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Housing cancellation registration procedures in the process of second-hand housing sales

Housing cancellation registration procedures in the process of second-hand housing sales

Housing cancellation registration procedures in the process of second-hand housing sales

The obligee shall apply for cancellation of registration within 30 days from the date of the occurrence of the fact due to the loss of the house, the expiration of the term of land use, the termination of other project rights, etc.

1、 Materials for applying for cancellation of registration

(1) Application for House Ownership Cancellation Registration

(2) Applicant's ID

1. Unit applicant

① The business license of an enterprise legal person or the certificate of a public institution legal person, or the document approving the establishment of the legal person or other organization, and the identity certificate of the legal representative or person in charge, which have passed the annual inspection;

② The identity certificate of the legal representative or person in charge;

③ If the agent is entrusted, the power of attorney and the trustee's ID card or valid ID certificate shall be issued;

2. Individual application

① Identity certificate;

② If the agent is entrusted, the power of attorney and the trustee's ID card or valid ID certificate shall be issued;

(3) Supporting documents to be submitted for cancellation of registration

1. Cancellation of house ownership

① Real estate ownership certificate;

② Proof of house loss or demolition;

③ The original of the administrative decision to cancel the house ownership certificate.

2. Mortgage cancellation

① If the party to cancel the mortgage is an individual, the ID card or valid ID certificate shall be submitted; Submit business license or legal person registration certificate and valid identity certificate of legal person if the mortgage party is the unit;

② House ownership certificate;

③ The house ownership certificate, and the joint ownership certificate shall also be submitted for the house owned by the joint owner;

④ The certificate issued by the owner of other housing rights that agrees to cancel the rights of other housing rights;

⑤ If an agent is entrusted, the individual shall issue a notarized power of attorney and the trustee's ID card or valid certificate. The unit shall issue the power of attorney and the trustee's ID card or valid ID certificate;

⑥ For mortgage of pre-sale commercial housing, the original pre-sale contract of commercial housing (affordable housing) shall be provided.

2、 Time limit for cancellation of registration

If the conditions for house ownership cancellation registration are met, the registration shall be completed within 20 working days from the date of acceptance. If the registration department deems it necessary to register, the time of announcement shall be excluded.

Housing cancellation registration procedures in the process of second-hand housing sales