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What is the process for entrusting a service company to return the deposit for house purchase

 Zhejiang Legal Affairs

Zhejiang Legal Affairs Recent reply:

The detailed process of refunding the house purchase deposit usually includes the following steps: first, a comprehensive and detailed review of the signed house purchase contract is required: carefully study the specific terms and conditions involved in the refund content, and clearly know the agreed refund conditions, At the same time, we should also pay attention to whether there is a time limit for advance notice and information about possible responsibilities and obligations. Secondly, formally submit a refund application to the real estate developer or the seller: the application should be submitted in writing, accompanied by relevant supporting documents, such as payment receipts, correspondence, etc. to support their views; Make sure the wording in the application is accurate and clear, and can fully express your appeal and reasons. Next, carry out in-depth negotiation with the developer or the seller: actively discuss how to properly solve the refund problem with the other party through face-to-face talks, telephone communication and even e-mail exchanges. In this process, both sides should strive to find consensus and the best way to solve the problem. If the above efforts still fail to reach an agreement with the developer or the seller on the refund, you can consider seeking the help of a third party organization: for example, apply to the relevant government departments or industry associations for arbitration or mediation. These institutions will handle disputes in accordance with the contract and relevant laws and regulations, and assist in the smooth completion of refund work. Finally, if all the above measures fail, you can choose to settle the dispute through litigation and recover the house purchase deposit: before you decide to file a lawsuit, it is strongly recommended to consult a professional lawyer for more detailed legal guidance and advice.


The creditor's rights and debts are as follows: the online loan/credit card is overdue; Amount: more than 100000 yuan?

 Lawyer He Foyuan

Lawyer He Foyuan Recent reply:

Hello, I'm Miss Huang, the legal adviser of the enterprise. Our unit is for enterprises, and individuals provide special legal services, including: 1: free consultation on legal issues for individuals, enterprises, and service periods (professional legal advice). 2: Enterprise risk prevention and control, employee management, and improvement of the labor and capital system (all procedures for employees from entry to departure should be standardized and drafted according to the actual situation of the enterprise). 3: Contract review and drafting. 4: The lawyer sent a letter to solve the arrears of payment. 5: Enterprise brand rights protection and anti-counterfeiting, review and revision of enterprise equity agreement, etc. You can also consult me for other prosecution needs, case legal services, etc


How can I prove that this is a premarital debt,?

 Lawyer He Zhenhua

Lawyer He Zhenhua Recent reply:

Why does the bank ask the wife to sign the contract after marriage


I didn't want to rent the wedding dress, but when I paid some money in the early stage of the lease contract, I didn't clearly inform the rent of the wedding dress penalty, so I shouted here to write down my name and then the clerk took it to write down what clothes there were?

 Lawyer Yan Xin

Lawyer Yan Xin Recent reply:

You can claim that the other party provides standard terms, and claim that the terms are invalid if you fail to perform the obligation of full prompt. WeChat | Message: jxy8880616


Financial disputes after breakup?

 Lawyer Guo Kaiwen

Lawyer Guo Kaiwen Recent reply:

Hello, can you elaborate on your question