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Company Labor Contract

Article 1 Term of Labor Contract

1.1 The term of this contract is _________ term contract.

1.2 The effective date of this contract is MM/DD/YYYY.

1.3 Term of validity of the contract:

1.3.1 The term of the contract is from to.

1.3.2 From MM/DD/YYYY to the occurrence of conditions for termination of the Contract.

1.3.3 From MM/DD/YYYY to the completion of the task.

1.4 The probation period starts from to.

Article 2 Work Content

2.1 Party B agrees to work in the ______ department according to Party A's needs.

2.2 Party A can adjust Party B's work according to production and work needs and Party B's ability and performance, and Party B is willing to obey Party A's management and arrangement.

2.3 Party B shall complete the work task on time and in accordance with the post responsibilities determined by Party A.

Article 3 Labor protection and working conditions

3.1 Party A implements the standard working hour system of no more than 8 hours per day and no more than 40 hours per week. However, due to the needs of work and responsibilities, Party A implements the irregular working hour system or the comprehensive calculation working hour system for some positions. The position of Party B shall be subject to the working hour system.

3.2 Party A shall arrange Party B to work overtime according to work needs, and shall comply with relevant regulations of the state and Party A.

3.3 Party A shall arrange Party B's work shifts and rest days to adjust according to work needs, but must ensure that Party B has at least one rest day every week.

3.4 Party A shall, in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, establish and improve work specifications, operating procedures and labor safety and health system; Provide Party B with workplaces that meet the national safety and health standards and labor tools necessary for completing work tasks.

3.5 Party A shall, according to the actual situation of Party B's position, provide Party B with labor protection articles and regular physical health examination specified by the state and Party A on time.

3.6 Party B must strictly abide by the work specifications, operating procedures, labor safety and health system formulated by Party A, and consciously prevent accidents and occupational diseases.

3.7 Party A shall provide Party B with necessary business, skills, technical training, professional ethics, labor safety and health and other rules and regulations education according to work requirements.

Article 4 Labor Remuneration

4.1 If Party B implements the standard working hour system and the comprehensive calculation working hour system, Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of ______ yuan during the probation period. If Party B continues to maintain labor relations after the probation period, Party B's monthly salary shall be _____ yuan and shall be paid on the ____ day of each month. If Party B implements the irregular system, the salary shall be paid according to ___________.

4.2 The salary paid by Party A to Party B is pre tax salary, and Party B's personal income tax shall be withheld by Party A.

4.3 Party A may adjust the salary level of Party B according to its actual business situation, rules and regulations, assessment of Party B, as well as Party B's working years, reward and punishment records, post changes, etc., but it shall not be lower than the national minimum wage standard.

4.4 When Party A arranges Party B to work overtime or overtime according to law, it shall pay Party B overtime or overtime wages according to the Labor Law.

4.5 Party A shall pay Party B's salary as usual during legal holidays, annual leave, home leave, marriage and funeral leave, and when Party B participates in social activities according to law.

Article 5 Insurance and Welfare

5.1 Party A shall pay various social insurance fees for Party B according to the national regulations, and the part that Party B shall pay shall be withheld and remitted by Party A from the salary. Party B shall enjoy various social insurance benefits according to regulations.

5.2 When Party B suffers from illness or non work related injury, he/she shall enjoy medical treatment period and disease relief according to national regulations; In case of pregnancy, maternity and lactation, they shall enjoy maternity insurance benefits according to national regulations.

5.3 Party A shall pay housing provident fund for Party B according to national regulations, and Party B shall enjoy corresponding treatment.

5.4 Party B shall be entitled to leave, home leave, marriage and funeral leave, statutory holiday leave, personal leave and sick leave according to the provisions of the state and Party A.

Article 6 Labor Discipline

6.1 Party B is willing to strictly abide by national laws, regulations and social ethics, and comply with Party A's rules and regulations, including the provisions and requirements specified in the Employee Manual. At the same time, take care of Party A's property and safeguard Party A's interests.

6.2 Party B promises to strictly abide by Party A's confidentiality system, and will never disclose Party A's business conditions to any third party; Do not copy or lend business files, business vouchers and other materials to a third party.

6.3 During the performance of this contract, Party A may formulate new rules and regulations in accordance with relevant national regulations, or revise the rules and regulations formulated by the company.

6.4 If the terms of this contract conflict with the new national regulations and Party A's new rules and regulations, Party B agrees to obey the new national regulations and Party A's new rules and regulations.

6.5 Party A may reward and punish Party B for exemplary compliance with labor discipline, rules and regulations or violation of labor discipline, rules and regulations.

Article 7 Modification, Cancellation, Renewal and Termination of the Contract

7.1 During the execution period of this contract, in case of the following circumstances, both parties agree to change the relevant contents of this contract:

7.1.1 The national laws and regulations on which this contract is based have changed.

7.1.2 The objective conditions on which this contract is based have changed significantly, which makes it impossible to continue the execution of this contract.

7.1.3 The situation of Party A and Party B has changed greatly, which affects the implementation of this contract (for example, Party A's business status and organization have changed, the personnel structure and job position need to be adjusted, etc.; Party B's work performance, knowledge and skills, physical condition, etc. are not compatible with the work requirements, etc.)

7.2 This Contract may be terminated upon the consensus of both parties.

7.3 During the probation period, if Party B is proved not to meet any of the following employment conditions, Party A may terminate the contract at any time:

7.3.1 The materials provided by Party B to Party A during the employment process (such as resignation certificate, educational background, resume, marriage and fertility status, medical certificate, etc.) must be true and correct.

7.3.2 Party B is in good health, free from mental illness, infectious disease and other diseases affecting work, and can ensure normal work.

7.3.3 Party B performs well in all aspects, has no drug abuse, head beating and other misdeeds, and is full of dedication to his job.

7.3.4 Party B can complete the work content, work indicators and work tasks designated by Party A according to Party A's requirements.

7.4 If Party B has any of the following circumstances, Party A may terminate the contract at any time without paying economic compensation to Party B:

7.4.1 Party B seriously violates labor discipline and Party A's rules and regulations.

7.4.2 Party A suffers from serious dereliction of duty and malpractice, which causes significant damage to Party A.

7.4.3 Party B accepts any remuneration for providing relevant services for other institutions or individuals without Party A's consent.

7.4.4 Misconduct damages the company's reputation.

7.4.5 After the probation period, it is found that the materials provided to Party A during the employment process are inconsistent with the facts.

7.4.6 When Party A adjusts Party B's position according to the provisions of Article 2.2 of this Contract, Party B does not obey Party A's job transfer and arrangement.

7.4.7 Those who are subject to reeducation through labor or investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

7.5 Under any of the following circumstances, Party A may terminate this contract, but shall notify Party B in writing ____ days in advance and pay economic compensation to Party B:

7.5.1 If Party B is not competent for the job, it is still not competent for the job after Party A's training or job adjustment;

7.5.2 If Party B suffers from illness or non work related injury, and the medical treatment is completed at the end of the specified medical treatment period or within the medical treatment period, which is identified as Grade 5-10 by the labor appraisal committee, Party B cannot engage in the original work or other work arranged by Party A;

7.5.3 Party A and Party B fail to reach an agreement on the change of the labor contract through negotiation in violation of the provisions of Article 7, Item 7.1 of this contract;

7.5.4 Party A is on the verge of bankruptcy during the period of legal rectification, or Party A has serious difficulties in business conditions, explains the situation to the labor union or all employees, and makes layoffs after filing with the labor administrative department;

7.6 Under any of the following circumstances, Party A shall not terminate or terminate the contract in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.5:

7.6.1 Illness or non work related injury within the specified medical treatment period.

7.6.2 Female employees are in pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

7.6.3 Demobilized and demobilized soldiers and land requisitioned rural workers who have not worked for three years for the first time.

7.6.4 During the period of compulsory military service.

7.6.5 Other circumstances specified by laws and regulations.

7.7 If Party B suffers from occupational disease or work-related injury, it shall be treated, evaluated for labor capacity and enjoy corresponding treatment in accordance with relevant national regulations. Party A cannot terminate the contract in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.5.

7.8 Under the following circumstances, Party B may notify Party A in writing to terminate the contract at any time:

7.8.1 During the probation period.

7.8.2 Party A forces Party B to work by means of violence, threat, imprisonment or illegal restriction of personal freedom.

7.8.3 Party A fails to pay labor remuneration or provide working conditions as agreed herein.

7.9 If Party B needs to terminate the contract, it shall notify Party A in writing ____ days in advance.

7.10 If Party A and Party B have to notify the other party to terminate the labor contract ____ days in advance as agreed, Party A and Party B may pay Party B one month's salary to the other party in advance. The standard is the monthly salary of Party B when the contract is terminated.

7.11 Before the expiration of the contract period, both parties shall indicate their intention to renew the labor contract ____ days in advance. If both parties agree to renew the contract, they shall go through the renewal procedures before the expiration of the contract; If one party or both parties have no intention to renew the contract, they shall notify the other party in writing before the expiration of the contract to handle the termination procedures. Otherwise, after the expiration of the contract, the contract will be automatically renewed. The renewal period is the same as the contract period, and both parties should go through the formalities for renewal of the contract.

7.12 In case of any of the following circumstances, the Contract shall be terminated immediately.

7.12.1 The contract term expires.

7.12.2 Party A declares bankruptcy or legally dissolves, closes or cancels.

7.12.3 Party B has reached the statutory retirement age.

7.12.4 Party B completely loses the ability to work, or is declared missing or dead.

Article 8 Liability for breach of contract and others

8.1 If the contract cannot be performed due to the breach of contract by either party, it shall pay the other party liquidated damages ________; If economic losses are caused to the other party, it shall be liable for compensation. The scope of liability and amount of compensation shall be determined according to relevant national regulations and the degree of loss.

8.2 If Party B violates the rules and regulations of Party A and causes economic losses to Party A, it shall be liable for compensation in accordance with laws and the rules and regulations of Party A.

8.3 If Party B receives training or provides housing funded by Party A, in case of breach of contract, it shall bear the compensation liability according to the provisions of the state and Party B and relevant agreements.

8.4 In case of any labor dispute between Party A and Party B, it shall be settled through negotiation, or apply to Party A's labor dispute mediation committee for mediation; If the mediation fails or is unwilling to apply for mediation, both parties have the right to apply for arbitration to the competent labor dispute arbitration committee within ____ days from the date when they know or should know that their rights have been infringed; Any party dissatisfied with the arbitration award may bring a lawsuit to the people's court with jurisdiction within ____ days from the date of receiving the arbitration award.

8.5 Matters not covered in this contract shall be implemented in accordance with national regulations and Party A's rules and regulations; In case of no provisions, both parties shall negotiate separately and sign a supplementary agreement as an annex to this contract.

8.6 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. If the contract is altered without the consent of both parties, or the contract is signed on behalf of both parties without authorization or entrustment, the contract is invalid.

Party A (seal): _________ Party B (seal):_________

Signed at: _________ Signed at:_________


Company Labor Contract