick or other means of guiding the blind, and the vehicle shall give way to the blind person.

Article 65 When passing through a railway crossing, pedestrians shall follow the traffic signals or the direction of the administrative personnel; If there is no traffic signal and management personnel, they shall pass quickly after confirming that no train is approaching.

Article 66 Passengers shall not carry inflammable, explosive and other dangerous goods, throw articles outside the vehicle, or commit any act that may affect the driver's safe driving.

Section 5 Special Provisions on Freeways

Article 67 Pedestrians, non motor vehicles, tractors, wheeled special machinery vehicles, articulated passenger cars, full trailer trailers and other motor vehicles with a designed maximum speed of less than 70 kilometers per hour shall not enter the expressway. The maximum speed indicated on the speed limit signs of expressways shall not exceed 120 kilometers per hour.

Article 68 When a motor vehicle breaks down on an expressway, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 52 of this Law; However, warning signs should be set 150 meters away from the direction of the faulty vehicle, and the personnel on the vehicle should quickly transfer to the right shoulder or the emergency lane, and quickly alarm.

If a motor vehicle fails or is involved in a traffic accident on an expressway and is unable to run normally, it shall be towed or towed by rescue vehicles or obstacle removal vehicles.

Article 69 No unit or individual is allowed to stop and check the running vehicles on the expressway, except the people's police of the public security organ who perform emergency duties according to law.

Chapter V Handling of Traffic Accidents

Article 70 In case of a traffic accident on the road, the driver of the vehicle shall stop the vehicle immediately to protect the scene; If personal injury or death is caused, the driver of the vehicle shall immediately rescue the injured and promptly report to the traffic police on duty or the traffic control department of the public security organ. If the scene is changed due to rescuing the injured, the location shall be indicated. Passengers, drivers of passing vehicles and pedestrians shall provide assistance.

If a traffic accident occurs on the road, without causing personal injury or death, and the parties have no dispute about the facts and causes, they can immediately leave the scene, resume traffic, and negotiate on their own to deal with the matter of compensation for damages; If they do not leave the scene immediately, they shall promptly report to the traffic police on duty or the traffic management department of the public security organ.

If a traffic accident occurs on the road, which only causes minor property losses, and the basic facts are clear, the parties shall first leave the scene and then negotiate for settlement.

Article 71 If a vehicle escapes after a traffic accident, the eyewitnesses and other insiders at the scene of the accident shall report it to the traffic management department of the public security organ or the traffic police. If the report is true, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall give rewards.

Article 72 After receiving a traffic accident alarm, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall immediately send traffic police to the scene, organize to rescue the injured first, and take measures to restore traffic as soon as possible.

The traffic police shall conduct an inquest and inspection of the scene of the traffic accident and collect evidence; The vehicle involved in the accident may be detained for the purpose of collecting evidence, but it shall be kept properly for verification.

The traffic control department of the public security organ shall entrust a special agency to conduct a highly professional examination of the physical and mental conditions of the parties. The expert conclusion shall be signed by the expert witness.

Article 73 The traffic control department of the public security organ shall, on the basis of the on-site inspection, examination and investigation of the traffic accident and the relevant conclusions of inspection and appraisal, promptly prepare a written confirmation of the traffic accident as evidence for handling the traffic accident. The letter of determination of traffic accidents shall state the basic facts of the traffic accidents, the causes of the traffic accidents and the responsibilities of the parties concerned, and shall be served on the parties concerned.

Article 74 A party to a dispute over compensation for damage caused by a traffic accident may request the traffic management department of the public security organ for mediation, or may directly bring a civil action in a people's court.

After mediation by the traffic management department of the public security organ, if the parties fail to reach an agreement or fail to perform the mediation statement after it comes into effect, the parties may bring a civil lawsuit to the people's court.

Article 75 A medical institution shall timely rescue the injured in a traffic accident, and shall not delay the rescue because the rescue expenses are not paid in time. If the vehicle involved in the accident participates in the compulsory third party liability insurance for motor vehicles, the insurance company shall pay the rescue expenses within the limit of liability; If the rescue expenses exceed the limit of liability, if the vehicle fails to participate in the compulsory third party liability insurance or escapes after the accident, the social assistance fund for road traffic accidents shall advance part or all of the rescue expenses, and the administrative agency of the social assistance fund for road traffic accidents shall have the right to claim compensation from the person responsible for the traffic accident.

Article 76 Where a traffic accident involving a motor vehicle causes personal injury, death or property loss, the insurance company shall make compensation within the limit of liability of the compulsory third party liability insurance for motor vehicles; The insufficient part shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) If a traffic accident occurs between motor vehicles, the party at fault shall be liable for compensation; If both parties are at fault, they shall share the responsibility in proportion to their respective faults.

(2) If a traffic accident occurs between a motor vehicle and a non motor vehicle driver or pedestrian, and the non motor vehicle driver or pedestrian is not at fault, the motor vehicle party shall be liable for compensation; If there is evidence to prove that the non motor vehicle driver or pedestrian is at fault, the compensation liability of the motor vehicle party shall be appropriately reduced according to the degree of fault; If the motor vehicle party is not at fault, it shall be liable for compensation of not more than 10 percent.

If the loss of a traffic accident is caused by the intentional collision of a non motor vehicle driver and a pedestrian with a motor vehicle, the motor vehicle party shall not be liable for compensation.

Article 77 If the traffic control department of the public security organ receives a report of an accident that occurs when a vehicle passes off the road, it shall handle it with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law.

Chapter VI Supervision of Law Enforcement

Article 78 The traffic management department of the public security organ shall strengthen the management of the traffic police, improve the quality of the traffic police and the level of road traffic management.

The traffic management department of the public security organ shall train and assess the traffic police in legal system and traffic safety management. Traffic policemen who fail to pass the examination shall not be allowed to take up their posts and perform their duties.

Article 79 The traffic management department of the public security organ and its traffic police shall, when implementing the management of road traffic safety, simplify the procedures in accordance with the statutory functions and powers and procedures, and be fair, strict, civilized and efficient.

Article 80 When performing their duties, traffic policemen shall dress in accordance with the regulations, wear the people's police logo, hold the people's police certificate, maintain a neat appearance, behave decently and command in a standard manner.

Article 81 In collecting production costs such as issuing plates and certificates in accordance with this Law, the charging standards approved by the competent pricing department under the State Council shall be strictly implemented and all fees shall be turned over to the State Treasury.

Article 82 The traffic control department of the public security organ shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations, separate the decision on fines from the collection of fines when imposing an administrative penalty of fines according to law; All fines collected and illegal gains confiscated according to law shall be turned over to the State Treasury.

Article 83 When investigating and handling violations of road traffic safety and traffic accidents, the traffic police shall withdraw under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Is a party to the case or a close relative of the party;

(2) He or his close relatives have an interest in the case;

(3) Having other relationships with the parties to the case may affect the fair handling of the case.

Article 84 The administrative law enforcement activities of the traffic management department of the public security organ and its traffic police shall be subject to the supervision of the administrative supervision organ according to law.

The supervision department of the public security organ shall supervise according to law the implementation of laws and regulations and the observance of discipline by the traffic management department of the public security organ and its traffic police.

The traffic control department of the public security organ at a higher level shall supervise the law enforcement activities of the traffic control department of the public security organ at a lower level.

Article 85 The traffic control department of the public security organ and its traffic police shall consciously accept the supervision of society and citizens when performing their duties.

Any unit or individual has the right to report and accuse the traffic management department of the public security organ and its traffic police for their lax law enforcement and violations of laws and disciplines. The organs that have received the reports and charges shall investigate and deal with them in a timely manner according to their duties.

Article 86 No unit may assign a fine target to the traffic control department of the public security organ or assign a fine target in disguised form; The traffic control department of the public security organ shall not use the amount of a fine as the standard for assessing traffic policemen.

The traffic management department of the public security organ and its traffic police have the right to refuse to implement the instructions that exceed the provisions of laws and regulations, and report to the higher authorities at the same time.

Chapter VII Legal Liability

Article 87 The traffic control department of the public security organ and its traffic police shall correct the road traffic safety violations in a timely manner.

The traffic management department of the public security organ and its traffic police shall, in accordance with the facts and the relevant provisions of this Law, punish the illegal acts of road traffic safety. If the circumstances are minor and do not affect road traffic, the violator shall point out the illegal act and give an oral warning before release.

Article 88 The types of penalties for violations of road traffic safety include: warning, fine, temporary suspension or revocation of motor vehicle driver's license, and detention.

Article 89 A pedestrian, passenger or non motor vehicle driver who violates the road traffic safety laws and regulations on road passage shall be given a warning or fined not less than five yuan but not more than fifty yuan; If a non motor vehicle driver refuses to accept the penalty of a fine, his non motor vehicle may be detained.

Article 90 If a motor vehicle driver violates the road traffic safety laws and regulations on road passage, he shall be given a warning or fined not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan. If this Law provides otherwise, punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions.

Article 91 Whoever drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall have his motor vehicle driver's license temporarily withheld for six months and be fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan. Whoever is punished for driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, and who drives a motor vehicle after drinking again, shall be detained for not more than 10 days, fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked.

Whoever drives a motor vehicle while intoxicated shall be restrained by the traffic control department of the public security organ until he wakes up, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; No motor vehicle driver's license may be obtained again within five years.

Whoever drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol shall be detained for 15 days and fined 5000 yuan, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked, and he shall not obtain a new motor vehicle driving license within five years.

If a person drives a motor vehicle while drunk, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall restrain him until he wakes up, revoke his motor vehicle driving license, and investigate his criminal responsibility according to law; It is not allowed to obtain a new motor vehicle driving license within ten years. After obtaining a new motor vehicle driving license, it is not allowed to drive a commercial motor vehicle.

If a serious traffic accident occurs after drinking or driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated, which constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law, and the traffic control department of the public security organ shall revoke the motor vehicle driver's license, and may not obtain a new motor vehicle driver's license for life.

Article 92 If a highway passenger transport vehicle carries more passengers than the rated number of passengers, it shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan; A fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan shall be imposed if it exceeds 20 percent of the rated passenger capacity or carries goods in violation of regulations.

If a cargo motor vehicle exceeds the verified load capacity, it shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan; A fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan shall be imposed if it exceeds 30 percent of the approved load capacity or carries passengers in violation of regulations.

In case of any of the acts mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall detain the motor vehicle until the violation is eliminated.

If the vehicle of the transport unit is under the circumstances specified in the first and second paragraphs of this article and does not change after being punished, the person in charge directly responsible shall be fined not less than 2000 yuan but not more than 5000 yuan.

Article 93 For those who violate the provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations on motor vehicle parking and temporary parking, they can point out the illegal acts, give oral warnings and order them to leave immediately.

If the driver of a motor vehicle is not at the scene or refuses to leave immediately even though he is at the scene, thereby impeding the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians, he shall be fined not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan, and may drag the motor vehicle to a place that does not impede traffic or to a place designated by the traffic control department of the public security organ for parking. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall not charge the party for the trailer, and shall inform the party of the parking place in a timely manner.

If a motor vehicle is damaged due to improper towing, it shall be liable for compensation according to law.

Article 94 Where a motor vehicle safety and technical inspection institution collects fees for carrying out the safety and technical inspection of motor vehicles in excess of the charging standards approved by the competent pricing department under the State Council, it shall refund the overcharged fees and be punished by the competent pricing department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Price Law of the People's Republic of China.

If a motor vehicle safety technical inspection institution fails to conduct inspection in accordance with the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles and issues false inspection results, it shall be fined not less than five times but not more than ten times the inspection fees collected by the traffic management department of the public security organ, and its inspection qualification shall be revoked according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Article 95 If a motor vehicle running on the road does not hang a motor vehicle number plate, place an inspection conformity sign or insurance sign, or carry a driving license or driving license with the vehicle, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall detain the motor vehicle, notify the party concerned to provide the corresponding license plate or sign, or go through the corresponding formalities, and may impose a penalty in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of this Law. If the party concerned provides the corresponding license plate, sign or completes the corresponding formalities, the motor vehicle shall be returned in a timely manner.

Whoever intentionally covers up, defaces or fails to install a motor vehicle license plate in accordance with the provisions shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of this Law.

Article 96 Whoever forges, alters or uses a forged or altered registration certificate, plate, driving license or driving license of a motor vehicle shall be confiscated by the traffic control department of the public security organ, detained the motor vehicle, detained for not more than 15 days and fined not less than 2000 yuan but not more than 5000 yuan; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Whoever forges, alters or uses forged or altered inspection conformity marks or insurance marks shall be confiscated by the traffic control department of the public security organ, detained the motor vehicle, detained for not more than 10 days and fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 3000 yuan; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

If the motor vehicle registration certificate, number plate, driving license, inspection mark and insurance mark of other vehicles are used, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall confiscate them, detain the motor vehicle and impose a fine of not less than 2000 yuan but not more than 5000 yuan.

If the party concerned provides the corresponding legal certificate or completes the corresponding formalities, the motor vehicle shall be returned in a timely manner.

Article 97 Those who illegally install sirens and marker lamps shall be forcibly removed by the traffic control department of the public security organ, confiscated and fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan.

Article 98 Where the owner or manager of a motor vehicle fails to purchase compulsory third party liability insurance for motor vehicles in accordance with State regulations, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall detain the vehicle until the insurance is purchased in accordance with regulations, and impose a fine twice the amount of the insurance premium payable for the minimum liability limit of the insurance.

All fines paid in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be incorporated into the social assistance fund for road traffic accidents. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.

Article 99 A person who commits one of the following acts shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan by the traffic control department of the public security organ:

(1) Driving a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driving license, or when the motor vehicle driving license is revoked, or when the motor vehicle driving license is temporarily detained;

(2) Giving a motor vehicle to a person who has not obtained a motor vehicle driver's license or whose motor vehicle driver's license has been revoked or suspended for driving;

(3) Escaping after causing a traffic accident, but not constituting a crime;

(4) The motor vehicle exceeds the prescribed speed by 50% per hour;

(5) Forcing a motor vehicle driver to drive a motor vehicle in violation of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and the requirements for safe driving of motor vehicles, thus causing a traffic accident, but not constituting a crime;

(6) Forcibly passing in violation of traffic control regulations and refusing to listen to dissuasion;

(7) Deliberately damaging, removing or altering traffic facilities, causing harmful consequences, but not constituting a crime;

(8) Illegally intercepting or detaining motor vehicles without listening to dissuasion, resulting in serious traffic congestion or considerable property losses.

The driver's license of a motor vehicle may also be revoked if the perpetrator is in any of the circumstances in sub paragraph (2) or (4) of the preceding paragraph; Under any of the circumstances set forth in Items 1, 3, 5 to 8, a person may also be detained for not more than 15 days.

Article 100 Where a assembled motor vehicle or a motor vehicle that has reached the scrapping standard is driven on the road, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall confiscate it and force it to be scrapped.

A driver who drives a motor vehicle listed in the preceding paragraph on the road shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked.

Where a motor vehicle that has reached the scrapping standard is sold, the illegal income shall be confiscated, a fine equal to the sales amount shall be imposed, and the motor vehicle shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article.

Article 101 Those who violate the provisions of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and commit serious traffic accidents, which constitute crimes, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, and the traffic control department of the public security organ shall revoke their motor vehicle driving licenses.

If a person escapes after causing a traffic accident, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked by the traffic management department of the public security organ, and he shall not obtain a new motor vehicle driving license for life.

Article 102 A professional transport unit that is mainly or fully responsible for two or more serious traffic accidents within six months shall be ordered by the traffic control department of the public security organ to eliminate the potential safety hazards. Motor vehicles that have not eliminated the potential safety hazards shall not be allowed to run on roads.

Article 103 Where the national department in charge of motor vehicle products fails to conduct strict examination in accordance with the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles and permits unqualified motor vehicle models to be put into production, the responsible person in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given an administrative sanction of demotion or dismissal.

Where a motor vehicle manufacturer, with the permission of the competent department of motor vehicle products of the State, fails to implement the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles or to strictly carry out the quality inspection of finished motor vehicles, resulting in unqualified motor vehicles leaving the factory for sale, the quality and technical supervision department shall impose a penalty in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China.

Those who produce and sell the motor vehicle models without the permission of the national competent department of motor vehicle products without authorization shall confiscate the finished motor vehicle products and accessories illegally produced and sold, and may also impose a fine of not less than three times but not more than five times the value of the illegal products; If there is a business license, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license. If there is no business license, it shall be sealed up.

Whoever produces or sells assembled motor vehicles or refitted motor vehicles without authorization shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the third paragraph of this Article.

Whoever commits the illegal acts listed in the second, third and fourth paragraphs of this article, produces or sells motor vehicles that do not meet the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles, if the case constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

Article 104 Those who dig roads, occupy roads for construction or engage in other activities that affect road traffic safety without approval shall be ordered by the road authorities to stop the illegal act and restore to the original state, and may be fined according to law; If losses are caused to passing persons, vehicles and other property, they shall be liable for compensation according to law.

If anyone commits the act mentioned in the preceding paragraph and affects road traffic safety activities, the traffic control department of the public security organ may order him to stop the illegal act and resume traffic quickly.

Article 105 Where road construction operations or road damage occur, warning signs are not set up in time or protective measures are not taken, or traffic lights, traffic signs and traffic markings should be set up but not set up, or traffic lights, traffic signs and traffic markings should be changed in time but not changed in time, causing losses to passing people, vehicles and other property, Units with relevant responsibilities shall be liable for compensation according to law.

Article 106 Where trees or other plants are planted on both sides of the road and on the isolation belt, or billboards or pipelines are set up to block street lights, traffic lights, traffic signs, and obstruct the safety sight distance, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall order the perpetrator to remove the obstruction; If he refuses to execute, he shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and the obstruction shall be forcibly removed, and the necessary expenses shall be borne by the actor.

Article 107 If a road traffic violator is given a warning or fined less than 200 yuan, the traffic police may make a decision on administrative penalty on the spot and issue a letter of decision on administrative penalty.

The written decision on administrative penalty shall clearly state the illegal facts of the parties, the basis for administrative penalty, the content, time and place of the penalty, and the name of the penalty authority, and shall be signed or sealed by the law enforcement personnel.

Article 108 The party concerned shall pay the fine at the designated bank within 15 days from the date of receiving the written decision on administrative penalty.

If the party concerned has no objection to the fines imposed on pedestrians, passengers and non motor vehicle drivers, the fines may be collected on the spot.

For fines, receipts for fines uniformly prepared and issued by the financial departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be issued; If a party fails to issue a receipt for the fine uniformly prepared and issued by the financial department, the party concerned shall have the right to refuse to pay the fine.

Article 109 If a party fails to implement the decision on administrative penalty within the time limit, the administrative organ that made the decision on administrative penalty may take the following measures:

(1) If a fine is not paid at the expiration of the time limit, an additional fine of 3% of the amount of the fine shall be imposed every day;

(2) Apply to the people's court for compulsory execution.

Article 110 If a traffic policeman who performs his duties considers that a road traffic violator should be punished by temporarily withholding or revoking his motor vehicle driving license, he may first detain his motor vehicle driving license and transfer the case to the traffic management department of the public security organ for handling within 24 hours.

A road traffic violator shall, within 15 days, go to the traffic control department of the public security organ for handling. If the driver fails to accept the punishment within the time limit without justified reasons, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked.

If the traffic control department of the public security organ temporarily suspends or revokes the motor vehicle driving license, it shall issue a written decision on administrative penalty.

Article 111 The administrative penalty of detention in violation of the provisions of this Law shall be decided by the county or municipal public security bureaus, public security sub bureaus or public security organs at the county level.

Article 112 When the traffic control department of the public security organ detains a motor vehicle or a non motor vehicle, it shall issue a certificate on the spot and inform the party concerned to go to the traffic control department of the public security organ for handling within the prescribed time limit.

The traffic control department of the public security organ shall properly keep the detained vehicles and shall not use them.

If they do not come to accept the treatment within the time limit, and still do not come to accept the treatment after three months of announcement, the detained vehicles shall be disposed of according to law.

Article 113 The time limit for temporarily withholding a motor vehicle driver's license shall be calculated from the date when the punishment decision takes effect; If the driver's license of a motor vehicle is detained before the punishment decision takes effect, one day of detention shall be taken as one day of temporary detention.

The time limit for re applying for a motor vehicle driving license after the revocation of the motor vehicle driving license shall be handled in accordance with the provisions on the administration of motor vehicle driving licenses.

Article 114 The traffic control department of the public security organ may, on the basis of the traffic technology monitoring records, punish the illegal motor vehicle owner or manager according to law. If the driver can be determined, he may be punished according to the provisions of this Law.

Article 115 If a traffic policeman commits one of the following acts, he shall be given administrative sanctions according to law:

(1) Issuing a motor vehicle registration certificate, number plate, driving license or inspection mark for a motor vehicle that does not meet the statutory requirements;

(2) Approving the installation and use of alarm sirens and sign lamps of police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles, or spraying sign patterns on motor vehicles that do not meet the statutory requirements;

(3) Issuing a motor vehicle driving license to a person who does not meet the conditions for driving license, has not passed the examination or fails to pass the examination;

(4) Failing to implement the system of separating the fine decision from the fine collection, or failing to turn over all the fees collected according to law, the fines collected and the confiscated illegal income to the State Treasury as required;

(5) Holding or participating in the establishment of driving schools or driving training classes, motor vehicle repair shops or toll parking lots and other business activities;

(6) Taking advantage of his position to accept another person's property or seek other benefits;

(7) Illegally detaining vehicles, motor vehicle driving licenses, driving licenses, and vehicle license plates;

(8) Using the legally detained vehicle;

(9) Collecting fines on the spot without issuing a receipt for fines or failing to fill in the amount of fines truthfully;

(10) Engaging in malpractices for personal gain and handling traffic accidents unfairly;

(11) Deliberately creating difficulties and delaying the application of motor vehicle license plates;

(12) Alarms and sign lamps are used when not performing emergency tasks;

(13) Violating regulations to intercept and check normal running vehicles;

(14) Intercepting and riding a motor vehicle when not performing emergency official duties;

(15) Failing to perform legal duties.

If the traffic control department of the public security organ commits one of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph, the person directly in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given corresponding administrative sanctions.

Article 116 If a traffic policeman is given an administrative sanction in accordance with the provisions of Article 115 of this Law, he may be suspended from performing his duties before the decision on the administrative sanction is made; If necessary, they may be confined.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 115 of this Law, if a traffic policeman is subjected to an administrative sanction of demotion or removal from office, he may be dismissed.

If a traffic policeman is dismissed or dismissed, his police rank shall be cancelled; A traffic policeman who has been given an administrative sanction below removal from office shall have his police rank reduced.

Article 117 If a traffic policeman takes advantage of his power to illegally possess public property, extort or accept bribes, or abuses his power or neglects his duty, which constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

Article 118 If the traffic control department of the public security organ and its traffic police commit one of the acts listed in Article 115 of this Law and cause losses to the party concerned, they shall be liable for compensation according to law.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 119 For the purposes of this Law, the meanings of the following terms are:

(1) "Roads" refer to roads, urban roads and places under the jurisdiction of units that allow social motor vehicles to pass, including squares, public parking lots and other places used for public passage.

(2) "Vehicles" refer to motor vehicles and non motor vehicles.

(3) The term "motor vehicle" refers to a wheeled vehicle driven or towed by a power unit and running on roads for people or for transporting goods and carrying out special engineering operations.

(4) "Non motor vehicles" refer to vehicles driven by human or animal power and running on roads, as well as motorized wheelchairs for the disabled, electric bicycles and other vehicles driven by power devices but with the highest design speed, empty vehicle mass and overall dimensions in line with relevant national standards.

(5) "Traffic accident" refers to the event of personal injury or property loss caused by a vehicle's fault or accident on the road.

Article 120 The relevant departments of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall be responsible for the license plate of motor vehicles under preparation, the inspection of motor vehicles under preparation, and the assessment of motor vehicle drivers.

Article 121 For tractors running on roads, the competent department of agriculture (agricultural machinery) shall exercise the administrative functions and powers of the traffic control department of the public security organ as prescribed in Articles 8, 9, 13, 19 and 23 of this Law.

The department in charge of agriculture (agricultural machinery) shall exercise its functions and powers in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, abide by the relevant provisions of this Law, and accept the supervision of the traffic control department of the public security organ; Those who violate the provisions shall be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law.

The license plates and certificates of motor vehicles issued by the competent departments of agriculture (agricultural machinery) before the implementation of this Law shall continue to be valid after the implementation of this Law.

Article 122 The State exercises unified control over road traffic safety of inbound motor vehicles from abroad.

Article 123 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in the light of the actual conditions of their respective regions and within the range of fines prescribed in this Law, set specific standards for implementation.

Article 124 This Law shall come into force as of May 1, 2004.


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