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The specific procedures for the transfer of second-hand houses are as follows: Lawyer Zhang Ying tells you

The property obtained from different ways will be different in the transfer.


To be specific, the procedures for the transfer of second-hand housing are as follows:

1. First accept the review of the real estate transaction management department

After both parties have signed the house purchase and sale contract, both parties of the house property transaction shall go through the application formalities with the local house property transaction management department, which will check the relevant certificates. When reviewing the property rights, the management department will go to the site to make necessary investigations, and then the appraisers will evaluate the property of the transaction.

2. Deed transfer

The real estate transaction management department shall report to the relevant responsible person for review and approval according to the property right nature and purchase object according to the approval authority, and the handler will notify the buyer and seller to go through the contract establishment procedures. The Buyer and the Seller shall sign and stamp on the contract, and both parties shall go to the transaction management department with the sales contract and relevant certificates and materials to handle the contract establishment and transfer procedures.

Note that the seller must submit the house ownership certificate or confirmation certificate; ID card or other valid identity certificate; The written opinion that the owner of other houses agrees to sell the houses that are jointly owned.

3. Handle the transfer of property rights

After the buyers and sellers of the house have gone through the formalities of transfer of ownership in the real estate exchange, the buyer needs to take the real estate sales contract issued by the real estate exchange and go to the real estate property rights management department where the house is located to handle the transfer registration of the property rights and land use rights, so that a new real estate certificate can be exchanged.


Precautions for purchasing second-hand houses

1. The identity of the owner must be carefully verified before signing the contract

It is mainly to pay attention to whether the house is a real owner, whether the house is jointly owned, etc., and try to avoid the situation of false owners cheating or selling more than one house.

2. Basic information and payment time of the house indicated in the contract

It mainly includes address, house number, area and house type. For the seller, it is necessary to indicate the time and method of payment, rather than vague oral agreements. This agreement is too difficult to obtain evidence in practice, so the buyer must try to determine the terms in writing when buying.

3. The contract specifies the handover time and method of various expenses

For example, if there are problems, compensation can be made according to relevant regulations.

4. Specify the liability for breach of contract and reasonable use of supplementary provisions

A formal house purchase contract must be signed in a formal intermediary company, and the breach of contract is stated in the contract. In addition, in the process of performing the contract, there may be some problems that cannot be determined for the time being. You can add additional clauses when determining later, and write clearly the specific situation and the agreement between both parties, which can avoid later troubles.

5. Necessary understanding of the property to be traded

Whether the real estate has been ruled, sealed up or restricted in other forms by judicial and administrative authorities according to law; Whether mortgage has been set.

The specific procedures for the transfer of second-hand houses are as follows: Lawyer Zhang Ying tells you