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Which properties do not have property certificates

From the perspective of developers, the main reasons why the property right certificate cannot be obtained are as follows:

Projects that utilize collectively owned land for development.

Projects without project approval.

Projects without planning approval.

House without sales license and property right certificate.

Houses that have not been accepted or failed to pass the acceptance.

The land or house is not released from the mortgage.

The developer fails to pay relevant taxes.

The land, housing and other relevant departments seal up and restrict transactions.

From the perspective of the buyer, the main reasons why the property right certificate cannot be obtained are as follows:

The buyer did not pay the relevant taxes.

Relevant materials and identity certificates required by the housing registration and certificate issuing authority were not provided.

Entrusting others to handle the property ownership certificate without issuing the power of attorney

What should I do if I can't get the house property certificate?

Generally, the buyer is given a choice based on the length of time for the developer to deliver the house in default. If the buyer does not return the house within a certain period, the developer should pay liquidated damages on a daily basis;

Another is that when the buyer returns, the developer will pay a certain amount of liquidated damages. If the negotiation fails, it is usually settled through litigation.

When a specific lawsuit is filed, the claim shall be based on the specific contract signed by each buyer. These are general situations, and each buyer needs to make actual analysis and comprehensive judgment based on whether the buyer is at fault. In the sales contract of commercial housing, there will be provisions on the rights and obligations of housing delivery and certification. The contract of each owner depends on the specific contract terms. If the developer exceeds the agreed time limit for certificate handling, it needs to bear the liability for breach of contract for extension of certificate handling. If there is no agreed way of breach, it will be more troublesome to safeguard rights, so we should pay attention to clearly agree the liability for breach of contract

[Lawyer Introduction] Lawyer Zhang Ying, male, master of civil and commercial law, mainly involved in corporate (litigation, non litigation) business, corporate legal risk prevention, real estate disputes, demolition compensation, traffic accidents, marriage, inheritance, medical damage compensation disputes, labor arbitration, industrial accidents, personal damage compensation, intellectual property rights and other civil and commercial disputes;

Which properties do not have property certificates