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Practical Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract (18 templates)

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicability 1

Party A:__________

Party B:__________

1. This contract is signed by both parties through consultation in accordance with the provisions of the ________________ Law, and both parties shall abide by the following terms:

2. After friendly negotiation between both parties, Party B purchases one ______________ machine from Party A.

3. Party A is responsible for the disassembly, installation and transportation of the machine. Party A shall bear all expenses incurred in the transportation process. (Party B shall bear the loading and unloading expenses incurred after the machine arrives at the hospital)

4. Party B shall be responsible for assisting Party A in unloading, and the installation work shall provide Party A with all convenient conditions for unloading and installation.

5. Party A shall be responsible for the installation and commissioning of the machine. After the installation and commissioning of the machine are qualified and can work normally, both parties shall sign a warranty contract.

6. Way of warranty: Party A shall be responsible for the complete machine warranty. During the warranty period, Party A shall bear the maintenance costs, parts costs and travel expenses of ______________ machines.

7. Purchase price: RMB __________.

8. Payment method: After the contract is signed, the payment for goods shall be paid in lump sum before the machine is shipped.

9. If either party breaches the contract, both parties have the right to file a lawsuit in the local court according to the Civil Code.

10. Matters not covered in this contract shall be settled by both parties through friendly negotiation. This contract is made in duplicate and will come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties.

Party A:__________

Party B:__________


Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 2

Contract No.:

Signed at: District ______, Yangpu, Shanghai_______

Party A (Buyer): Shanghai Yangpu District Central Hospital Party B (Seller): Shanghai Hanya Medical Instruments Co., Ltd

1. According to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and consensus, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller and the Seller agrees to grant the Buyer the following equipment (hereinafter referred to as equipment):

Equipment name, specification, model, brand, origin, quantity, unit quotation, transaction amount

Bedside monitor PM-9000Express Mindray China Shenzhen 4

Total transaction amount (in words): RMB ten thousand only

If there is a detailed configuration list signed by both parties in this contract, please refer to the annex.

2. Delivery period of the equipment Party B shall deliver the above equipment to Party A within ____ days after the contract takes effect, and the overdue delivery shall be subject to Article 7.

3. Equipment transportation, installation and acceptance

3.1 Party B shall ensure that the equipment is transported safely and undamaged to the site designated by Party A, and bear the freight, insurance and other costs of the equipment. The handling costs shall be borne by Party B.

3.2 Party A and Party B shall conduct unpacking inspection and acceptance of the equipment. If the quantity is insufficient or there are quality, technical and other problems, Party B shall take remedial measures such as supplement, replacement or return according to Party A's requirements within ______ days, and bear all losses and expenses arising therefrom.

3.3 After the arrival of the equipment, Party B shall complete the installation and commissioning within _______ days after receiving the notice from Party A.

3.4 On the basis of meeting the relevant national technical standards, Party A and Party B shall conduct technical acceptance according to the technical standards of the contract (see the annex). After the acceptance is qualified, both parties shall sign on the Acceptance Certificate of Party A.

4. Payment method

Party A shall pay _____% of the payment for goods in advance within _____ after the contract comes into effect; After the installation, commissioning, acceptance and normal use are qualified, _______% of the payment for goods shall be paid in _______, which shall be paid off within two months and three months.

5. Incidental services

5.1 Party B shall provide technical documents of the equipment, including corresponding drawings, operation manuals, maintenance manuals, quality assurance documents, service guides, etc. These documents shall be shipped to Party A together with the equipment.

5.2 Party B shall also provide the following services for free:

Field installation and commissioning of equipment

Provide special tools and auxiliary materials required for equipment installation and maintenance

Party B shall send professional technicians to train or guide Party A's users on the project site. After using for a period of time, Party B can arrange another training plan according to Party A's requirements.

6. Quality assurance and after-sales service

6.1 Party B shall ensure that the supplied equipment is brand new and unused, and meets the requirements of relevant national standards, manufacturer standards and contract technical standards. If the quality or specification of the equipment does not conform to the contract, or the equipment is proved to be defective, including potential defects or the use of nonconforming materials, Party B shall be responsible for replacing the defective part or repairing the defective part with new parts, components or equipment that meet the specifications, quality and performance requirements specified in the contract within 7 days after receiving the notice from Party A, The expenses shall be borne by Party B. At the same time, Party B shall extend the warranty period of repaired or replaced parts according to the provisions of this contract.

6.2 Party B shall provide a warranty period of _______ months. The warranty period shall be calculated from the date of acceptance by both parties. During the warranty period, spare parts and labor costs shall be replaced free of charge. During the warranty period, Party B shall ensure that the startup rate is above 95%. If this requirement is not met, the warranty period shall be extended accordingly.

6.3 The response time for repair is _______ hours, and the time of arrival is _______ hours (except for force majeure).

6.4 After the warranty period expires, the labor cost shall be no more than ______ yuan for a single failure and no less than _______ times for annual regular preventive maintenance.

6.5 Party B shall be responsible for the lifelong maintenance of the equipment and shall continue to provide high-quality services, reserve sufficient spare parts for storage, and supply maintenance spare parts at a preferential price of __________ after the expiration of the warranty period. The supply of consumables shall be determined by a separate agreement between both parties.

7. Claim Clause

7.1 If the goods are confirmed by the State Food and Drug Administration to be inconsistent with the contract, the Buyer has the right to choose one of the following ways to require the Seller to remedy:

7.1.1 Agree the Buyer to return the goods, repay the full amount of the purchase price to the Buyer, and bear all direct losses and expenses arising from the return.

7.1.2 The goods shall be depreciated according to the degree of defect, scope of damage and losses suffered by the Buyer.

7.1.3 When replacing defective goods, the replacement must be brand new and conform to the specifications, quality and performance specified in the Contract. The Seller shall be responsible for all expenses incurred thereby and all direct losses of the Buyer.

7.2 If Party B fails to deliver and provide services at the time specified in the contract, Party A shall deduct the delay compensation from the payment for goods without affecting other remedies under the contract. The compensation for delayed delivery and delayed services shall be calculated and charged at 0.5% of the contract price of the delayed instruments every week until delivery or service provision. However, the maximum amount of delay compensation shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the contract price. A week is calculated as 7 days, and less than 7 days are calculated as a week. Once the maximum amount of delay compensation is reached, Party A has the right to terminate the contract.

7.3 Party B shall guarantee that when Party A and the user use the equipment or any part thereof, they will not be sued by a third party for infringement of its patent, trademark or industrial property rights.

8. Settlement of disputes

In case of any dispute arising from the performance of the contract, both parties shall first negotiate amicably. If the negotiation fails, both parties shall file a lawsuit to the court where the contract is signed.

9. Effectiveness of the Contract

9.1 This contract shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties.

9.2 This contract is made in ____ copies in Chinese, with Party A holding three copies and Party B holding one copy, which have the same legal effect.

10. Annexes to the Contract Annexes to the Contract are an integral part of the Contract and have the same legal effect as the Contract.

10.1 Configuration list Configuration list of equipment

10.2 Technical specifications of technical response equipment in technical standard bidding documents

11. Special agreement_______________________________________________________________________

Party A: Party B:

(Seal) (Seal)

Party A's legal representative or authorized client Party B's legal representative or authorized client

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 3

Party A (purchasing unit): _____________ Tel:______

Party B (supplier): _____________ Tel:______

Party A and Party B, based on the bidding results and relevant bidding documents of the procurement project No. ____ of the Dapu County Government Procurement Center on ____, hereby enter into this contract for mutual compliance:

Article 1 Content and transaction price of the goods purchased by Party A: (Monetary unit: RMB _____)

Article name, specification, model, quality standard, quantity, transaction price (yuan), total (in words) ¥ _________________ Free delivery of articles: ______________________________________________ Party A will not pay any additional fees.

Article 2 Quality and technical standards of articles, Party B's after-sales service and compensation for damages

1. The quality and technical standards of the articles shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed by national laws and regulations, the technical standards required by the bidding documents and Party B's bidding documents.

2. Ensure that it is the original product produced in the country of origin, otherwise it will be treated as a return.

3. During the free warranty period, if there are more than three failures caused by quality problems, the company is responsible for replacing the same kind of new items.

4. Party B shall provide free warranty and other services according to the warranty provisions of the manufacturer and the service commitment stated in the bidding document, and the free warranty period is _____; However, normal and reasonable losses shall be borne by Party A.

5. Under normal use, the articles are guaranteed to have a service life of ________ years.

6. After sales service response time of Party B: _____. Otherwise, Party A can organize maintenance by itself, and the cost shall be borne by Party B. Party A can deduct from the payment for goods and other payables to Party B.

7. If Party A suffers losses due to the quality of Party B's articles, Party B shall compensate.

Article 3 Delivery and Acceptance

1. Delivery time: _______; Place of delivery: _________

2. Party B shall be responsible for the delivery, installation, commissioning, operation training and other work of the articles until the articles can be used normally and the operators can operate skillfully; Be responsible for providing the Chinese instruction manual, Chinese user manual, Chinese maintenance manual and circuit schematic diagram of the articles, and bear all costs incurred therefrom.

3. Acceptance time: Party A must organize the acceptance within ___ working days after Party B submits the acceptance application. Party A shall issue an acceptance report after passing the acceptance.

4. Acceptance criteria:

1) Complete documents: product certificate (or quality certificate), instructions for use, warranty certificate, invoice and other necessary documents;

2) The quality shall meet the requirements of standards, bidding documents and bidding documents stipulated by national laws and regulations.

Article 4 Settlement of payment for goods

1. Settlement basis: purchase contract, sales invoice of Party B, acceptance report issued by Party A

2. Settlement method:__________________________

Article 5 Party B's liability for breach of contract

1. If Party B cannot deliver the goods, Party A will not pay Party B. Party B shall pay Party A liquidated damages equivalent to 10% of the payment for the goods that cannot be delivered;

2. If the variety, quantity, specification and quality of the goods delivered by Party B do not conform to the national laws and regulations and the provisions of the contract, Party B shall be responsible for the repair, replacement or return of the goods, and bear the actual costs incurred therefrom;

3. If Party B delays delivery, it shall pay Party A liquidated damages of 0.5% per day based on the payment for the overdue delivery, and bear the losses suffered by Party A as a result.

Article 6 Party A's liability for breach of contract

1. If Party A makes overdue payment, it shall pay liquidated damages to Party B at the rate of 0.5% per day;

2. If Party A refuses to accept the goods in violation of the contract, it shall bear the losses caused to Party B.

Article 7 Force Majeure

If either party is unable to perform the contract due to force majeure, it shall timely notify the other party of the reasons for its inability to perform or its inability to perform fully, so as to mitigate the losses that may be caused to the other party. After obtaining the certificate from the relevant authority, it is allowed to delay the performance, partial performance or non performance of the contract, and may be partially or completely exempted from liability for breach of contract according to the circumstances.

Article 8 Dispute Settlement

1. In case of dispute over the quality of goods, the technical unit specified by laws and relevant regulations shall conduct quality appraisal, and both parties shall unconditionally obey the conclusion of the appraisal;

2. In case of any dispute arising from the execution of this contract, both parties shall settle it through consultation in a timely manner. If the consultation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court where the contract is signed.

Article 9 Supervision and Management

1. After the conclusion of the contract, if both parties agree to change the substantive terms of the contract or enter into a supplementary contract through consultation, they shall first obtain the consent of the government procurement supervision and administration department and send it to it for filing.

2. Both parties shall consciously cooperate with the relevant supervision and management departments to supervise and inspect the performance of the contract, truthfully report the situation and provide relevant information; Otherwise, relevant units and parties will be punished according to relevant regulations.

Article 10 Invalid Contract

If Party A and Party B are declared invalid due to violation of the provisions of the Government Procurement Law and relevant laws and regulations, all responsibilities shall be borne by the fault party.

Article 11 Supplementary Provisions

1. The bidding documents, bid winning notice, Party B's bidding documents and clarification documents of the procurement project No. ____ of the Dapu County Government Procurement Center are all part of this contract, and both parties must fully comply with them. In case of any violation, they shall bear the liability for breach of contract.

2. This contract is made in triplicate, with Party A, Party B and Dapu County Government Procurement Center holding one copy respectively.

3. This contract shall come into force from the date of signing.

4. Attachment:

Purchaser (Party A): ________ Supplier (Party B):________

Legal representative: ___________ Legal representative:___________

Entrusted agent: ___________ Entrusted agent:___________

Bank of deposit: ____________ Bank of deposit:____________

Account No.: ______________ Account No.:______________

Tel: ______________ Tel:______________

Signed at: _______________ Signed on:

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 4

In the spirit of equality and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B, through friendly negotiation, have reached an agreement on the configuration, price and after-sales service of ___________ equipment provided by Party B to Party A. The specific terms are as follows:

1、 Transaction price: Party B is willing to provide Party A with ____________ model ________________ equipment at a price of ____________, a preferential transaction price of ____________. See the configuration list for details. The manufacturer of the equipment is: _________________, and the country of production is: ___________. If the above transaction price is lower than that of other users (under the same configuration conditions), Party B is willing to provide necessary balance compensation to Party A.

2、 Quality assurance: Party B shall provide original brand new equipment according to the requirements of the configuration list, and implement three guarantees (namely, guarantee for use, guarantee for repair, and guarantee for replacement) for the equipment to ensure reliable and stable product quality and performance. If there are problems in the quality and performance of the product, Party A has the right to claim for compensation from Party B.

Party B guarantees that the relevant qualification materials provided to Party A are true and effective, and the responsibilities or expenses arising therefrom shall be borne by Party B. In case of adverse events of medical devices due to the provision of equipment, Party B is willing to bear all responsibilities and costs.

3、 After sales service: Party B agrees that the free warranty period of this equipment is _____ months from the date of normal use after installation, commissioning and acceptance, and guarantees to go to the site for maintenance within ____ hours after receiving the notice from Party A. The warranty period shall ensure that the normal operation rate of the system is not less than ____%. If Party A's economic losses are caused by failing to meet this standard, Party B shall replace part or the entire equipment, extend the warranty period accordingly, and bear Party A's economic and other losses during the period. After the warranty period expires, Party B shall be responsible for the implementation of lifelong quality service, and the spare parts for repair and replacement shall be provided at a discount of _____% of the standard quotation, and the labor travel expenses shall be _________. Party B shall be responsible for the system error improvement of this model, and shall replace or upgrade the software for free within ___ years. If the product is upgraded in the future, Party B is willing to provide Party A with preferential prices.

4、 Accompanying data: Party B shall provide detailed operation manual, maintenance manual, maintenance manual, Chinese and English original data, equipment general drawing, electronic circuit diagram, mechanical structure diagram and all other application and maintenance data along with the equipment.

5、 Payment method: Party A shall pay the full amount of _______ in advance within _______ after the contract comes into effect; _______ of the total amount paid in the form of _______ within ______ of the equipment (including the complimentary part) being installed, commissioned, accepted and used normally; The balance shall be paid in ____________ by ______ within ________.

6、 Delivery time: Party B is responsible for using the transportation method of _______ to ensure that the equipment will be transported to ______ within _______; It is also responsible for unloading and installing in place, commissioning and putting into use within ________, and the expenses during which shall be borne by Party B. If it cannot be completed on time, Party B is willing to make corresponding compensation to Party A. The compensation calculation standard is ___________ times the number of days delayed per day.

7、 Gift terms: In order to further strengthen technical cooperation and reflect the spirit of "friendly cooperation", Party B agrees to give free gifts to Party A

8、 Both parties are willing to abide by the terms of this agreement on the basis of fairness, reasonableness, equality and mutual benefit. In case of any outstanding issues, both parties shall solve them through friendly negotiation. Both parties hold two copies of this "Purchase and Sales Contract", which have the same effect.

Party A: ____________ Party B:____________

Representative: ____________ Representative:____________

Date: ____________ Date:____________

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 5

Party A (purchasing unit):, Tel:

Party B (supplier):, Tel:

Party A and Party B, based on the bidding results of the No. procurement project of the Dapu County Government Procurement Center and the relevant bidding documents, have reached an agreement through consultation to conclude this contract for both parties to abide by:

Article 1 Content and transaction price of the goods purchased by Party A: (Monetary unit: RMB _____)

Item name

Specification and model

quality standard


Transaction price (yuan)

Total (in words)

Free Shipping Items:

Party A will not pay any additional fees.

Article 2 Quality and technical standards of articles, Party B's after-sales service and compensation for damages

1. The quality and technical standards of the articles shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed by national laws and regulations, the technical standards required by the bidding documents and Party B's bidding documents.

2. Ensure that it is the original product produced in the country of origin, otherwise it will be treated as a return.

3. During the free warranty period, if there are more than three failures caused by quality problems, the company is responsible for replacing the same kind of new items.

4. Party B shall provide free warranty and other services according to the warranty provisions of the manufacturer and the service commitment stated in the bidding documents, and the free warranty period; However, normal and reasonable losses shall be borne by Party A.

5. Under normal use, the articles are guaranteed to have an annual service life.

6. Party B's after-sales service response time:. Otherwise, Party A may organize maintenance by itself, and the cost shall be borne by Party B. Party A may deduct from the payment for goods and other payables to Party B.

7. If Party A suffers losses due to the quality of Party B's articles, Party B shall compensate.

Article 3 Delivery and Acceptance

1. Delivery time:; Place of delivery:.

2. Party B shall be responsible for the delivery, installation, commissioning, operation training and other work of the articles until the articles can be used normally and the operators can operate skillfully; Be responsible for providing the Chinese instruction manual, Chinese user manual, Chinese maintenance manual and circuit schematic diagram of the articles, and bear all costs incurred therefrom.

3. Acceptance time: Party A must organize the acceptance within working days after Party B submits the acceptance application. Party A shall issue an acceptance report after passing the acceptance.

4. Acceptance criteria:

1) Complete documents: product certificate (or quality certificate), instructions for use, warranty certificate, invoice and other necessary documents;

2) The quality shall meet the requirements of standards, bidding documents and bidding documents stipulated by national laws and regulations.

Article 4 Settlement of payment for goods

1. Settlement basis: purchase contract, sales invoice of Party B, acceptance report issued by Party A

2. Settlement method:

Article 5 Party B's liability for breach of contract:

1. If Party B cannot deliver the goods, Party A will not pay Party B. Party B shall pay Party A liquidated damages equivalent to 10% of the payment for the goods that cannot be delivered;

2. If the variety, quantity, specification and quality of the goods delivered by Party B do not conform to the national laws and regulations and the provisions of the contract, Party B shall be responsible for the repair, replacement or return of the goods, and bear the actual costs incurred therefrom;

3. If Party B delays delivery, it shall pay Party A liquidated damages of 0.5% per day based on the payment for the overdue delivery, and bear the losses suffered by Party A as a result.

Article 6 Party A's liability for breach of contract:

1. If Party A makes overdue payment, it shall pay liquidated damages to Party B at the rate of 0.5% per day;

2. If Party A refuses to accept the goods in violation of the contract, it shall bear the losses caused to Party B.

Article 7 Force Majeure

If either party is unable to perform the contract due to force majeure, it shall timely notify the other party of the reasons for its inability to perform or its inability to perform fully, so as to mitigate the losses that may be caused to the other party. After obtaining the certificate from the relevant authority, it is allowed to delay the performance, partial performance or non performance of the contract, and may be partially or completely exempted from liability for breach of contract according to the circumstances.

Article 8 Dispute Settlement

1. In case of dispute over the quality of goods, the technical unit specified by laws and relevant regulations shall conduct quality appraisal, and both parties shall unconditionally obey the conclusion of the appraisal;

2. In case of any dispute arising from the execution of this contract, both parties shall settle it through consultation in a timely manner. If the consultation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court where the contract is signed.

Article 9 Supervision and Management

1. After the conclusion of the contract, if both parties agree to change the substantive terms of the contract or enter into a supplementary contract through consultation, they shall first obtain the consent of the government procurement supervision and administration department and send it to it for filing.

2. Both parties shall consciously cooperate with the relevant supervision and management departments to supervise and inspect the performance of the contract, truthfully report the situation and provide relevant information; Otherwise, relevant units and parties will be punished according to relevant regulations.

Article 10 Invalid Contract

If Party A and Party B are declared invalid due to violation of the provisions of the Government Procurement Law and relevant laws and regulations, all responsibilities shall be borne by the fault party.

Article 11 Supplementary Provisions

1. The bidding documents, bid winning notice, Party B's bidding documents and clarification documents of the No. procurement project of the Dapu County Government Procurement Center are all part of this contract, and both parties must fully comply with them. In case of any violation, they shall bear the liability for breach of contract.

2. This contract is made in triplicate, with Party A, Party B and Dapu County Government Procurement Center holding one copy respectively.

3. This contract shall come into force from the date of signing.

4. Attachment:

Purchaser (Party A): Supplier (Party B):

Legal representative: Legal representative:

Entrusted agent: Entrusted agent:

Deposit bank: Deposit bank:

Account No.: Account No.:

Tel: Tel:

Signing address:

Signed on:

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 6



1、 Product name, model, quantity and amount Product model Product name Unit price Order quantity Total amount 2 Delivery place: ___________________.

3、 Delivery time: ___________________.

4、 Mode of transportation and cost burden: _________________ Supplier's delivery; China Railway Express, borne by the Supplier; The Demander shall provide it by itself.

5、 Payment terms: _________________ The full payment will be made after the installation and commissioning are qualified.

6、 Acceptance standard: _________________ According to the factory standard of the manufacturer.

7、 Liability for breach of contract: _________________ Both parties negotiate.

8、 Packaging standard: _________________ Factory standard.

9、 After sales service: _________________ One year free warranty from the date of qualified commissioning and installation. Paid service after one year. 10、 Other terms: ___________________.

Supplier (seal): _________________ Demander (seal):_________________

Representative (signature): _________________ Representative (signature):________________


Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 7

Party A:_______________

Party B:_______________

1、 In the spirit of equality and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B, through friendly negotiation, have reached an agreement on the configuration, price and after-sales service of ___________ equipment provided by Party B to Party A. The specific terms are as follows:

2、 Quality assurance: Party B shall provide original brand new equipment according to the requirements of the configuration list, and implement three guarantees (namely, guarantee for use, guarantee for repair, and guarantee for replacement) for the equipment to ensure reliable and stable product quality and performance. If there are problems in the quality and performance of the product, Party A has the right to claim for compensation from Party B.

Party B guarantees that the relevant qualification materials provided to Party A are true and effective, and the responsibilities or expenses arising therefrom shall be borne by Party B. In case of adverse events of medical devices due to the provision of equipment, Party B is willing to bear all responsibilities and costs.

3、 After sales service: Party B agrees that the free warranty period of this equipment is __________ months from the date of normal use after installation, commissioning and acceptance, and guarantees to go to the site for maintenance within __________ hours after receiving the notice from Party A. The warranty period shall ensure that the normal operation rate of the system is not less than _________%. If Party A's economic losses are caused by failing to meet this standard, Party B shall replace part or the entire equipment, extend the warranty period accordingly, and bear Party A's economic and other losses during the period. After the warranty period expires, Party B shall be responsible for the implementation of lifelong quality service. The spare parts for repair and replacement shall be provided at a discount of __________% of the standard quotation, and the travel expenses for labor shall be __________. Party B shall be responsible for the system error improvement of this model, and shall replace or upgrade the software for free within ________ years. If the product is upgraded in the future, Party B is willing to provide Party A with preferential prices.

4、 Accompanying data: Party B shall provide detailed operation manual, maintenance manual, maintenance manual, Chinese and English original data, equipment general drawing, electronic circuit diagram, mechanical structure diagram and all other application and maintenance data along with the equipment.

5、 Payment method: Party A shall pay the full amount of __________ in advance by __________ within __________ after the contract comes into effect; The total amount of ___________ paid in full by ___________ within ___________ after the equipment (including the complimentary part) is installed, commissioned, accepted and used normally; The balance shall be paid in ____________ in ___________.

6、 Delivery time: Party B is responsible for using the transportation method of _______ to ensure that the equipment will be transported to ___________ within __________; It is also responsible for unloading and installing in place, commissioning and putting into use within _____________, and the expenses during which shall be borne by Party B. If it cannot be completed on time, Party B is willing to make corresponding compensation to Party A. The compensation calculation standard is ___________ times the number of days delayed per day.

7、 Gift terms: In order to further strengthen technical cooperation and reflect the spirit of "friendly cooperation", Party B agrees to give free gifts to Party A

8、 Both parties are willing to abide by the terms of this agreement on the basis of fairness, reasonableness, equality and mutual benefit. In case of any outstanding issues, both parties shall solve them through friendly negotiation. Both parties hold two copies of this "Purchase and Sales Contract", which have the same effect.

Party A: _______________ Party B:_______________

Representative: _______________ Representative:_______________

Date: _______________ Date:_______________

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 8

Party A (purchasing unit):_____________

Party B (supplier):_____________

Based on the bidding results and relevant bidding documents of the No. 1 procurement project of a government procurement center on ______, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement to enter into this contract for both parties to abide by:

Article 1 Content and transaction price of the goods purchased by Party A: 10000 (monetary unit: RMB _____)

The name, specification, model and quality standard of the article, the quantity and transaction price are 10000 yuan in total. The article will be delivered free of charge, and Party A will not pay any additional fees.

Article 2 Quality and technical standards of articles, Party B's after-sales service and compensation for damages

1. The quality and technical standards of the articles shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed by national laws and regulations, the technical standards required by the bidding documents and Party B's bidding documents.

2. Ensure that it is the original product produced in the country of origin, otherwise it will be treated as a return.

3. During the free warranty period, if there are more than three failures caused by quality problems, the company is responsible for replacing the same kind of new items.

4. Party B shall provide free warranty and other services according to the warranty provisions of the manufacturer and the service commitment stated in the bidding document, and the free warranty period is two years; However, normal and reasonable losses shall be borne by Party A.

5. Under normal use, the articles are guaranteed to have a service life of 10 years.

6. After sales service response time of Party B: on a certain day, month, year. Otherwise, Party A can organize maintenance by itself, and the cost shall be borne by Party B. Party A can deduct from the payment for goods and other payables to Party B.

7. If Party A suffers losses due to the quality of Party B's articles, Party B shall compensate.

Article 3 Delivery and acceptance 1. Delivery time: a certain date; Place of delivery: 2. Party B shall be responsible for the delivery, installation, commissioning, operation training and other work of the articles until the articles can be used normally and the operators can operate skillfully; Be responsible for providing the Chinese instruction manual, Chinese user manual, Chinese maintenance manual and circuit schematic diagram of the articles, and bear all costs incurred therefrom.

3. Acceptance time: Party A must organize acceptance within two working days after Party B submits the acceptance application. Party A shall issue an acceptance report after passing the acceptance.

4. Acceptance criteria:

(1) Complete documents: product certificate (or quality certificate), instructions for use, warranty certificate, invoice and other necessary documents;

(2) The quality shall meet the requirements of standards, bidding documents and bidding documents stipulated by national laws and regulations.

Article 4 Settlement of payment for goods 1. Settlement basis: purchase contract, sales invoice of Party B, acceptance report issued by Party A 2. Settlement method: XX.

Article 5 Party B's liability for breach of contract:

1. If Party B cannot deliver the goods, Party A will not pay Party B. Party B shall pay Party A liquidated damages equivalent to 10% of the payment for the goods that cannot be delivered;

2. If the variety, quantity, specification and quality of the goods delivered by Party B do not conform to the national laws and regulations and the provisions of the contract, Party B shall be responsible for the repair, replacement or return of the goods, and bear the actual costs incurred therefrom;

3. If Party B delays delivery, it shall pay Party A liquidated damages of 0.5% per day based on the payment for the overdue delivery, and bear the losses suffered by Party A as a result.

Article 6 Party A's liability for breach of contract:

1. If Party A makes overdue payment, it shall pay liquidated damages to Party B at the rate of 0.5% per day;

2. If Party A refuses to accept the goods in violation of the contract, it shall bear the losses caused to Party B.

Article 7 Force majeure: If either party is unable to perform the contract due to force majeure, it shall timely notify the other party of the reasons for its inability to perform or complete performance, so as to mitigate the losses that may be caused to the other party. After obtaining the certificate from the relevant authority, it is allowed to delay, partially perform or fail to perform the contract, And may be exempted from liability for breach of contract in part or in whole according to the circumstances.

Article 8 Settlement of disputes 1. In case of disputes over the quality of goods, the technical unit specified by laws and relevant regulations shall conduct quality appraisal, and both parties shall unconditionally obey the conclusion of the appraisal;

2. In case of any dispute arising from the execution of this contract, both parties shall settle it through consultation in a timely manner. If the consultation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court where the contract is signed.

Article 9 Supervision and Management 1. After the conclusion of the contract, if both parties agree to change the substantive terms of the contract or conclude a supplementary contract, they shall first obtain the consent of the government procurement supervision and management department and send it to it for filing.

2. Both parties shall consciously cooperate with the relevant supervision and management departments to supervise and inspect the performance of the contract, truthfully report the situation and provide relevant information; Otherwise, relevant units and parties will be punished according to relevant regulations.

Article 10 Invalid Contract If both parties are declared invalid due to violation of the provisions of the Government Procurement Law and relevant laws and regulations, all liabilities shall be borne by the party at fault.

Article 11 Appendix 1. The bidding documents, bid winning notice, Party B's bidding documents and clarification documents of the No. 1 Procurement Project of the Dapu County Government Procurement Center are all part of this contract, and Party A and Party B must fully comply with them. In case of any violation, they shall bear the liability for breach of contract.

2. This contract is made in triplicate, with Party A, Party B and Dapu County Government Procurement Center holding one copy respectively.

3. This contract shall come into force from the date of signing.

4. Attachment:

Party A:___________

Party B:___________


Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 9

Seller: _________ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)




Deposit bank:_________

Account No.:_________

Purchaser: _________ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)




Deposit bank:_________

Account No.:_________

Signed on: MM/DD/YY_________

Signed at:_________

Article 1 The terms and conditions of this contract must be fulfilled through negotiation between the buyer and seller. For specific categories (types), a delivery order shall be signed as an annex to this document; The terms that need to be supplemented for matters not covered in this contract after negotiation by both parties can be attached with an agreement, which is also regarded as an annex to the contract. The annexes to the contract have the same effect as this contract. The correspondences, faxes, e-mails, etc. confirmed by both parties shall be an integral part of this contract and have the effect of the contract.

When signing the deal sheet, except for the superior's stipulation that the goods should be sold according to the plan, the rest of the goods should be purchased freely and sold according to the sample.

Article 2 After the contract is signed, it shall not be changed or terminated without authorization. If Party A is indeed unable to perform the contract due to force majeure; Party B may change or terminate the contract after mutual agreement due to sudden changes in the market or reasons that cannot be prevented. However, the proposing party shall notify the other party in advance, send the "Contract Change Notice" to the other party, and go through the formalities of changing or terminating the contract.

Both parties shall strictly implement the contract after arranging the production of goods produced according to the design, variety and specification specified by Party B. In case of any change, Party B shall bear the losses arising therefrom; If Party A fails to perform the contract on time, quality and quantity according to the specified requirements, its losses shall be borne by Party A.

Article 3 The price of the commodities in the transaction sheet shall be determined by both parties through consultation or by the state pricing.

When signing the contract, if it is difficult to determine the price, the contract can be concluded at a provisional price, and the upper and lower ranges can be negotiated by both parties.

For goods priced by the state, if the state or local administrative department adjusts the price within the delivery (delivery) period specified in the contract, the price at the time of delivery (shipment) shall prevail.

In case of late delivery, in case of price increase, the original price shall prevail; In case of price reduction, the new price shall prevail. In case of overdue delivery, the new price shall prevail in case of price increase, and the original price shall prevail in case of price decrease. The difference arising from price adjustment shall be settled separately by the buyer and seller.

Article 4 The mode of transportation and transportation costs shall be determined by both parties through consultation.

Article 5 For the quality standards of various commodities, Party A shall strictly implement the quality standards specified in the contract to ensure the quality of commodities.

Article 6 The commodity packaging must be firm, and Party A shall ensure the safety of the commodity during transportation. If Party B has special requirements for commodity packaging, both parties shall specify in the specific contract, and the increased packaging costs shall be borne by Party B.

Article 7 The allocation of commodities shall be balanced and timely. Goods within the contract period can be delivered in batches according to the proportion of _________; Seasonal commodities shall be delivered at the latest and earliest date specified by the carrier department; The goods, spare parts and small quantities of goods can be delivered at one time.

Article 8 Party A may deliver goods with a valid period of more than _________; If the validity period is below _________, Party A shall obtain Party B's consent before delivery.

Article 9 Party A shall entrust the carrier to ship according to the reasonable transportation route, tools, destination station (port) determined by Party B, and strive to fill the capacity or tonnage to save costs.

If one party needs to change the transportation route, tools and arrival station, it shall notify the other party in time, negotiate, and handle the shipment after reaching an agreement. If this affects the contract period, it shall not be treated as breach of contract.

Article 10 The ownership of the goods shall belong to Party B from the time they arrive at the carrier department. In case of loss, shortage, damage and other liability accidents during transportation, Party B shall be responsible for negotiating compensation to the carrier department. If Party A's assistance is needed, Party A shall actively provide relevant information. If Party B finds any problem when receiving the goods, it shall timely ask for the specified records and certificates from the carrier department and immediately conduct a detailed inspection, and make a claim to the relevant responsible party in a timely manner; If the relevant documents fail to accompany the goods, Party B may first sign a letter of acceptance to the carrier department after the arrival of the goods, and notify Party A immediately, and Party A shall reply within _________ days after receiving the notice; Party B shall make detailed records and properly keep the goods that are shipped frequently or wrongly, notify Party A within _________ days after receiving the goods, and shall not use them on its own, and all expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by Party A.

Article 11 If the outer package of the goods is complete, and if any problems such as overflow, defect, damage, mistake and quality of the goods are found, Party B may ask Party A for inquiry if the responsibility really belongs to Party A within _________ years after the arrival of the goods (within _________ days for valuable goods).

If the goods are found to be rotten or deteriorated, Party A shall be notified within _________ days. After joint study by both parties, the responsibility shall be clarified, and the loss shall be borne by the responsible party.

For the receipt of imported goods and goods transferred from foreign trade inventory to domestic sales, as it is related to foreign trade inquiry, the inquiry period is _________ days after Party B receives the goods, and Party A will not accept the overdue goods.

When Party B makes an inquiry to Party A, it shall fill in the "inquiry form", one order for each goods, and not mix them. The contents of the inquiry list shall include the shipping mark, product name, specification, unit price, packing list, billing date, arrival date, quantity in excess or shortage, damage degree, contract number, manufacturer name, transfer order number and other data, and the physical object shall be retained; Party A shall make a reply within _________ days after receiving the "inquiry form", and shall complete the processing within _________ days.

In order to reduce part of the query business, no query will be made (except for parts) if the loss or excess of a variety listed in a stock transfer is less than _________ yuan and the damage is less than _________ yuan. For the inquiry of bulky goods (such as the leftovers of sewing machine heads, parts, etc.), Party B shall send the leftovers to the factory directly, and the inquiry list shall be sent to Party A and the shipping date shall be indicated on the list.

Article 12 For the settlement of the payment for goods, freight and miscellaneous charges and other funds, the buyer and seller shall, in accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China's settlement method, agree on an appropriate settlement method and handle it in a timely and proper manner.

In the settlement of payment for goods, the settlement discipline shall be observed, and the principle of "clearing money and goods" shall be adhered to. The installment payment shall be noted on the transaction sheet. For state-owned and supply and marketing cooperative commercial enterprises with a fixed purchase and sales relationship, the settlement method of "collection and payment commitment" can be used for the settlement of non local payment for goods; For the trading unit with unknown situation, the settlement method of letter of credit can be adopted, or the payment can be made after the receipt.

Article 13 If either party of Party A or Party B breaches the contract, it shall be liable for breach of contract and pay liquidated damages to the other party. If the other party suffers losses due to breach of contract, if the liquidated damages are not enough to offset the losses, compensation shall also be paid to compensate the difference. If the liquidated damages are excessively higher or lower than the losses caused, the parties may request the people's court or arbitration institution to reduce or increase them appropriately.

1. According to the specific contract signed by Party A and Party B, if one party fails to perform or fails to fully perform the contract, it shall pay the other party liquidated damages amounting to _________% of the total value of the contract payment. However, if both parties negotiate to go through the procedures of changing or terminating the contract, it will not be treated as a breach of contract.

2. If Party A fails to deliver the goods by itself, it shall be responsible for the overdue delivery and bear the actual costs paid by Party B for this reason; If Party B fails to pick up the goods on time, it shall, in accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China on deferred payment, pay Party A liquidated damages for overdue picking up, and bear the storage fees actually paid by Party A.

3. The expenses actually paid by Party B during the escrow period due to Party A's early delivery, over delivery and wrong delivery shall be borne by Party A. If Party B makes overdue payment, it shall pay liquidated damages for overdue payment to Party A in accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China on overdue payment.

4. The corresponding liquidated damages, compensation, storage and maintenance costs and various economic losses shall be remitted to the other party within _________ days after the responsibility is clear, otherwise, it will be treated as overdue payment, but either party shall not use the goods withheld or the payment withheld to offset.

Article 14 When a dispute arises between Party A and Party B during the performance of the contract, it shall be settled through negotiation in a timely manner. If the negotiation fails, either party may apply to an arbitration institution for arbitration or bring a suit in a people's court. (Either way)

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 10

Signed at:_________

Contract No.:___________

Party A: ___________ Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. Party B:______________________

Address: ______________________ Address:______________________

Tel.: ______________________ Tel.:______________________

Fax: ______________________ Fax:______________________

Zip code: ______________________ Zip code:______________________

In order to protect the legitimate interests of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations, and in the principle of 'equality, mutual benefit and common development', both parties have reached an agreement to enter into this contract.

1、 Party A and Party B agree to follow the provisions of this contract

1. Party A authorizes Party B, as the general distributor of ________ (construction, city, county) region, to be fully responsible for the sales and after-sales service of Party A's ______________________ brand condoms in this region.

2. Party A requires Party B to purchase the first batch of goods not less than _________ yuan, and Party B guarantees that the total amount returned to Party A within the contract period is not less than ____ yuan, and the average monthly amount returned is not less than ____ yuan.

3. Party A shall supply goods to Party B according to the total regional distribution price. See the attached table for the specific price.

4. Payment method: delivery upon payment. Party B shall handle the first batch of loan withdrawal procedures within seven days from the date of signing the contract, otherwise it shall be deemed that Party B automatically waives the general distribution right.

5. The place of delivery and acceptance shall be Party A's warehouse or Party A shall deliver the goods to the railway station or bus station where Party B is located after the payment is received. Long distance freight shall be borne by Party A, and short distance freight shall be borne by Party B.

2、 Rights and obligations of Party A

1. Have the right to suggest and supervise Party B's operation of Party A's series of brand condoms. Party B has the right to investigate the responsibility of Party B's breach of the contract. If the circumstances are serious, Party B can be directly investigated for its civil law liability.

2. Party A shall ensure product quality and provide relevant certificates required for product sales.

3. Party A promises not to directly supply goods to other customers in the general distribution area of Party B during the contract period, otherwise Party B has the right to investigate Party A's civil law liability.

3、 Rights and obligations of Party B

1. Party B has the right to independently operate Party A's series of brand condoms within the scope of the contract. Party B has the right to investigate Party A's breach of this contract. If the circumstances are serious, Party B can directly investigate Party A's civil code liability.

2. Party B shall make efforts to promote and sell Party A's products, and timely feed back market information and sales to Party A.

3. Within two months after signing the contract, Party B must complete 80% of the distribution rate of Party A's products in the terminal market of the region. Two months later, Party A will conduct market research, and Party B must provide the details of the supply sub distributors and terminals.

4. Party B guarantees that it will not deliver goods to other regions outside the general distribution area. If there is any act of fleeing goods, it will be punished by more than 5 times the amount of fleeing goods, and Party A has the right to cancel Party B's agency right.

5. When Party B makes payment to Party A, it must directly enter the payment into the bank account or card number designated by Party A. Otherwise, Party B shall be responsible for the loss of payment. Party B shall not lend money from Party A's payment for goods to Party A's business personnel or other personnel for any reason, otherwise, Party A will not accept it.

4、 Relevant regulations on exchange and return of goods

1. Party B can apply to Party A for goods exchange within the scope of all Party A's products according to the actual sales situation. For example, Party A's' twelve sun hats' condom product can be replaced with a 'twenty water soluble sun hats' condom of the same brand.

2. When the contract is rescinded by both parties, Party A is reducing the business risk for Party B and implementing the return system (excluding the first purchase), but the total value of Party B's return shall not exceed the total value of the first purchase before the contract is rescinded.

3. Party B must ensure that the application date for goods return and replacement is not more than six months from the production date of the goods, and ensure that the product quality and packaging appearance are intact, without affecting the second sales of the products.

4. Party B shall bear the freight and other related expenses incurred in the process of return and replacement.

5、 The contract is automatically terminated in the following cases

1. Party A confirms that Party B has stolen goods maliciously for more than 2 times.

2. Party B supplies goods at a price lower than the total distribution price of the products without authorization, causing market chaos.

3. Party B fails to complete 70% of the monthly average of the designated payment collection for three consecutive months.

4. Party A and Party B have breached their rights and obligations and caused losses to the other party.

6、 After the termination of the contract, Party B shall continue to assume the confidentiality task for all relevant contents of Party A's product operation and sales, return all documents, materials, power of attorney, distribution cards, etc. to Party A, and clear up all creditor's rights and debts of both parties within half a month.

7、 Liability for breach of contract

1. In case of breach of contract by both parties, the breaching party shall compensate the other party for direct economic losses and legal liabilities, which shall be settled in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

2. In case of any dispute, both parties shall settle it through consultation. If no agreement is reached through consultation, it shall be handled by the people's court where Party A is located.

8、 Effectiveness and duration of the contract

This contract will come into force after Party B takes the first batch of goods, and the validity period is one year, that is, from to.

9、 For matters not covered in this contract, the annexes reached in writing through mutual consultation between Party A and Party B shall have the same legal effect as the original after being signed and sealed by both parties.

10、 This contract is made in two originals, one for each party.

11、 Matters agreed by both parties:____________________________

Party A: ___________ Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. Party B:______________________

Legal person: ______________________ Legal person:______________________

Authorized representative: __________________ Authorized representative:__________________

ID No.:__________________

Signature: ______________________ Signature:______________________

Signed on:

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 11

Party A (Buyer):______

Party B (the Seller):______

1. According to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and consensus, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller and the Seller agrees to grant the Buyer the following equipment (hereinafter referred to as equipment): equipment name, specification, brand, place of origin, quantity, unit quotation, transaction amount, total transaction amount (in words): ______ ()

2. The delivery period of the equipment: Party B shall deliver the above equipment to Party A within ____ days after the contract takes effect, and the overdue delivery shall be subject to Article 7.

3. Equipment transportation, installation and acceptance 3. 1 Party B shall ensure that the equipment is transported safely and undamaged to the site designated by Party A, and bear the freight, insurance and other costs of the equipment, and the loading and unloading costs shall be borne by Party B.

(1) Party A and Party B shall carry out unpacking, checking and acceptance of the equipment. If the quantity is insufficient or there are quality, technical and other problems, Party B shall, within ______ days, take remedial measures such as making up, replacing or returning the equipment as required by Party A, and bear all losses and expenses arising therefrom.

(2) After the arrival of the equipment, Party B shall complete the installation and commissioning within _______ days after receiving the notice from Party A.

(3) On the basis of meeting the relevant national technical standards, Party A and Party B shall conduct technical acceptance according to the technical standards of the contract. After passing the acceptance, both parties shall sign on Party A for confirmation.

4. Payment method: Party A shall pay _____% of the payment for goods in advance within _____ after the contract comes into effect; After the installation, commissioning, acceptance and normal use are qualified, _______% of the payment for goods shall be paid in _______, which shall be paid off within two months and three months.

5. Incidental services

Party B shall provide technical documents of the equipment, including corresponding drawings, operation manuals, maintenance manuals, quality assurance documents, service guides, etc. These documents shall be shipped to Party A together with the equipment.

At the same time, Party B shall also provide the following services for free: the on-site installation and commissioning of equipment shall provide special tools and auxiliary materials required for equipment installation and maintenance; Party B shall send professional technicians to train or guide Party A's users on the project site, and after using for a period of time, another training plan can be arranged according to Party A's requirements.

6. Quality assurance and after-sales service

(1) Party B shall guarantee that the supplied equipment is brand new and unused, and meets the requirements of relevant national standards, manufacturer's standards and contract technical standards.

If the quality or specification of the equipment does not conform to the contract, or the equipment is proved to be defective, including potential defects or the use of nonconforming materials, Party B shall be responsible for replacing the defective part or repairing the defective part with new parts, components or equipment that meet the specifications, quality and performance requirements specified in the contract within 7 days after receiving the notice from Party A, The expenses shall be borne by Party B.

(2) Party B shall provide a warranty period of _______ months, which shall be calculated from the date of acceptance by both parties. During the warranty period, spare parts and labor costs shall be replaced free of charge. During the warranty period, Party B shall ensure that the startup rate is above 95%. If this requirement is not met, the warranty period shall be extended accordingly.

(3) The response time of the repair request is _______ hours, and the arrival time is _______ hours (except for force majeure).

(4) After the warranty period expires, the labor cost shall be no more than ______ yuan for a single failure, and the annual regular preventive maintenance shall be no less than _______ times.

(5) Party B shall be responsible for the lifelong maintenance of the equipment and shall continue to provide high-quality services, reserve sufficient spare parts for storage, and supply maintenance spare parts at a preferential price of __________ after the expiration of the warranty period. The supply of consumables shall be determined by a separate agreement between both parties.

7. Claim clause

If the goods are confirmed by the State Food and Drug Administration to be inconsistent with the contract, the Buyer has the right to choose one of the following ways to require the Seller to remedy:

(1) Agree the buyer to return the goods, repay the full amount of the purchase price to the buyer, and bear all direct losses and expenses arising from the return.

(2) The goods shall be depreciated according to the degree of defect, scope of damage and losses suffered by the Buyer.

(3) The defective goods shall be replaced, and the replacement must be brand new and conform to the specifications, quality and performance specified in the Contract. The Seller shall be responsible for all expenses incurred thereby and all direct losses of the Buyer.

8. Settlement of disputes

In case of any dispute arising from the performance of the contract, both parties shall first negotiate amicably. If the negotiation fails, both parties shall file a lawsuit to the court where the contract is signed.

9. Effectiveness of contract

This contract shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties.

This contract is made in ____ copies in Chinese, with Party A holding three copies and Party B holding one copy, which have the same legal effect.

Party A (seal):___________

Party B (seal):___________

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicability 12

Contract No.:___________

Party A: __________ Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Party B:______________________

Address: ______________________ Address:______________________

Tel.: ______________________ Tel.:______________________

Fax: ______________________ Fax:______________________

Post code: ______________________ Part ____:______________________

In order to protect the legitimate interests of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations, and in the principle of 'equality, mutual benefit and common development', both parties have reached an agreement to enter into this contract.

1、 Party A and Party B agree to follow the provisions of this contract

1. Party A authorizes Party B, as the general distributor of ________ (construction, city, county) region, to be fully responsible for the sales and after-sales service of Party A's ______________________ brand condoms in this region.

2. Party A requires Party B to purchase the first batch of goods not less than _________ yuan, and Party B guarantees that the total amount returned to Party A within the contract period is not less than ____ yuan, and the average monthly amount returned is not less than ____ yuan.

3. Party A shall supply goods to Party B according to the total regional distribution price. See the attached table for the specific price.

4. Payment method: delivery upon payment. Party B shall handle the first batch of loan withdrawal procedures within seven days from the date of signing the contract, otherwise it shall be deemed that Party B automatically waives the general distribution right.

5. The place of delivery and acceptance shall be Party A's warehouse or Party A shall deliver the goods to the railway station or bus station where Party B is located after the payment is received. Long distance freight shall be borne by Party A, and short distance freight shall be borne by Party B.

2、 Rights and obligations of Party A

1. Have the right to suggest and supervise Party B's operation of Party A's series of brand condoms. Party B has the right to investigate the responsibility of Party B's breach of the contract, and if the circumstances are serious, Party B can be directly investigated for economic and legal responsibility.

2. Party A shall ensure product quality and provide relevant certificates required for product sales.

3. Party A promises not to directly supply goods to other customers in the general distribution area of Party B during the contract period, otherwise Party B has the right to investigate Party A's economic and legal responsibilities.

3、 Rights and obligations of Party B

1. Party B has the right to independently operate Party A's series of brand condoms within the scope of the contract. Party B has the right to investigate Party A's breach of this contract, and if the circumstances are serious, Party B can directly investigate Party A's economic and legal responsibilities.

2. Party B shall make efforts to promote and sell Party A's products, and timely feed back market information and sales to Party A.

3. Within two months after signing the contract, Party B must complete 80% of the distribution rate of Party A's products in the terminal market of the region. Two months later, Party A will conduct market research, and Party B must provide the details of the supply sub distributors and terminals.

4. Party B guarantees that it will not deliver goods to other regions outside the general distribution area. If there is any act of fleeing goods, it will be punished by more than 5 times the amount of fleeing goods, and Party A has the right to cancel Party B's agency right.

5. When Party B makes payment to Party A, it must directly enter the payment into the bank account or card number designated by Party A. Otherwise, Party B shall be responsible for the loss of payment. Party B shall not lend money from Party A's payment for goods to Party A's business personnel or other personnel for any reason, otherwise, Party A will not accept it.

4、 Relevant regulations on exchange and return of goods

1. Party B can apply to Party A for goods exchange within the scope of all Party A's products according to the actual sales situation. For example, Party A's' twelve sun hats' condom product can be replaced with a 'twenty water soluble sun hats' condom of the same brand.

2. When the contract is rescinded by both parties, Party A is reducing the business risk for Party B and implementing the return system (excluding the first purchase), but the total value of Party B's return shall not exceed the total value of the first purchase before the contract is rescinded.

3. Party B must ensure that the application date for goods return and replacement is not more than six months from the production date of the goods, and ensure that the product quality and packaging appearance are intact, without affecting the second sales of the products.

4. Party B shall bear the freight and other related expenses incurred in the process of return and replacement.

5、 The contract is automatically terminated in the following cases

1. Party A confirms that Party B has stolen goods maliciously for more than 2 times.

2. Party B supplies goods at a price lower than the total distribution price of the products without authorization, causing market chaos.

3. Party B fails to complete 70% of the monthly average of the designated payment collection for three consecutive months.

4. Party A and Party B have breached their rights and obligations and caused losses to the other party.

6、 After the termination of the contract, Party B shall continue to assume the confidentiality task for all relevant contents of Party A's product operation and sales, return all documents, materials, power of attorney, distribution cards, etc. to Party A, and clear up all creditor's rights and debts of both parties within half a month.

7、 Liability for breach of contract

1. In case of breach of contract by both parties, the breaching party shall compensate the other party for direct economic losses and legal liabilities, which shall be settled in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

2. In case of any dispute, both parties shall settle it through consultation. If no agreement is reached through consultation, it shall be handled by the people's court where Party A is located.

8、 Effectiveness and duration of the contract

This contract will come into force after Party B takes the first batch of goods, and the validity period is one year, that is, from to.

9、 For matters not covered in this contract, the annexes reached in writing through mutual consultation between Party A and Party B shall have the same legal effect as the original after being signed and sealed by both parties.

10、 This contract is made in two originals, one for each party.

11、 Matters agreed by both parties:____________________________

Party A: __________ Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Party ____:______________________

Legal person: __________________________ Legal person:______________________

Authorized representative: ______________________ Authorized representative:__________________

____________________ID No.:__________________

Signature: __________________________ Signature:______________________

Signed on:

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 13

Party A: ___________ Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. Party B:______________________

Tel.: ______________________ Tel.:______________________

In order to protect the legitimate interests of both parties, in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations, and in the principle of 'equality, mutual benefit and common development', both parties have reached an agreement to enter into this contract.

1、 Party A and Party B agree to follow the provisions of this contract

1. Party A authorizes Party B, as the general distributor of ________ (construction, city, county) region, to be fully responsible for the sales and after-sales service of Party A's ______________________ brand condoms in this region.

2. Party A requires Party B to purchase the first batch of goods not less than _________ yuan, and Party B guarantees that the total amount returned to Party A within the contract period is not less than ____ yuan, and the average monthly amount returned is not less than ____ yuan.

3. Party A shall supply goods to Party B according to the total regional distribution price. See the attached table for the specific price.

4. Payment method: delivery upon payment. Party B shall handle the first batch of loan withdrawal procedures within seven days from the date of signing the contract, otherwise it shall be deemed that Party B automatically waives the general distribution right.

5. The place of delivery and acceptance shall be Party A's warehouse or Party A shall deliver the goods to the railway station or bus station where Party B is located after the payment is received. Long distance freight shall be borne by Party A, and short distance freight shall be borne by Party B.

2、 Rights and obligations of Party A

1. Have the right to suggest and supervise Party B's operation of Party A's series of brand condoms. Party B has the right to investigate the responsibility of Party B's breach of the contract, and can directly investigate Party B's economic and legal responsibilities if the circumstances are serious.

2. Party A shall ensure product quality and provide relevant certificates required for product sales.

3. Party A promises not to directly supply goods to other customers in the general distribution area of Party B during the contract period, otherwise Party B has the right to investigate Party A's economic and legal responsibilities.

3、 Rights and obligations of Party B

1. Party B has the right to independently operate Party A's series of brand condoms within the scope of the contract. Party B has the right to investigate Party A's breach of this contract, and if the circumstances are serious, Party B can directly investigate Party A's economic and legal responsibilities.

2. Party B shall make efforts to promote and sell Party A's products, and timely feed back market information and sales to Party A.

3. Within two months after signing the contract, Party B must complete 80% of the distribution rate of Party A's products in the terminal market of the region. Two months later, Party A will conduct market research, and Party B must provide the details of the supply sub distributors and terminals.

4. Party B guarantees that it will not deliver goods to other regions outside the general distribution area. If there is any act of fleeing goods, it will be punished by more than 5 times the amount of fleeing goods, and Party A has the right to cancel Party B's agency right.

5. When Party B makes payment to Party A, it must directly enter the payment into the bank account or card number designated by Party A. Otherwise, Party B shall be responsible for the loss of payment. Party B shall not lend money from Party A's payment for goods to Party A's business personnel or other personnel for any reason, otherwise, Party A will not accept it.

4、 Relevant regulations on exchange and return of goods

1. Party B can apply to Party A for goods exchange within the scope of all Party A's products according to the actual sales situation. For example, Party A's' twelve sun hats' condom product can be replaced with a 'twenty water soluble sun hats' condom of the same brand.

2. When the contract is rescinded by both parties, Party A is reducing the business risk for Party B and implementing the return system (excluding the first purchase), but the total value of Party B's return shall not exceed the total value of the first purchase before the contract is rescinded.

3. Party B must ensure that the application date for goods return and replacement is not more than six months from the production date of the goods, and ensure that the product quality and packaging appearance are intact, without affecting the second sales of the products.

4. Party B shall bear the freight and other related expenses incurred in the process of return and replacement.

5、 The contract is automatically terminated in the following cases

1. Party A confirms that Party B has stolen goods maliciously for more than 2 times.

2. Party B supplies goods at a price lower than the total distribution price of the products without authorization, causing market chaos.

3. Party B fails to complete 70% of the monthly average of the designated payment collection for three consecutive months.

4. Party A and Party B have breached their rights and obligations and caused losses to the other party.

6、 After the termination of the contract, Party B shall continue to assume the confidentiality task for all relevant contents of Party A's product operation and sales, return all documents, materials, power of attorney, distribution cards, etc. to Party A, and clear up all creditor's rights and debts of both parties within half a month.

7、 Liability for breach of contract

In case of breach of contract by both parties, the breaching party shall compensate the other party for direct economic losses and legal liabilities, which shall be settled in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

first party:

Party B:


Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicability 14

Party A: __________ Party B:__________

In order to strictly ensure the safety and effectiveness of people's drug use, protect the legitimate rights and interests of both parties to the contract, and clarify the obligations of both parties to perform, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations such as the Food and Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, the Product Quality Law, and the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law, Party A and Party B sign this contract on the basis of equal consultation and jointly abide by the following terms:

1、 Product name _______, specification _______, unit _______, quantity _______, amount __________.

2、 Delivery time, place and destination: deliver the goods to the hospital designated by Party B and be responsible for installation after signing the contract.

3、 Settlement method: After signing the contract, Party B shall settle all payments for goods in one time to the designated account.

4、 Liability for breach of contract:

If either party breaches the contract, it shall be liable for breach of contract and pay liquidated damages to the other party. If the other party suffers losses due to breach of contract, if the liquidated damages are not enough to offset the losses, it shall also pay compensation to compensate the difference. If the liquidated damages are excessively higher or lower than the losses caused, the parties may request the people's court or arbitration institution to reduce or increase them appropriately.

1. As required by the specific contract signed by both parties, if one party fails to perform or fails to completely perform the contract, it shall submit a written application to the other party. If the other party refuses to accept, the defaulting party shall pay 5% of the total contract price. However, if both parties negotiate to go through the procedures of changing or terminating the contract, it will not be treated as a breach of contract.

2. If Party B makes overdue payment, it shall pay Party A liquidated damages for overdue payment at the interest rate of 1%.

3. The liquidated damages, compensations, storage costs and various economic losses that should be paid should be remitted to the other party within 20 days after the responsibility is clear. Otherwise, it will be handled according to the terms of breach of contract, but neither party can use the goods withheld or the payment withheld to offset.

5、 Solution to contract disputes: negotiate first. If negotiation fails, either party can bring a lawsuit to the people's court. This agreement takes the place where the contract is signed as the jurisdiction of the lawsuit.

6、 Other agreed matters:

1. Party A shall be responsible for the administrative, legal and economic punishment of medical accidents and disputes caused by the quality problems or adverse reactions of the goods provided by Party A to Party B.

2. Party A is responsible for providing certificates and documents that meet the requirements.

3. Bank account number of Party A: __________.

7、 This contract is made in duplicate and shall come into force as of the date of signature by both parties. This contract is valid until _______.

Signature of Party A: __________ Signature of Party B:__________


Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicability 15

Party A (Buyer):__________

Party B (the Seller):__________

1. According to the Civil Code, on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and consensus, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller and the Seller agrees to grant the Buyer the following equipment (hereinafter referred to as equipment):

Product model__________

Product name__________

Unit price__________

Order quantity__________

Total amount__________

2. Delivery period of the equipment Party B shall deliver the above equipment to Party A within ____ days after the contract takes effect, and the overdue delivery shall be subject to Article 7.

3. Equipment transportation, installation and acceptance

3.1 Party B shall ensure that the equipment is transported safely and undamaged to the site designated by Party A, and bear the freight, insurance and other costs of the equipment. The handling costs shall be borne by Party B.

3.2 Party A and Party B shall conduct unpacking inspection and acceptance of the equipment. If the quantity is insufficient or there are quality, technical and other problems, Party B shall take remedial measures such as supplement, replacement or return according to Party A's requirements within ______ days, and bear all losses and expenses arising therefrom.

3.3 After the arrival of the equipment, Party B shall complete the installation and commissioning within _______ days after receiving the notice from Party A.

3.4 On the basis of meeting the relevant national technical standards, Party A and Party B shall conduct technical acceptance according to the technical standards of the contract. After the acceptance is qualified, both parties shall sign on the Acceptance Certificate of Party A.

4. Payment method

Party A shall pay _____% of the payment for goods in advance within _____ after the contract comes into effect; After the installation, commissioning, acceptance and normal use are qualified, _______% of the payment for goods shall be paid in _______ months.

5. Incidental services

5.1 Party B shall provide technical documents of the equipment, including corresponding drawings, operation manuals, maintenance manuals, quality assurance documents, service guides, etc. These documents shall be shipped to Party A together with the equipment.

5.2 Party B shall also provide the following services for free:

Field installation and commissioning of equipment

Provide special tools and auxiliary materials required for equipment installation and maintenance

Party B shall send professional technicians to train or guide Party A's users on the project site. After using for a period of time, Party B can arrange another training plan according to Party A's requirements.

6. Quality assurance and after-sales service

6.1 Party B shall guarantee that the supplied equipment is brand new and unused, and meets the requirements of relevant national standards, manufacturer's standards and contract technical standards. If the quality or specification of the equipment does not conform to the contract, or the equipment is proved to be defective, including potential defects or the use of nonconforming materials, Party B shall be responsible for replacing the defective part or repairing the defective part with new parts, components or equipment that meet the specifications, quality and performance requirements specified in the contract within 7 days after receiving the notice from Party A, The expenses shall be borne by Party B. At the same time, Party B shall extend the warranty period of repaired or replaced parts according to the provisions of this contract.

6.2 Party B shall provide a warranty period of _______ months. The warranty period shall be calculated from the date of acceptance by both parties. During the warranty period, spare parts and labor costs shall be replaced free of charge. During the warranty period, Party B shall ensure that the startup rate is more than _________%. If this requirement is not met, the warranty period will be extended accordingly.

6.3 The response time for repair is _______ hours, and the time of arrival is _______ hours (except for force majeure).

6.4 After the warranty period expires, the labor cost shall be no more than ______ yuan for a single failure and no less than _______ times for annual regular preventive maintenance.

6.5 Party B shall be responsible for the lifelong maintenance of the equipment and shall continue to provide high-quality services, reserve sufficient spare parts for storage, and supply maintenance spare parts at a preferential price of __________ after the expiration of the warranty period. The supply of consumables shall be determined by a separate agreement between both parties.

7. Claim Clause

7.1 If the goods are confirmed by the State Food and Drug Administration to be inconsistent with the contract, the Buyer has the right to choose one of the following ways to require the Seller to remedy:

7.1.1 Agree the Buyer to return the goods, repay the full amount of the purchase price to the Buyer, and bear all direct losses and expenses arising from the return.

7.1.2 The goods shall be depreciated according to the degree of defect, scope of damage and losses suffered by the Buyer.

7.1.3 When replacing defective goods, the replacement must be brand new and conform to the specifications, quality and performance specified in the Contract. The Seller shall be responsible for all expenses incurred thereby and all direct losses of the Buyer.

7.2 If Party B fails to deliver and provide services at the time specified in the contract, Party A shall deduct the delay compensation from the payment for goods without affecting other remedies under the contract. The compensation for delayed delivery and delayed services shall be calculated and collected at the rate of 0.5% (_________%) of the contract price of the delayed instruments every week until the delivery or provision of services. However, the limit of liquidated damages for delay shall not exceed five percent (__________%) of the contract price. A week shall be counted as __________ days, and the days less than __________ days shall be counted as __________ weeks. Once the limit of delay compensation is reached, Party A has the right to terminate the contract.

7.3 Party B shall guarantee that when Party A and the user use the equipment or any part thereof, they will not be sued by a third party for infringement of its patent, trademark or industrial property rights.

8. Settlement of disputes

In case of any dispute arising from the performance of the contract, both parties shall first negotiate amicably. If the negotiation fails, both parties shall file a lawsuit to the court where the contract is signed.

9. Effectiveness of the Contract

9.1 This contract shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties.

9.2 This contract is made in ____ copies in Chinese, with Party A holding three copies and Party B holding one copy, which have the same legal effect.

Party A: ______ Party B:______

Date: __________ Date:________

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicability 16

Party A (Supplier):________

Demander (Party B):________

Based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and consensus, and in accordance with the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and the provisions on the sale of medical devices, Party A and Party B have reached the following terms to be observed and implemented by both parties.

1、 Product name ________, model ________, quantity ________, configuration ________, remarks ________.

2、 Product quality requirements and technical standards  

1. Party A shall ensure that the products and spare parts provided by it are brand new and unused, and comply with relevant national standards, manufacturer's standards and contract requirements.

2. Party A shall ensure that the above products meet the national inspection standards and have the product inspection certificate issued by the relevant quality inspection department.

3. In case of any dispute over product quality, the technical unit with qualification jointly entrusted by Party A and Party B shall conduct quality appraisal. The appraisal conclusion is final and shall be accepted by both parties. If the product is identified as having quality problems, Party B has the right to claim for replacement and compensation from Party A.

3、 Product transportation

1. Party A shall deliver the goods and bear the freight according to Party B's written instructions.

2. Party A shall complete the delivery procedures within 15 working days after receiving the full payment from Party B. And fax the delivery voucher to Party B.

3. Party A shall arrange the engineer to arrive at the designated place within 3 working days after receiving the written notice of arrival from Party B.

4. Party A shall provide the following documents along with the product: operation manual, operation manual, approval document of health administrative license issued by the Ministry of Health, medical device registration certificate and attached table, work record, training materials and qualification certificate.

5. If Party B changes the delivery place, time or consignee of the product after Party A completes the delivery procedures, all expenses incurred thereby shall be borne by Party B.

4、 Product installation, commissioning and personnel training

1. Party A's engineer shall check whether the product code is consistent with the agreed actual user of the product before the first installation. If not, the engineer of Party A has the right to refuse installation, commissioning and personnel training. All losses caused thereby shall be borne by Party B.

2. If the above information is verified to be consistent, Party A's engineers shall complete the installation and commissioning of the product within three working days and ensure that the product can be put into normal use.

3. After product installation and commissioning, Party A's engineers shall be responsible for training relevant personnel on installation, commissioning and operation free of charge for three consecutive days.

4. If Party A's engineers cannot conduct installation, commissioning and personnel training due to Party A's reasons after arriving at the designated site, Party A shall bear all costs until the product installation, commissioning and personnel training are completed.

5. If the installation, commissioning and personnel training of Party A's engineers cannot be carried out without Party A's reason after they arrive at the designated site, Party B shall pay liquidated damages to Party A at the rate of 500 yuan per day from the fourth day of Party A's engineers arriving at the designated site. If Party B refuses to pay, Party A has the right to stop the installation, commissioning and personnel training of products.

5、 Acceptance time and standard

1. Party A and Party B (or the actual user of the product approved by Party B in writing) shall jointly inspect and accept the product when the product installation and commissioning training is completed. If Party B (or the actual user of the product approved by Party B in writing) refuses to be present for acceptance without proper reasons, it shall be deemed that the product provided by Party A conforms to the provisions of this contract.

2. If the product has model, quantity or technical problems, Party A shall, within 15 working days and in accordance with the provisions of this contract, take remedial measures to make up or replace the product, and bear all costs arising therefrom.

3. Both Party A and Party B (or the actual user of the product approved by Party B in writing) shall conduct acceptance according to the quality standards of the original manufacturer (in line with the national inspection standards). After passing the acceptance, both parties shall sign on the Acceptance Certificate for confirmation.

6、 Warranty period and cost

1. The warranty period of Party A for the whole product is one year, the warranty period for the RF source is two years, and the warranty period for the vacuum pump is two years or 1200 pots (whichever comes first), which is calculated from the date of acceptance between Party A and Party B (or the actual user of the product approved by Party B in writing). At the same time, Party A shall replace spare parts and upgrade equipment free of charge during the warranty period.

2. After the product passes the acceptance, Party A shall directly assume the warranty responsibility for the actual user of the product to ensure the reliability and stability of the product performance.

7、 After sales service and response time

1. Party A shall be responsible for after-sales service of products.

2. The working hours of Party A's after-sales service center are: 24 hours a day; The unified service telephone is 4008866033.

3. Party A shall arrange professional technicians to handle the fault by telephone within 2 hours after receiving the fault report. If it cannot be solved by telephone within 2 hours, Party A shall arrange professional technicians to arrive at the site to provide services within 24 hours thereafter.

4. If the above service fees are within the one-year warranty period, Party A shall bear them; If the warranty period exceeds one year, it shall be determined by Party A and Party B (or the actual user of the product approved in writing) through negotiation.

8、 Special agreement

1. Without the written permission of the other party, Party A and Party B shall not disclose or provide the trade secrets of the other party known or obtained according to this contract to a third party in any way.

2. Party B promises not to disclose Party A's market conditions, marketing methods and other trade secrets to a third party. Otherwise, Party B shall pay Party A liquidated damages of 50000 yuan. If Party A's economic losses are caused thereby, Party B shall be liable for compensation.

3. Party B must keep the sold products of Party A confidential, not allow unauthorized disassembly by non Party A personnel, and strictly protect the intellectual property rights of Party A's products, otherwise, Party A has the right to refuse to perform any after-sales service policy and reserve the right of further recourse.

4. Party B shall ensure that the actual user of Party A's products is the receiving unit. If Party A's product is not in the agreed actual user, Party B shall recover the product from a third party and pay Party A a penalty of one hundred thousand yuan. If other economic losses are caused to Party A, Party B shall also be liable for compensation.

9、 Force majeure factors

1. The "force majeure" referred to in this contract refers to "unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions". Such as earthquake, flood, drought, war, government ban, strike, etc.

2. If either party fails to perform the contract due to force majeure, it shall timely notify the other party of the reason for failure or failure to perform completely. After obtaining the certificate from the competent authority or the other party's approval, it is allowed to delay the performance, partial performance or failure to perform the contract, and may be partially or completely exempted from liability for breach of contract according to the circumstances.

10、 Liability for breach of contract

Both parties shall strictly perform the terms of this agreement. If either party fails to perform the obligations agreed in this Agreement and causes losses to the other party, it shall be liable for compensation.

11、 Ways to settle contract disputes

Any dispute arising from the performance of this contract shall be settled by both parties through negotiation; If the negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit to the people's court where Party A is located.

12、 Effective mode of contract

1. This contract shall come into force from the date of signature and seal of both parties. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both of which have the same legal effect.

2. For matters not covered in this contract, Party A and Party B may sign a supplementary agreement separately.

Party A (official seal):_________

Party B (official seal):_________


Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicality 17

Party A (purchasing unit): _____________, Tel:______________

Party B (supplier): _____________, Tel:______________

According to the No The contract is concluded by consensus on the bidding results and relevant bidding documents of the procurement project No., for both parties to abide by:

Article 1 Content and transaction price of the goods purchased by Party A: _______ (monetary unit: RMB ______)

Free Shipping Items:

Party A will not pay any additional fees.

Article 2 Quality and technical standards of articles, Party B's after-sales service and compensation for damages

1. The quality and technical standards of the articles shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed by national laws and regulations, the technical standards required by the bidding documents and Party B's bidding documents.

2. Ensure that it is the original product produced in the country of origin, otherwise it will be treated as a return.

3. During the free warranty period, if there are more than three failures caused by quality problems, the company is responsible for replacing the same kind of new items.

4. Party B shall provide free warranty and other services according to the warranty provisions of the manufacturer and the service commitment stated in the bidding documents, and the free warranty period; However, normal and reasonable losses shall be borne by Party A.

5. Under normal use, the articles are guaranteed to have an annual service life.

6. After sales service response time of Party B: ______. Otherwise, Party A may organize maintenance by itself, and the cost shall be borne by Party B. Party A may deduct from the payment for goods and other payables to Party B.

7. If Party A suffers losses due to the quality of Party B's articles, Party B shall compensate.

Article 3 Delivery and Acceptance

1. Delivery time: ______; Place of delivery: ______.

2. Party B shall be responsible for the delivery, installation, commissioning, operation training and other work of the articles until the articles can be used normally and the operators can operate skillfully; Be responsible for providing the Chinese instruction manual, Chinese user manual, Chinese maintenance manual and circuit schematic diagram of the articles, and bear all costs incurred therefrom.

3. Acceptance time: Party A must organize the acceptance within _____ working days after Party B submits the acceptance application. Party A shall issue an acceptance report after passing the acceptance.

4. Acceptance criteria:

1) Complete documents: product certificate (or quality certificate), instructions for use, warranty certificate, invoice and other necessary documents;

2) The quality shall meet the requirements of standards, bidding documents and bidding documents stipulated by national laws and regulations.

Article 4 Settlement of payment for goods

1. Settlement basis: purchase contract, sales invoice of Party B, acceptance report issued by Party A

2. Settlement method:

Article 5 Party B's liability for breach of contract:

1. If Party B cannot deliver the goods, Party A will not pay Party B. Party B shall pay Party A liquidated damages equivalent to 10% of the payment for the goods that cannot be delivered;

2. If the variety, quantity, specification and quality of the goods delivered by Party B do not conform to the national laws and regulations and the provisions of the contract, Party B shall be responsible for the repair, replacement or return of the goods, and bear the actual costs incurred therefrom;

3. If Party B delays the delivery of goods, it shall pay Party A liquidated damages of 0.5% per _____ days based on the payment for the overdue delivery, and bear the losses suffered by Party A as a result.

Article 6 Party A's liability for breach of contract:

1. If Party A delays in making payment, it shall pay Party B liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5% per _____ days;

2. If Party A refuses to accept the goods in violation of the contract, it shall bear the losses caused to Party B.

Article 7 Force Majeure

If either party is unable to perform the contract due to force majeure, it shall timely notify the other party of the reasons for its inability to perform or its inability to perform fully, so as to mitigate the losses that may be caused to the other party. After obtaining the certificate from the relevant authority, it is allowed to delay the performance, partial performance or non performance of the contract, and may be partially or completely exempted from liability for breach of contract according to the circumstances.

Article 8 Dispute Settlement

1. In case of dispute over the quality of goods, the technical unit specified by laws and relevant regulations shall conduct quality appraisal, and both parties shall unconditionally obey the conclusion of the appraisal;

2. In case of any dispute arising from the execution of this contract, both parties shall settle it through consultation in a timely manner. If the consultation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court where the contract is signed.

Article 9 Supervision and Management

1. After the conclusion of the contract, if both parties agree to change the substantive terms of the contract or enter into a supplementary contract through consultation, they shall first obtain the consent of the government procurement supervision and administration department and send it to it for filing.

2. Both parties shall consciously cooperate with the relevant supervision and management departments to supervise and inspect the performance of the contract, truthfully report the situation and provide relevant information; Otherwise, relevant units and parties will be punished according to relevant regulations.

Article 10 Invalid Contract

If Party A and Party B are declared invalid due to violation of the provisions of the Government Procurement Law and relevant laws and regulations, all responsibilities shall be borne by the fault party.

Article 11 Supplementary Provisions

1. Dapu County Government Procurement Center No The bidding documents, bid winning notice, Party B's bid documents and clarification documents of the No. procurement project are all part of this contract, and both parties must fully comply with them. In case of any violation, they shall bear the liability for breach of contract.

2. This contract is made in triplicate, with Party A, Party B and Dapu County Government Procurement Center holding one copy respectively.

3. This Contract shall come into force as of the date of signing.

Purchaser (Party A): ______ Supplier (Party B):_______

Legal representative: ______ Legal representative:_______

Entrusted agent: ______ Entrusted agent:_______

Signing time: ___________ Signing time:___________

Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract Practicability 18

Sales and management plan for individual medical device salesman and business supervisor

--Sun 2015-03-10--

1、 Requirements and understanding of individual sales representatives (including regional managers)

1. Market analysis, objectively and scientifically formulate sales tasks according to market capacity and personal ability. Tentative annual task: sales of 1.8 million yuan, that is, one set per person per year.

2. Everyone should make work plans, monthly plans and weekly plans in due time. Regional managers also need to communicate with business related personnel at regular meetings to ensure that the heads of all disciplines follow up in a timely manner.

3. Regional managers need to pay attention to performance management, and pay close attention to and track the whole process of performance plan, performance implementation and performance evaluation.

4. Target market positioning, distinguish between key customers and ordinary customers, treat them separately, strengthen communication and cooperation with key customers, and win the largest market share in the same time.

5. Constantly learn new industry knowledge and new products, bring practical information to customers, and better serve customers. And get to know the excellent product providers of all levels in all industries of medical devices, so that the engineering companies can timely cooperate with the project when needed, and can share industry contacts and project information with peers, so as to achieve multi win.

6. Friends before orders, develop good friendship with customers, think of customers everywhere, regard customers as their good friends, and achieve ideological and emotional integration.

7. There should be no concealment and deception to customers. Promises made to customers should be fulfilled in time. Honesty is not only the foundation of doing business, but also the foundation of being human.

8. Try to maintain a harmonious relationship with colleagues, treat colleagues well, and ensure the smooth implementation of various functions of each department in the project implementation.

2、 Specific quantitative tasks of sales work of individual sales representatives (including regional managers)

1. Formulate monthly plan, weekly plan and daily workload. Make at least 30 effective calls every day (half of the regional managers), visit at least 20 customers every week (half of the regional managers), and promote potential customers to change from quantity to quality. In the morning, key telephone calls and appointments can be made. In the afternoon, long hours can be arranged to visit customers. Considering the traffic jam and unfamiliar terrain, it is better to choose the same or near location for customers when making an appointment. Valid phone numbers must be registered and reported to the company every day.

2. Before meeting customers, we should learn more about their main businesses and potential needs. It is best to first address the personal interests of the decision-maker, prepare some topics of interest to the other party, and provide targeted solutions for customers.

3. Collect more project information from the bidding website or other channels for the reference of the engineering company in bidding, and give advice to the engineering company to cooperate with the engineering company in technical and commercial project operation.

4. Keep daily work records in case of forgetting important matters, and mark important outstanding matters.

5. Fill in the project tracking table, follow up according to the project progress: preliminary design, bidding, in-depth design, goods preparation implementation, acceptance, etc., and complete the work at each stage.

6. The early design projects shall be followed up with emphasis. The key customers shall pay a return visit at least once a week, cooperate with the channel providers or hospitals when necessary, and the projects tracked in other stages shall pay a return visit at least once every two weeks. The bidding date and important dates of project progress should be kept in mind, and timely follow-up and return visit should be made.

7. In the early design stage, actively strive to participate in the design of customer demand analysis scheme, or solve the design work of the specialty for channel providers or hospital departments.

8. During the bidding process, sort out the corresponding business documents two days in advance to prevent any omission and error.

9. At the end of the bidding, pay a return visit to the customer in time to inquire about the bidding results. After winning the bid, we will take the initiative to ask for deepening the design, help the distributors or hospitals to undertake all or part of the design work, and prepare the drawings (equipment installation drawings and pipeline drawings) required for construction.

10. Try to sign a supply contract with the hospital as soon as possible, collect the advance payment, arrange the goods in advance, respond to the needs of the hospital department with the fastest supply time, and strive for early payment.

11. When the goods arrive at the site and the equipment is installed in the project, apply to the Technology Department to arrange commissioning personnel to conduct on-site commissioning.

12. Prepare acceptance documents in advance, collect money in time after acceptance, and ensure a good capital turnover rate.

13. Do a good job of customer after-sales work, and let the customer introduce the customer

14. Organize colleagues to hold salons regularly to enhance mutual friendship and better exchanges.

Although there is competition between customers and peers, they also need to learn from each other and communicate with each other. I have also attended similar gatherings and asked customers, who are willing to attend such gatherings. So I think there is no contradiction, and peers can enjoy life in addition to work, making the salon a part of life, so that work can be carried out in a happier environment.

15. For regular customers and regular customers, we should always keep in touch. When time and conditions permit, we should send some small gifts or entertain customers. Of course, entertaining is not the purpose, but communication, which can enhance mutual feelings and better communication.

16. Take advantage of off hours and weekends to attend some classes, learn more marketing and management knowledge, constantly try to combine theory with practice, check the information and products of the industry online, and constantly improve their ability. There will always be all kinds of difficulties in work. I will ask for instructions from leaders, discuss with colleagues, and work together to overcome them, so as to make my greatest contribution to the company. 3: Milestone plan and time nodes of individual sales representatives (including regional managers)

To facilitate the measurement of business depth, the following terms are defined:

1: Intended customers: hospitals where one of the directors of the Dean's Instrument Department has a strong purchase intention and the actual situation of the hospital allows purchase are called intended customers.

2: A bid is defined as:

A: Customers with purchase intention have conducted purchase bidding, and suppliers send (not necessarily our side) bidding documents! B: Customers with purchase intention did not invite bids for purchase, but the supplier gave the hospital detailed technical parameters of their products, as well as practical operation training and observation and examination for the hospital staff!

3: Bid submission is defined as:

A: Customers with purchase intention have conducted purchase bidding, and we participate in bidding and send out bids!

B: Customers who are interested in purchasing will not be invited to bid for purchase, but we have given our products detailed technical parameters to the hospital, as well as the actual operation training and observation of the hospital staff! As long as two of the three directors of the hospital director, the chief of the instrument department, have examined the company's headquarters (the rest of the matter includes a certain operation of the underlying relationship, not only the matter that the salesperson can completely control), and one of the three has no clear objection, even if the conditions for sending the bid are met! If the conditions for sending a bid are met, whether or not a bid is sent, it is defined as sending a bid in the following text!

4: Customer information, including the following elements,

A: How many hospitals in the region have purchase conditions and may have purchase intention, and what is the reason why they have purchase conditions but have no purchase intention (how many customer names and contact information are not useful, and they can be found by buying one industry or searching online!)

B: President (in charge of the President), Chief of the Instrument Department, the contact information of the three directors and their opinions!

C: Understanding of the equipment and business status of the hospital department, as well as the general progress of other equipment suppliers.

D: About the time of the hospital's purchase, and the direction of attention to the products!

Considering that our products belong to new brands, because customers are not very confident about their performance and can not actually compare with each other, the probability of winning the bid should be less than that of mature brands in the market, but we should at least achieve a 20% probability of success. Within a year, each person should have ten prospective customers, and at least five should participate in bidding if half of the customers actually buy, And get the average value of one order per person!

Within one month: assessment and evaluation of salesmen, including assessment of professional and technical learning ability, reflection ability, communication ability, basic quality of salesmen, including diligence, ability to withstand the number of failures, ability to make telephone interviews with customers, ability to quickly shorten the distance between two parties when meeting customers, etc, Everyone can't be all inclusive. The salesman needs to submit professional learning reports, customer visit results reports, and business content that needs to be supplemented, as well as the evaluation of his own personality and ability strengths and weaknesses, establish the follow-up work direction and methods, and the business director needs to specifically evaluate and approve, And bear joint liability for the development direction and method of the salesman!

Within two months: it is necessary to find the first interested customer, understand the market situation of the region in charge, submit a detailed customer report to the company, and cooperate with the business director to plan the next step of detailed marketing strategy according to the customer report, and report to the company for review and approval for implementation.

Within three months: if you need to find more than two interested customers, you need to send out the first bidding document, which will be used as the evaluation criteria for whether the probation period is qualified, and then you can become a regular employee. The salesperson and the business director will update the customer report of the previous month, and the business director will verify the update of the customer report.

Four to six months: If there are more than 5 interested customers who need to send the second bid, the salesperson who successfully sends the second bid can enjoy considerable business subsidies! The salesperson and business supervisor update the customer report and reflect on whether the marketing strategy is appropriate and the subsequent optimization measures!

Six to nine months: If there are more than 8 interested customers, they need to send out the fourth tender. This is the harvest season, and the salesman who has successfully signed the bill can get a salary increase!

Nine to ten months: there are more than 10 interested customers who need to send out the fifth or more tender documents. For the maintenance of old customers, at least two customers need to help introduce new customers. If a customer introduces a customer and successfully sends out a tender document, another salary can be added!

4: Reward and punishment rules

1: If there are more than 3 interested customers and no bid is sent within two months, the salesperson needs to re assess whether they have business potential, and the direct supervisor (regional manager) bears joint liability.

2: If the bidder fails to win the bid for more than 5 times, the salesman and his direct supervisor (regional manager) need to review the reasons for the failure, propose corrective measures, and pass the internal review of the business department. If the corrective measures fail to pass the internal review of the department, the company will dismiss the salesman himself. Whether he passes or not, his direct supervisor needs to accept the salary reduction. Similarly, if you bid three times, you can get a salary increase and reward from the winning company!

3: The salespersons who have less than 6 interested customers, less than 3 bid documents and no performance within one year are unqualified and will be dismissed, and their customer resources will be transferred to the salesperson with the best performance! In one year, more than 50% of the regular salespersons are unqualified, and their immediate supervisors (regional managers) are unqualified, and they are no longer suitable for team leadership, training and supervision of salespersons, and they are reduced to ordinary salespersons. The vacant positions of business supervisors should be selected from the outstanding employees within the salespersons!

5: Responsibilities of regional managers and salesmen (provincial sales representatives)

1: Responsibilities of Regional Manager

a: According to the actual situation of the company and its products, the regional manager is also the technical engineer of the company, who can solve all the problems that customers encounter daily. He appears in front of customers as a technical expert. The company has limited resources, and the regional manager who cannot solve technical problems is incompetent! At the same time, as a business manager, he has the final arbitration right in terms of specific business division and regional marketing strategy, but his marketing plan and regional management strategy must be reported to the company for approval in advance and obtain the support of the company. Regional managers who have disharmonious relations with the company's senior management cannot achieve success in performance!

b: According to the actual situation of the company and its products, the regional manager provides professional product technology and business skills training to the salesmen,

The company will uniformly assess the training content of the salesperson, and judge whether the regional manager has the ability to speak in training based on the passing rate of the exam. If the passing rate of the trainer is less than 60%, the trainer is unqualified. Of course, the technical training materials resources should be provided by the company at first, and the business training materials should be written by the regional manager.

c: Formulate the overall marketing plan and strategy of the large region, determine the intended customers and number of bids of the staff, and win the bid

To judge whether the marketing plan and strategy of the regional manager are appropriate, 50% of the business personnel can not complete the task, and the representative has problems in the marketing strategy, which needs to be reviewed and urgently corrected.

d: The supervision role of the subordinate business personnel is based on the diligence of the business personnel, specifically the working time and efficiency

To measure the supervision effect, business personnel must be on call 24 hours a day to respond to customer needs!

e: Be responsible for recruiting salesmen, and measure their insight by dividing the number of successful turnarounds by the number of recruits. At the same time

We will recruit enough business personnel within the time of, specifically: within two months, we will recruit 8 people, of whom 2 may resign, and 2 will be dismissed by the company if they fail to pass the assessment. At least 4 people will be able to become regular after the company's performance assessment! At the same time, we must ensure that there are different strengths in personality and appearance among the four people. We can ensure that the team can have a variety of options when cooperating with business PR!

f: Formulate specific management rules for the management of channel providers, and be responsible for specific key negotiations, adhere to the bottom line

We will screen and select distributors with the best of the best, and ultimately promote high-quality agents!

g: As a business model, regional managers must issue orders before their salesmen to convince them!

h: The regional manager is responsible for arranging and leading the salesperson to tackle key business problems and preside over bidding, because it is not required that every business

All the clerks have the ability to tackle key business problems and experience in bidding, as well as consideration of product technology and coordination of company resources.

i: The regional manager is responsible for all sales matters in the region, including customer resource management, bidding, project implementation, payment collection,

After sales and other matters!

j: The above management work of regional managers must be evaluated with digitalization to ensure the

Fair, open and just!

The requirements and responsibilities of the sales representative are as described earlier!

6: Regional overall sales odometer

One order will be made within three months. The first order company should give customers considerable discounts, and in principle, the first order should be closed by the regional manager!

More than 5 tenders will be sent out within 5 months, and another order will be closed (considering that it will take 3 months, all the salesmen will be in place, familiar with technology, and enter the business state, and it is normal to have the first order issued by the salesmen within 5 months)!

In the following months, 5 bids will be sent out. The business level of the deal sheet can allow two months in the middle, and less than 5 bids will be sent out, but not less than 3 bids. It can also allow two months in the middle without a deal sheet, because the business is off-season!

(Note here, the definition of sending a bid is as described above!)

7: Regional sales mode and planning

A: In the first three months, the company mainly completed personnel recruitment and technical training in the headquarters.

B: Considering the distance, the cost of visiting customers is too high. In the early stage, try to use the telephone method to get the customer information. You are willing to call ten or twenty times to find a person, and do not rush to visit customers. So in the first month of employment, every salesperson must master the skills of telephone communication and pass the company's assessment! In the later stage, according to the business needs, the telephone communication can not meet the business needs, and it is mainly to contact customers on the spot to maintain the relationship, but it is still required to have telephone communication with key customers at least once a week!

C: After the fourth month, it is considered to set up a regional manager office in Shanghai or the place where the first transaction was made. Regular business meetings and regular technical training meetings should be held here. The office should be located where the subway can reach. In consideration of the rent, you can go to a slightly different place!

8: Formation of sales team

Self support sales team: 5 people (including regional managers), with good temperament and understanding.

Dealer market: there are 16 regional managers and at least 3 part-time employees in each city.

Division of labor of the self support sales team: the regional manager is responsible for the overall planning, two people are responsible for the hospital, two people are responsible for the excavation and management of channels and part-time personnel, each has a certain personality and expertise, and can undertake a certain task when working with the team to tackle key problems!

9: About exhibition and marketing promotion

1: Overall promotion strategy

With systematic training, strengthen the sales force of the sales team, improve the management system, standardize the sales department and improve the overall quality of the sales department, establish a stable CBCT dealer team, promote the market share of the Zhongke Tianyue CBCT machine, and establish a good product image through the establishment of a window hospital in the market. Establish the reputation and safety of Zhongke Tianyue CBCT machine products based on the company's internal journal, published industry information and window hospital's evaluation of Zhongke Tianyue CBCT machine products. Actively participate in important exhibitions and academic seminars, expand the market popularity of Zhongke Tianyue CBCT machine products, and integrate the existing academic resources and network resources of the company to assist in sales promotion.

2015-05-07 to 05-10

Chengdu Oral Exhibition

XX in Chengdu Century City International Convention and Exhibition Center

Chengdu Haobotasus

May 21, 2015 to May 23, 2015 Wuhan Oral Exhibition Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center Qingdao Haiming

June 9, 2015 to June 12, 2015 Beijing Stomatological Exhibition Beijing XX conference centers Chinese Stomatological Association

July 1, 2015 to July 3, 2015 Xi'an Oral Exhibition Xi'an Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center Qingdao Haiming

3. Communication mode: mail internal publications.

Make product introduction in relevant professional magazines of the Chinese Stomatological Association. 4. Communication image:

Professional company image, good product image Detailed product description (data proof)

Create a good market atmosphere (case description, market consumption potential and national medical attention policy) 5. Arrangement of promotion expenses

Practical Medical Device Purchase and Sales Contract (18 templates)