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Working Experience of the Company's Keeper in the Process of Dedication

When I was young, I wanted to be a singer because I loved singing; In middle school, I wanted to enter Beijing Foreign Language School because I loved learning English; When I was in college, I wanted to be an excellent tour guide because I loved the mountains and rivers of my motherland; Now, I love my work, but I don't want to be anything. It's not that I have no ambition, nor that I don't want to make progress. I just love and work.

When I first became a storekeeper, I was very lucky because others said that it was a good job. Because of my sense of superiority and praise from others, I could not help feeling complacent. I thought that the job was nothing but that it was no big deal. In fact, the job of custodian seems easy, but it is not so easy to work. Although there is no material in the warehouse, just the acceptance work is too busy for me, a person with high self-esteem.

At first, I didn't fall in love with this job, so I was absent-minded when I was working, and I didn't want to ask for advice on things I didn't understand. As a result, I often made mistakes in my work, and I retreated from the difficulties brought by my work. But an old keeper's words changed me: "What is it now? A few years ago, we still issued materials, and the warehouse was full of materials. Let alone receiving and dispatching, we just climbed up and down every day to clean the shelves and place materials. It's like something. Don't we also do it?" Yes, what are the difficulties I encountered compared with them? Why should I retreat? I thought for a long time, I understand that it is because I am too proud and self-centered that I have completely forgotten the old adage "Don't be ashamed to ask questions". The most important reason is that I don't really love my work. What is "self"? Only in work can we find the true self. So I learned from experience and began to change constantly. When working, do more, learn more and consult more; In leisure time, practice business operations to improve speed. At last, I caught up with the situation from not being able to learn at all to becoming familiar with it and then to becoming proficient in it. But that was just acceptance. There were still many things waiting for me to learn. I also fell in love with my work in the process of continuous learning.

In my work, I learned that only by standing on my own post can I love my post, and only by loving my post can I realize my life value, which is reflected in "dedication". There are so many stories of "dedication" that I was moved: Ren XX, a nursing father, was able to practice singing, and she was dedicated in hospitals and units because she loved her job; Wang XX advanced _____ to study and work in the daytime, and cared for his seriously ill mother in the evening to be loyal and filial, because he loved his post; The gold and silver bead was seconded to the warehouse, and her foot bone was cracked. She still insisted on being on duty on crutches, because she loved her job. There are more moving stories than these. Every story of love and dedication can make people cry. For me, who works and lives beside them, why do I say "no"! And I am also following their example!

Due to the need of work, I was also seconded to the warehouse in Ranghulu to work as a guard. I have a strong sense of responsibility. In addition, there are more _____ people coming and going. After working 12 hours a day, I am often tired and don't even want to talk when I go home. But the next day, I will take a bus to study my undergraduate degree in Xincun. I could take two days off in a day's shift. In this way, I can't rest. I thought I could go back to work in the last month, but because of the work adjustment, the leader asked me to continue working for another month and asked me for my opinion. In my heart, I also thought about refusing to give way to the wrong way after all. It was tiring to run both ends of a new village, and also delayed my study. But when I thought about my work, I agreed. After all, you can make up your own learning, but you can't work! I'm young. I don't even have classes. Who does? It's nothing to dedicate some time

It's not how great I am, but in my heart, there is such a thought: the value of life lies in dedication. If you love your work, you should contribute to him, and realize "self" in dedication!

Working Experience of the Company's Keeper in the Process of Dedication