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Model of Defense Opinion for Obtaining Bail and Waiting for Trial

_____________People's Procuratorate:

In accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, _____________ Law Firm accepted the entrustment of ___________ relatives of the criminal suspect in this case and obtained his consent to appoint me as the defender of the criminal suspect __________. After accepting the entrustment, the defender has consulted the materials of the case and met with the criminal suspect. Now, based on the facts and laws, he puts forward the following defense opinions:

1、 Facts: ______________________________.

2、 Evidence: ____________________________________.

3、 Applicable law: ______________________________.

4、 Prosecution and sentencing: ______________________________.

To sum up, the defender requests the case handler to adopt the defense opinion when reviewing the prosecution.

Defender: _____________ Law Firm

__________Lawyer, __________ Lawyer


Model of Defense Opinion for Obtaining Bail and Waiting for Trial