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Construction contract template of gas (natural gas) project

Employer (Party A):

Contractor (Party B):

In accordance with the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and in combination with the specific conditions of the project, both parties sign this contract for mutual compliance.

Article 1: Project

1.1 Project name: gas pipeline project

1.2 Project location: within the project

1.3 Project content: all inside and outside the community, residential and commercial places (including gas reserved interfaces for supermarkets, shopping malls, schools, restaurants, clubs, kindergartens, etc.), about households in the residential area; The project includes entrusted design, labor and materials, quality, construction safety, installation, pipeline survey, project supervision, construction, acceptance, ignition and taxes.

1.4 Contracting scope:

1.4.1 Scope of design and construction: from municipal medium pressure pipe - pressure regulating box+all commercial gas reserves and residential gas points.

1.4.2 Requirements for design and construction of houses with decoration: ① gas design and construction to the position of indoor stove gas stove and water heater (including copper ball valve, stove adapter hose and ignition); ② Concealed installation of indoor pipes; ③ The gas meter is set with living balcony; ④ The water heater is provided with a living balcony; (Including ordinary domestic gas meter, excluding water heater and gas stove) Installation of water heater shall be calculated separately.

1.4.3 Requirements for design and construction of wool embryo house: ① gas design and construction to the position of indoor gas stove and water heater; ② Open installation of indoor pipes; ③ The gas meter is set with living balcony. (Including ordinary domestic gas meters, excluding water heaters and gas stoves) ④ Water heaters are reported to be installed separately.

1.4.4 Pipe heads shall be reserved in commercial places according to Party A's gas consumption.

1.4.5 Pavement/ground excavation and recovery of buried pipes.

1.4.6 Drawing requirements: the contents specified in the engineering construction drawings designed by the design office of the gas company (including all design changes and modifications).

1.5 Subcontracting project of Party B: the project shall not be subcontracted.

1.6 Contracting method: design fee, labor and materials, quality, construction safety, taxes, project acceptance, ignition and project supervision. For ordinary residential buildings, one household with two heat source points is responsible for one household; Fine decoration and concealed pipes for luxury houses increase by RMB per household; After completion, the number of accounts shall be counted and settled according to the actual situation; The commercial part of the pipeline shall be reserved, and the cost shall be paid by Party B in advance. After settlement, the user shall pay the cost to Party B.

Article 2: Total cost

2.1 The provisional total cost is RMB yuan (¥ yuan). At the time of settlement, the residential part shall be counted and settled according to ordinary house type and fine decoration house type. If there is any increase, the settlement shall be confirmed by on-site visa of both parties. After the commercial customers such as the gas engineering of the commercial part define the functions, they will sign a supplementary contract.

Article 3: Construction Period

3.1 Design duration (including approval time): completed within days after signing the contract.

3.2 Construction period: days before the commencement, Party A shall issue a notice of commencement to Party B. The construction is completed and accepted within days after receiving the notice of commencement. In case of delay in civil construction, change of original design scheme and irresistible natural disasters, the construction period shall be postponed.

Article 4: Project quality standards and warranty period

4.1 The project quality standard shall be implemented in accordance with the current national construction acceptance code, Interim Provisions for Urban Gas Transmission and Distribution and Application Engineering and relevant specifications.

4.2 The project warranty shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Construction, and the warranty period is two years, starting from the signing date of the completion acceptance.

Article 5: Supply of materials and equipment

5.1 Materials required for the project shall be purchased and supplied by Party B to the construction site; The finished product materials shall be provided by Party B to Party A, and the Supervisor shall purchase and supply them to the construction site after the approval of the template. The engineering equipment (except those provided by Party A) shall be purchased and supplied by Party B to the construction site (warehouse) after being approved and signed by Party A (but not exempt from Party B's guarantee of equipment quality after Party A's approval).

5.2 Material and equipment supply shall be attached with factory certificate. If one party has any objection to the materials and equipment, it shall conduct inspection. If the inspection is qualified, the inspection cost shall be borne by the objecting party, otherwise, it shall be borne by the purchaser.

5.3 During the construction, if the materials and equipment purchased by Party B are not applicable due to the engineering design change caused by Party A, Party A shall make appropriate compensation to Party B, and the materials and equipment that are not applicable shall be handled by Party B.

Article 6: Payment and settlement of project funds

6.1 Party A shall transfer the project funds to Party B's account:, and the account number:.

6.2 Payment method of project price:

6.2.1 Within 10 days after Party A issues the construction mobilization notice and Party B provides the formal design drawings to Party A, Party A shall pay% of the project material preparation fund to Party B.

6.2.2 Party A shall pay% of the project price within 10 days after Party A's confirmation when completing the indoor riser, installing the gas meter and carrying out the construction of the external pipe.

6.2.3 After the project is completed and accepted as qualified, and the gas company ignites, Party A shall pay% of the project balance to Party B in a lump sum.

6.2.4 When Party A pays Party B for the project, Party B shall provide Party A with legal invoices of corresponding amount, otherwise Party A has the right to refuse to pay.

6.3 Site visa and settlement

6.3.1 Site visa

(1) In case of increase or decrease of items in the contract list or occurrence of visa items outside the contract list due to design changes or Party A's reasons, Party B must organize Party A and the supervision company to accept the visa items within five days after the completion of the visa items and submit the visa application (if the concealed items are involved, Party A must be notified of acceptance before concealment).

(2) The materials that Party B shall submit for visa application include: the materials that Party B shall submit for visa application include: engineering contact list (if the engineering contact list is initiated by Party B, it must have the opinions, signatures and seals of Party A and the supervisor), Construction Site Visa List (it must have the quantities, unit prices and total prices. The quantity of work shall be attached with the calculation process, the unit price analysis table shall be provided for the bill pricing, and the price set book shall be provided for the quota pricing), the original documents of on-site acceptance measurement (signed by the personnel of Party A's engineering department, Party B and the supervisor) and photos, engineering design drawings and drawing review data, written statement of reasons for signing, and the single project acceptance sheet corresponding to this certification; The site visa items outside the contract shall also include the Acceptance Certificate of Single (or Partial) Works.

(3) The above information shall be signed and sealed by Party A. The cost that has been certified and confirmed shall be treated as the cost including tax (no other cost shall be calculated separately), and shall be calculated and paid according to the billing method negotiated by both parties when the project is completed and settled.

6.3.2 Settlement

(1) Party B shall submit the following settlement materials within 30 days from the date of passing the project completion acceptance:

1) Four printed copies of the project settlement statement and one electronic document. The binding content and order of the settlement statement are the cover, the Acceptance Certificate of Single (or Divisional) Project, the preparation instructions, the billing table, the divisional and sub divisional settlement statement, and the price list of main material consumption;

2) One printed and electronic copy of the engineering quantity calculation sheet;

3) One set of project completion design data (including project completion design drawings, drawing review minutes, modification and change notices) (original, independently numbered and bound);

4) One copy of on-site visa (original, bound with independent number);

5) One copy of the contract (copy);

6) One copy of construction organization design or construction scheme (confirmed by Party A).

(2) The quantities of this project are calculated according to the construction drawings and Party A's visa. Within 60 working days after the engineer and Party A receive the complete project completion settlement data submitted by Party B, Party A shall examine and approve the total settlement price of the project according to the quantities actually completed by Party B and passed the acceptance, and Party A's visa verification. Both parties shall settle the total settlement price of the project.

Article 7: Responsibilities of Party A

7.1 Party A shall provide Party B with a set of copies of the approval documents of the project construction, government and other relevant departments. Provide construction water and power connection points.

7.2 Party A, Party B, the Designer and the Supervisor shall complete the joint review of construction drawings within 5 days before the commencement of work.

7.3 Assign the site engineer as the site management representative, supervise and inspect the project quality and progress, be responsible for the change of design drawings, quality acceptance during the project and other matters.

7.4 The dispute between Party B and its workers has nothing to do with Party A, and Party A will not bear any responsibility.

Article 8: Responsibilities of Party B

8.1 Provide 8 sets of design drawings: complete the joint review of construction drawings within 5 days before commencement, and prepare the construction organization design and material and equipment mobilization plan within 10 days before commencement and send them to Party A.

8.2 Do a good job in construction quality and safety management according to the construction safety specifications, designate the person in charge of safety and fire prevention, stack the objects neatly, and keep the road unblocked. Party B shall be responsible for all construction quality and safety accidents during the construction period and report them to Party A, the Supervisor and relevant departments.

8.3 Appoint as the site management representative, who must hold the qualification certificate suitable for the project, and be responsible for the construction quality, safety and other issues during the construction.

8.4 Keep original construction records. The monthly (quarterly) construction plan and completion report shall be submitted to Party A within 5 days at the end of each month (quarter). If it is not submitted on time, Party A will not pay the progress payment.

8.5 If design errors or serious irrationality are found during construction, Party A shall be notified in writing.

8.6 Party B shall be responsible for the shutdown, rework, material and equipment losses caused by Party B during construction.

8.7 Be responsible for repairing the construction quality problems found during the warranty period after the completion acceptance free of charge.

8.8 Site clearing after project completion.

8.9 After the completion acceptance, the personnel of the construction unit must leave the construction site within 5 days.

8.10 During construction, if Party A finds that Party B's project progress or quality is inconsistent with the contract requirements or construction organization design, Party A has the right to terminate the construction contract and investigate the economic responsibility arising therefrom.

8.11 Party B must erect temporary buildings and stack materials and equipment within the scope designated by Party A.

8.12 Party B must guarantee the quality of the equipment it supplies.

8.13 Before entering the site for construction, Party B shall coordinate with the General Contractor to determine their respective rights and obligations. During the construction period, Party B shall obey the unified management of the General Contractor, but shall not pay construction cooperation fees or general contracting service fees to the General Contractor.

Article 9: Project acceptance

9.1 The project acceptance shall be based on the construction drawings and instructions, drawing review records, written documents related to changes, construction and acceptance specifications and quality acceptance standards issued by the state.

9.2 Party B shall fill in the record form (scope, quantity, quality, etc.) of concealed works after self inspection, and notify Party A in writing for inspection. Party A shall arrive at the site for acceptance within 3 days after receiving the notice. After passing the inspection and meeting the design requirements, the construction of the next process shall be carried out after both parties sign. If Party B conceals by itself, Party A has the right to require stripping or opening, and Party B shall strip or open the hole, and re cover or repair it after inspection. Party B shall bear the relevant costs, and the construction period shall not be postponed.

9.3 Party B shall notify Party A for acceptance 3 days before the completion of the project (including single project), and the acceptance shall be completed within 3 days after the completion. If the project content and quality meet the requirements, both parties shall sign and seal, and Party B shall hand over all effective drawings and data (including all documents of unit project and completion acceptance data of subcontracted project) to Party A. If the project content has not been completed or the quality is not suitable, Party B shall carry out the acceptance after repairing or repairing within the agreed period until it meets the requirements, and the date of final acceptance shall be the completion date, and the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by Party B. If the actual completion date is later than the completion date agreed in the contract, Party B shall bear the liability for breach of contract for delayed completion. If Party A proposes re inspection, Party B shall cooperate. If the re inspection is qualified, the completion date shall be the date specified in the contract, and the re inspection cost shall be borne by Party A; If the re inspection is unqualified, the re inspection cost shall be borne by Party B, and Party B shall repair for free, and the construction period shall not be postponed. If Party A uses the project (including single project) without acceptance in advance, it shall be deemed as qualified, and Party A shall be responsible for the quality or other problems arising therefrom. Party B shall ensure that all procedures for indoor ignition of the gas company are completed within 15 days after the completion acceptance, and that the gas company is ready to ignite immediately.

9.4 After the completion of the project, Party B shall submit 4 copies of complete as built drawings and data to Party A before the settlement of the project. The cost of redrawing as built drawings and the number of copies required shall be borne by Party B.

9.5 If Party A uses the project in advance before the project fails to pass the acceptance, Party B shall not be exempted from the quality assurance and warranty responsibilities.

Article 10: Liability for breach of contract

10.1 If Party A fails to perform in accordance with the provisions of the contract, and in the following circumstances, its losses shall be borne by Party A, and the construction period shall be postponed:

10.1.1 Failing to hand over the construction site and connect water and electricity resources on schedule;

10.1.2 The drawings are not delivered to Party B in time due to changes;

10.1.3 The project payment is not paid on time for more than 20 days (except for the delay of payment caused by Party A due to Party B's breach of contract);

10.1.4 Demolition and modification of completed works due to engineering design change;

10.1.5 Organize acceptance if overdue;

10.2 If Party A fails to make the payment on time, for each day overdue, Party A shall pay Party B 5/10000 of the unpaid liquidated damages, but the cumulative total amount of liquidated damages shall not exceed 3% of the total contract price.

10.5 The losses caused by force majeure shall be reported to the relevant departments for adjudication.

Article 11: Other agreed terms

11.1 During the warranty period of the project, if the residents raise quality complaints due to Party B, Party B shall rush to the site for maintenance within 4 hours after receiving the notice from Party A or the property company designated by Party A. If the maintenance is overdue, Party A will entrust another, and the maintenance costs shall be borne by Party B.

11.2 The construction water and electricity facilities shall be received by Party A to the community, and Party B shall receive the construction sites in the community, and Party B shall manage and bear the water and electricity fees, and pay according to the site requirements.

11.3 Before the construction of Party B, Party A can adjust the number of households according to the change of household type (such as the adjustment of two households getting through, etc.) and notify Party B in writing. Party B must cooperate with Party A to carry out the engineering transformation and settle the accounts according to the adjusted number of households.

Article 12: Dispute Resolution

12.1 In case of any inconsistency between the Contract and its annexes, technical standards, design schemes, bidding documents, etc., the order of interpretation shall be: the Contract and its annexes, technical standards, design schemes, bidding documents.

12.2 In case of failure in negotiation or mediation of disputes arising from the Contract, a lawsuit shall be filed to the local people's court where the project is located.

Article 13. Treatment of contract termination

13.1 After Party A terminates the contract according to the provisions of this contract, Party B shall not only pay Party A the corresponding liquidated damages, return all the money paid by Party A and compensate Party A for all the losses, but also complete the demobilization work within 10 days from the date when Party A sends the notice of termination of the contract, including personnel demobilization and material handover. At the same time:

13.1.1 If Party A needs part of the work results that Party B has completed, both parties shall settle according to this part of the work results, and Party B shall return the overpayment of Party A to Party A within 10 days after settlement.

13.1.2 If Party A does not need the work results completed by Party B, Party B shall return all paid items to Party A within 10 days from the date of Party A's notice.

Article 14: This contract shall come into force after being signed and sealed by both parties

This contract is made in two originals, one for each party; Four copies, two for each party, with the same legal effect.

Article 15 Contact Information

15.1 Party B guarantees that the contact information (including the mailing address and telephone number) provided by Party B and indicated in this Agreement is valid. If the contact information changes, Party B shall notify Party A in writing in a timely manner. If Party B fails to notify Party A in writing, Party A shall be deemed to have sent relevant notices and documents according to the contact information specified in this Agreement When the document is delivered to Party B, Party B shall be fully responsible for all consequences caused by the error of contact information and failure to notify Party A of the change of contact information in writing. The contact information of Party B is:

Company name:

mailing address:


contact number:

Fax No.:


Party A (seal): Party B (seal):

Signed on behalf of: Signed on behalf of:

Contact address: Contact address:

Tel: Tel:


Construction contract template of gas (natural gas) project