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Chongqing Lawyer Chongqing Land Requisition and Demolition Lawyer
  • In gas pipeline construction, land compensation mainly includes land compensation, resettlement subsidy, and compensation for attachments and young crops on the ground. The land compensation fee is used to reasonably compensate the occupied land, and the resettlement subsidy is intended to provide resettlement plans for land lost farmers. Compensation for attachments and young crops is economic compensation for buildings and crops on the land. The specific compensation standards are different due to different regions, land properties and local policies. #Land acquisition and demolition 1155 readings
  • Once the lessee has enjoyed demolition and resettlement, it is usually complicated and challenging to obtain the same treatment again, especially when the previous compensation and resettlement have met its rights and interests. Whether the same treatment can be obtained in the new demolition depends on the specific provisions of local policies and laws and regulations. #Land acquisition and demolition 1271 readings
  • In the process of "combining villages and living together", the compensation standard for homestead varies with regions, policies and other factors. Generally, compensation includes land price assessment of homestead, compensation for housing and ancillary facilities, relocation and resettlement fees, etc. There are various compensation methods, such as monetary compensation, housing replacement, etc. The specific standards shall comply with the relevant policies and regulations of the local government. #Land acquisition and demolition 1405 readings
  • The compensation for fruit tree requisition shall consider multiple factors: variety, tree age, yield and economic benefits. Different varieties have different economic values; The compensation for young trees is different from that for trees in full fruit stage; The higher the output, the higher the compensation. At the same time, orchard management level and facilities also affect compensation. The compensation amount shall be determined according to the local market price and laws, regulations and policies. #Land acquisition and demolition 1113 readings
  • When formulating the compensation criteria for mountain land requisition, it is necessary to consider the geographical region, land quality and other factors, including land, labor resettlement and crop compensation. The compensation standard will be adjusted according to the local economy and policy changes, and fair and reasonable treatment depends on professional evaluation and negotiation between both parties. #Land acquisition and demolition 1155 readings
  • The land compensation standard of the tower company considers the land type, location, use and local economic conditions. Compensation includes land, resettlement subsidy and attachment compensation. Land compensation is based on 6 to 10 times of the average annual output value of the previous three years, and resettlement subsidy is determined according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled. #Land acquisition and demolition 889 readings
  • The compensation standards for land acquisition in China are formulated according to land types, regional differences and laws, taking into account land use, resource characteristics, output value, location, market supply and demand, and economic and social factors. For example, compensation for land requisition includes land compensation, resettlement subsidies, land attachments and crop loss fees. #Land acquisition and demolition 1116 readings
  • The charge rate for widening the road involves land, houses and ancillary facilities. Land acquisition compensation includes land, resettlement subsidies, attachments and young crops compensation. For house expropriation, the area, structure, purpose and location shall be evaluated and compensated. Specific standards vary from region to region, and local policies and regulations shall be referred to. #Land acquisition and demolition 1206 readings
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