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  •  Beijing Housing Removal Lawyer - Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Beijing Changyun Law Firm Chaoyangmen SOHO701, No.1 Nanzhugan Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing
    five branch

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    Number of helpers: 9999+
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, good at foreign languages, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience

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    More> #Lawyer profile: Beijing Changyun Law Firm was founded in 2013, located in Dongcheng District, Beijing, adjacent to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The lawyers in the firm have good professional ethics and can represent many types of cases, In particular, we focus on the field of natural resources law (land space planning, land comprehensive improvement and ecological restoration, land resources management, geological and mineral management, marine resources management, forest and grass resources management), administrative law (government information disclosure, administrative confirmation, administrative adjudication, administrative agreement, administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation, administrative compensation) Practical research, legal consultation and dispute resolution of private legal advisers (wealth inheritance management, marriage and family disputes, debt disputes, housing sales disputes, inheritance disputes, contract disputes). He is good at solving legal problems such as land acquisition and demolition, marital property, creditor's rights and debts, real estate sales, inheritance, etc., and has accumulated a lot of experience in handling cases. He has created an exclusive set of case handling ideas and concepts, which have won the trust and high recognition of the entrusted people. We handle cases in the mode of a lawyer group, and team members cooperate with each other and unite in good faith. Our purpose is to provide every client with the most professional legal support, and provide every client with high-quality legal services with good attitude.
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Beijing Lawyer Beijing housing demolition lawyer
  • The ownership of the use right is different when the original housing base is demolished due to the relocation of farmers. Farmers can continue to use the original homestead due to the need to demolish houses for new construction or relocation; When moving to another village, the right to use the original house base disappears and belongs to the rural collective economic organization. When the state expropriates collective land for demolition, farmers lose the right to use but can be compensated, and land ownership is transferred to the state. Only under specific circumstances, such as new house construction, can farmers continue the right to use homestead. #Land acquisition and demolition 1302 readings
  • The meeting will interpret the compensation and resettlement standards for urban housing demolition in detail. Housing demolition compensation is based on the assessed real estate value and decoration compensation, and the difference is settled through property right exchange or currency. Resettlement expenses include relocation subsidies, living subsidies during temporary resettlement (applicable when there is no revolving housing), extended resettlement fees and compensation for non residential economic losses (except for special housing conditions). If temporary revolving houses have been provided, some expenses will be reduced or exempted. #Land acquisition and demolition 1313 readings
  • Urban demolition and resettlement housing shall be carried out according to policies and regulations, with the goal of compensating residents. For the resettlement houses built by legal developers, residents can obtain the property right certificate in the future, but the acquisition time may need to be completed by the process. In order to meet the commercial interests, developers often build redundant houses, which exceed the resettlement needs. This part of the excessive housing supply is no longer a pure resettlement house, but a commercial house, which can be traded in the open market. #Land acquisition and demolition 1281 readings
  • The expropriation of houses on state-owned land must comply with the Regulations on the expropriation and compensation of houses on state-owned land. The compensation includes: first, the housing value shall be compensated according to the lower limit of the local market price of similar real estate on the date of announcement of expropriation; The second is the temporary resettlement costs arising from relocation; The third is economic losses caused by expropriation. The appraisal work is carried out by a qualified real estate price appraisal agency according to professional methods. #Land acquisition and demolition 1208 readings
  • After encountering legal forced demolition, the relocated person can check and strive for demolition compensation according to the mandatory implementation application submitted by the municipal government or the county people's government according to law, which clearly lists the compensation amount, special account storage account and other information. If there is no appeal within the time limit specified by the law or the government does not move out within the time limit after the appeal, the government has the right to submit an application for compulsory enforcement, which will detail the compensation content and resettlement housing information. #Land acquisition and demolition 1487 readings
  • According to China's Regulations on the Acquisition and Compensation of Houses on State owned Land, when both parties reach an agreement on compensation, if one party breaches the contract and fails to pay compensation for land acquisition on time, the other party has the right to safeguard its rights and interests through administrative litigation. The regulations emphasize that the housing expropriation department needs to disclose the performance of the compensation agreement and the details of individual household compensation according to law, and the audit institution is responsible for supervising and disclosing the audit results of the management and use of compensation fees. If the payment of compensation is delayed, citizens have the right to start legal proceedings. #Land acquisition and demolition 1232 readings
  • Compulsory demolition measures can be taken for house demolition where the illegal construction is not corrected within the time limit, the compensation is in place and the revolving housing is provided, the agreement has been signed but the housing has not been delivered on schedule, and the agreement has not been signed within the time limit and there is no reconsideration litigation. The government has ensured the protection of legal rights and the rigor of procedures. #Land acquisition and demolition 1348 readings
  • Agent: applicant result: Win the lawsuit
    My value: Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law. Detailed case>

  • Agent: Appellee result: Win the lawsuit
    My value: In the process of submitting evidence materials to the court of first instance, applying to the Agricultural Bureau for investigation and evidence collection of relevant materials on the confirmation of rights, submitting written pleadings and cross examination opinions, frequently communicated with the judge, expressed opinions, and believed that according to the relevant judicial interpretation, the disputes arising from the parties who have not obtained the rural land contractual management right should be handled by the administrative department first, It is not directly accepted by the court. In the final first instance, our evidence and defense opinions were adopted, and the two plaintiffs' lawsuit was rejected. 2. The plaintiff appealed against the ruling to the intermediate peoples court, and the original ruling was upheld after a court hearing. Detailed case>

  • Agent: appellant result: Obtain a change of sentence
  • Agent: plaintiff result: Win the lawsuit
    My value: After receiving the entrustment, Chuangwei lawyer quickly got to know the specific details with the four applicants, sorted out the case, and then formulated an exclusive plan. The respondent's subdistrict office determined that the breeding farm involved in the case was an illegal building, lacked confirmation evidence of illegal construction issued by the competent urban and rural planning department, and did not perform the necessary procedures such as urging and enforcing decisions in accordance with the Administrative Compulsory Law of the People's Republic of China, that is, it was illegal for the breeding involved in the case! Detailed case>

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