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Sole Proprietorship Transfer Agreement

Transferor (Party A):

ID card No.

Transferee (Party B):

ID card No.

(Name of Enterprise) (hereinafter referred to as "the Enterprise") was established upon the approval and registration of the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce on January,, and is invested and operated by Party A personally. All properties of the Enterprise belong to Party A personally and have full right of disposal. The amount of contribution of the Enterprise is RMB million. Party A is willing to transfer all its investment in the "enterprise" and its related legal rights and interests (hereinafter referred to as assets) to Party B, and Party B is willing to accept it. Now, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Owned Enterprises and the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the transfer of assets through consultation:

1、 Transfer price and payment term and method of transfer payment:

1. Party A transfers all its assets in the "enterprise" to Party B at the price of RMB ten thousand yuan.

2、 Guarantee:

3、 Effect of transfer:

From the date of completion of the transfer under this agreement, Party B has the ownership and relevant rights and interests of all properties of the "enterprise", and assumes unlimited liability for the debts of the "enterprise" with its personal property.

4、 Liability for breach of contract:

1. Once this agreement comes into force, both parties must consciously perform. If either party fails to fully perform its obligations in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, it shall be liable in accordance with laws and the provisions of this agreement.

2. If Party B fails to pay the transfer amount on time, it shall pay Party A liquidated damages equal to 1/10000 of the overdue transfer amount for each day overdue. If Party B's breach of contract causes losses to Party A, and the amount of liquidated damages paid by Party B is lower than the actual losses, Party B must make additional compensation.

3. If Party B fails to handle the change registration on schedule due to Party A's reason, or seriously affects Party B's purpose of concluding this agreement, Party A shall pay liquidated damages to Party B at the rate of 1/10000 of the transfer amount already paid by Party B. If Party B suffers losses due to Party A's breach of contract, and the amount of liquidated damages paid by Party A is lower than the actual losses, Party A must make additional compensation.

5、 Party A and Party B may change or terminate this Agreement upon consensus. If this agreement is changed or terminated through negotiation, both parties shall sign another agreement for change or termination.

6、 Burden of relevant expenses:

The relevant expenses (such as notarization, evaluation or audit, industrial and commercial change registration, etc.) incurred in the process of this asset transfer shall be borne by Party A.

7、 Other agreements:

All disputes related to the validity, performance, breach and termination of this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, either party can apply for arbitration or bring a lawsuit to the people's court.

8、 Conditions and date of contract effectiveness:

This agreement shall come into force on the date of signature by both parties. Both parties shall go through the formalities of change registration with the industrial and commercial administrative authority according to law after this agreement takes effect.

9、 This agreement is in triplicate, with each party holding one copy and the rest submitted to relevant departments.

Transferor (Party A):


Transferee (Party B):


Sole proprietorship transfer agreement