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Divorce Agreement of Civil Affairs Bureau

Man:, ID card number:, address: street (ID card address).

Female party:, ID card number:, address: street.

Both men and women registered for marriage on MM/DD/YYYY and gave birth to a son on MM/DD/YYYY. Now there is no possibility of reconciliation due to the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife. On the basis of equality and voluntariness, through mutual consultation, both parties reached the following agreement:

1、 Both parties voluntarily divorce.

3、 The joint property of husband and wife shall be divided as follows:

1. The male party shall pay the female party 10000 yuan in a lump sum (including but not limited to the female party's compensation for demolition, resettlement, transition, incentives, etc.), which shall be paid off on the same day after both parties go through the divorce registration procedures.

2. The vehicle is owned by the man;

3. The existing furniture, household appliances and other household items are all owned.

4. Both parties currently own their own cash.

4、 Both parties have no joint claims and debts. During the marriage relationship, the personal debts shall be borne by the individual and have nothing to do with the other party.

5、 The woman has the right to visit her son, and the man should actively cooperate, in principle, once a month. The specific time and method will be negotiated by both parties separately.

6、 This agreement is in triplicate, one for each party and one for the marriage registration authority.

Male: Female:


Divorce Agreement of Civil Affairs Bureau