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II. How to write the landlord's rental contract

{Sub question start} Legal advice:

I rented a two bedroom house. I need to rent out the small bedroom. I want to sign a contract with the renter. What's the second landlord's rent contract

{Start of sub problem} Second landlord rental contract

Lessor: (hereinafter referred to as Party A)

Lessee: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)

Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the lease of the house:

1、 Party A leases the house located at No. XXXX, Building X, Community X, XX Street, XX City to Party B for residential use. The lease term is from XX, XX, XX, XX to XX, XX, XX, XX months.

2、 The monthly rent of the house is XX yuan, which is settled monthly/quarterly/annually. Party B shall pay Party A the monthly/quarterly/annual rent at the beginning of each month/quarter/year within X days of the beginning of each year.

3、 During the lease period of Party B, water, electricity, heating, gas, telephone, property and other expenses incurred by Party B's residence shall be borne by Party B. At the end of the lease, Party B shall pay the arrears.  

4、 Party B agrees to pay yuan in advance as security deposit, which shall be offset as rent when the contract is terminated.  

5、 The lease term of the house is from to. During this period, if either party requests to terminate the contract, it must notify the other party three months in advance and pay the other party the liquidated damages for the total rent; If Party A transfers the house, Party B has the preemptive right.  

6、 Party B shall be responsible for other expenses incurred due to the rental of the house, except for land fees and overhaul fees.  

7、 During the lease period, Party B has no right to sublease or lend the house without Party A's consent; The structure and purpose of the house shall not be changed. If the house and its supporting facilities are damaged due to Party B's artificial reasons, Party B shall be liable for compensation.  

8、 Party A guarantees that the house has no property right dispute; If Party B requires Party A to provide the house property right certificate or other relevant certification materials due to business needs, Party A shall provide assistance.  

9、 Any dispute arising from this contract shall be settled by both parties through consultation. If the consultation fails, either party shall have the right to file a lawsuit to the People's Court of Tianjin Development Zone for judicial settlement.  

10、 This contract is made in X copies, each of which is held by Party A and Party B, and shall come into force as of the date of signature by both parties.  

Party A:

Party B:

specific date

{Sub question start} Extended reading:

{Start of sub problem} How to write the service contract of renting room

{Sub problem start} 2013 model rental contract

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II. How to write the landlord's rental contract