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Application Model for Traffic Accident Disability Grade Appraisal

Applicant:_________________ Female, Han nationality, born on __________, address: Room __________, No. _______________, ______________ Road


The People's Court is requested to designate a hospital or relevant institution to determine the nutrition, nursing and follow-up medical expenses of the applicant.

Facts and reasons:_________________

The claim for traffic accident between the applicant and _____________ has been filed in the People's Court and has now been accepted. The applicant has spent a lot of money to treat the injury caused by the accident. So far, he often feels chest tightness and dizziness, and needs further treatment. In accordance with the provisions of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Personal Injury Compensation Cases and the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant, we hereby apply to the people's court to designate a hospital or relevant institution to determine the nutrition, nursing and follow-up medical expenses of the applicant.


_______________People's Court of _______________ District



Application Model for Traffic Accident Disability Grade Appraisal