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Model House Lease Contract (Common Version)

Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A)________________________

Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B)________________________

In accordance with the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate and relevant laws and regulations, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, both parties have reached an agreement to sign this contract.

Article 1 Party A leases to Party B ________ buildings, _______ rooms, with a construction area of _______ square meters, a use area of _______ square meters, a type of ______, a structure grade of ________, a damage grade of ________, and a main decoration equipment of _______, which are located at No. _______ Lane, ______ Street, _______ City.

Article 2 Lease Term

The lease term is __________ months in total. Party A shall deliver the leased house to Party B for use from _______ to _______.

In any of the following circumstances, Party A may terminate the contract and take back the house:

1. Unauthorized sublease, sublease, transfer, sublease, pool, share or other people's adjustment and exchange of the house;

2. Using the leased house to carry out illegal activities and damage public interests;

3. The rent is overdue for _______ months or vacant for _______ months.

After the expiration of the contract, if Party A still continues to rent the house, Party B has the priority to rent it.

When the lease contract is terminated due to expiration, if Party B really cannot find the house, it can negotiate with Party A to extend the lease term as appropriate.

Article 3 Rent and Rent Payment Period, Tax and Tax Payment Method

Party A and Party B agree that the monthly rent is ______ yuan, which shall be paid by Party B to Party A on ______. Pay before use. When Party A collects the rent, it must issue it to Party A by the tax authority or on a daily basis. Pay before use. When collecting rent, Party A must issue a lease receipt certificate supervised by the tax authority or the financial department above the county level. Party B may refuse to pay if there is no legal rent collection certificate.

Party A and Party B shall pay the property lease tax according to the specified tax rate and standard, and the payment method shall be subject to the following paragraph _______:

1. Party A and Party B shall bear the proportion stipulated in relevant tax laws and ZZF (1990) No. 34 document respectively;

2. Party A and Party B agree.

Article 4 House repair and decoration during the lease term

It is Party A's obligation to repair the house. Party A shall regularly check the leased house and its equipment, and timely repair them to ensure that there is no leakage, no flooding, three connections (indoor water supply, drainage, lighting), and good doors and windows, so as to ensure the safe and normal use of Party B.

When Party A repairs the house, Party B shall actively assist and shall not obstruct the construction.

If the house is leased, Party A and Party B shall adopt the following methods as agreed:

1. Party A shall invest and organize the construction according to the specified maintenance scope;

2. Party B shall advance the maintenance cost and organize the construction within the scope of maintenance and project promised by Party A. After completion, the maintenance cost shall be deducted in _______ times from the rent payable by Party B based on the official invoice;

3. Party B is responsible for maintenance;

4. Party A and Party B agree.

Party B may decorate the leased house for use without affecting the structure of the house, but its scale, scope, process, materials, etc. shall be approved by Party A in advance before construction. With regard to the cost of labor and materials for the decoration and the ownership of the decoration after the lease expires, both parties agree that the cost of labor and materials shall be borne by Party ________; The ownership belongs to Party ________.

Article 5 Changes of the Leasing Parties

1. If Party A transfers the ownership of the property to a third party according to the legal procedures, this contract will continue to be valid for the new property owner without agreement;

2. Party A shall notify Party B in writing three months before selling the house. Under the same conditions, Party B has the preemptive right;

3. Party B shall obtain Party A's consent in advance when it needs to cooperate with a third person and house, and Party A shall support Party B's reasonable requirements.

Article 6 Liability for breach of contract

1. If Party A fails to deliver the house that meets the requirements to Party B as agreed in Article 1 and Article 2 of this contract, Party A shall be liable for compensation of _____ yuan.

2. If either party of the lease fails to perform the relevant provisions agreed in Article 4, the defaulting party shall be responsible for compensating the other party for ______ yuan.

3. If Party B delays in paying the rent, in addition to paying the overdue rent, Party B shall pay liquidated damages to Party A in the amount of _______% of the rent per day.

4. If Party A collects fees other than the agreed rent from Party B, Party B has the right to refuse to pay.

5. If Party B transfers the leased house to others for use without authorization, Party A has the right to order Party B to stop the transfer and terminate the lease contract. At the same time, Party B shall pay liquidated damages to Party A in days based on ______% of the agreed rent.

6. At the expiration of this contract, Party B shall continue to use the leased house without Party A's consent, and Party A shall still have the right to appeal for termination of the contract after Party B pays liquidated damages to Party A based on _______% of the agreed rent in days.

Article 7 Exemption Conditions

1. If the house is damaged or Party B suffers losses due to force majeure, Party A and Party B shall not be liable to each other.

2. Party A and Party B shall not be liable to each other for any loss caused by the demolition or reconstruction of the leased house due to the need of municipal construction.

Article 8 Dispute Resolution

In case of any dispute arising from the performance of this contract, both parties shall settle it through consultation; If the negotiation fails, either party can apply to the housing lease management authority for mediation. If the mediation fails, either party can apply to the _______ Arbitration Committee for arbitration or file a lawsuit with the _______ People's Court.

Article 9 Other agreed matters

1.______________________________________________________________ .

2.______________________________________________________________ .

3.______________________________________________________________ .

Article 10 For matters not covered in this contract, Party A and Party B shall negotiate and sign a supplementary agreement. The supplementary agreement shall have the same effect as this contract after being submitted to the municipal housing leasing administration for approval and reported to the relevant departments for filing.

This contract is made in quadruplicate, including two originals, one for each party; Two copies shall be sent to the Municipal Housing Administration and the Market Supervision Administration for filing.

Lessor: ___________ (seal) Lessee: ____________ (seal)

Legal representative: _______ (signature) Legal representative: ________ (signature)

Authorized agent: _______ (signature) Authorized agent: ________ (signature)

The same valid period: from ______ to ______

Model House Lease Contract (Common Version)