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Model Individual Housing Lease Contract

Party A: _________ (Lessor)

Party B: _________ (the lessee)

Both parties have reached the following agreement on the lease of Party A's house by Party B through negotiation:

Article 1 Location, area and other information of the leased house

1. The house leased under this contract is located at No. ______, District ___, ___ City (the insufficient part of the house lease contract and agreement can be supplemented)

2. The building area of the house is ___ square meters, and the usable area is ___ square meters. (The insufficient part of the house lease contract and agreement can be supplemented)

3. House property number of the leased house: _________

Article 2 Interior decoration and main equipment of the house

(The lease contract and agreement of the house need to specify the decoration and main equipment, such as: the house is simple decoration, and the equipment inside is _________)

Article 3 Term of house lease

The lease term is ___ (month/year). From MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY.

Days before the expiration of the lease term, if Party B needs to continue to lease, it needs to provide Party A with a proposal, and Party A shall decide whether to continue to renew the contract.

During the lease term, if Party A sells the house, it shall notify Party B ___ days in advance, and Party B shall decide whether to exercise the right of first refusal within ___ days after receiving the notice. If Party B fails to reply within the time limit, it shall be deemed that it has waived the right.

(The lease condition of the house lease contract and agreement lease is at least one year, and the specific conditions can be appropriately modified)

Article 4 Rent and Payment Method

The monthly rent is ___ yuan (in words)

The rent is paid monthly. After the contract is signed, Party B shall pay the rent of the first quarter to Party A.

Party B shall pay the rent of the next quarter to Party A before the __ day of each month. (The payment method of the house lease contract is paid quarterly, which can also be changed according to the specific situation)

Article 5 Deposit

The deposit is ___ yuan (in words: __________). The deposit is used to ensure that the equipment in the house is in good condition. In case of equipment damage, Party A has the right to deduct the corresponding compensation according to the market price.

If Party B does not damage the equipment in the house at the expiration of the contract, Party A shall return the same amount on the expiration date of the contract.

Article 6 House repair and decoration

Party A shall ensure that the house meets the use purpose agreed in the contract, and ensure the normal water and electricity supply. In case of water leakage, wall falling off naturally, water and electricity can not be supplied normally and other situations that affect Party B's normal use of the house, Party A shall solve them within __ days after receiving Party B's notice. Otherwise, Party B has the right to terminate the contract in advance and require Party A to pay liquidated damages.

During the use, Party B shall not change the structure and decoration of the house without authorization, otherwise it will be deemed as breach of contract and shall pay liquidated damages to Party A.

(The lease contract and agreement of the house stipulate that if man-made damage is caused, the rental house shall be responsible for maintenance)

Article 7 House sale

During the lease term, if Party A sells the house and Party B is unwilling to purchase it, Party A shall ensure that Party B can continue to lease until the expiration of the lease term.

(The house lease contract and agreement stipulate that if Party A needs to sell the house urgently, the specific solution can be negotiated)

Article 8 Liability for breach of contract

1. During the lease period, Party B shall not commit any of the following acts, otherwise Party A has the right to terminate the contract, take back the house, and require Party B to bear the liability for breach of contract according to this agreement.

1) Sublease, transfer or lend the house without authorization;

2) Using the leased house to engage in illegal activities that harm public interests;

3) The rent is in arrears for __ months.

2. If Party B delays in paying the rent, in addition to making up the rent, it shall also pay liquidated damages according to the number of days in arrears. The standard of liquidated damages per day is __% of the rent in arrears

3. If Party B sublets, transfers or lends without authorization, it shall pay ___ months' rent as liquidated damages.

4. If one party commits any other breach of contract as agreed in the contract, the breaching party shall not only compensate the non breaching party for the losses caused by its breach of contract, but also pay liquidated damages of RMB ___.

(The house lease contract and agreement stipulate that if Party B needs to sublease for special reasons, it needs to greet Party A in advance)

Article 9 Right of First Refusal

After the expiration of the lease term, if Party A continues to lease the house, Party B shall enjoy the priority of lease under the same conditions. If Party B really cannot find the house after the lease term expires, Party A shall give a grace period of one month, and the rent during the grace period is the same as the agreed rent.

Article 10 Exemption Conditions

If the contract cannot be performed due to force majeure or government actions, both parties shall complement each other and assume responsibilities. The actual rent is calculated based on the number of days of occupancy, and any excess rent will be refunded and any deficiency will be compensated.

(The specific conditions specified in the house lease contract and agreement can be negotiated)

Article 11 Dispute resolution

In case of any dispute during the performance of the contract, both parties shall first negotiate in good faith; If the negotiation fails, a lawsuit can be filed to the court where the house is located.

Article 12 The Contract shall come into force as of the date of signature by both parties. It is in triplicate, one for each party and one for the record of the public security department.

Article 13 The copies of the house property right certificate and the ID cards of both parties are the annexes of this contract. Attached to the contract.

Lessor: ______ Lessee:______

Tel: ______ Tel:______

Address: ______ Address:______


Model Individual Housing Lease Contract