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Beijing Lawyer Lawyer for tax disputes in Beijing
  • The punishment for tax evasion by landlords depends on the evidence, tax amount and circumstances. If the amount of tax evaded exceeds 10% of the amount of tax payable, it can be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than three years and a fine; If it exceeds 30%, it will be sentenced to three to seven years' imprisonment and a fine. If the first offense is minor, or only subject to tax administrative penalties, including tax recovery, late fees and fines. #Tax disputes 1439 readings
  • The conviction standard of tax evasion depends on the amount and impact. If the amount of tax evasion is more than 10% of the statutory tax payable, he or she will be sentenced to not more than three years of imprisonment or criminal detention and must pay a fine. If the amount of tax evaded exceeds 30% of the statutory tax payable, he will face three to seven years' imprisonment and be fined. #Tax disputes 1348 readings
  • The legal punishment for landlords' tax evasion depends on the amount of tax evasion and the degree of illegality. Generally, anyone who evades taxes by more than 10% of the total amount of taxes payable can be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and a fine. If the amount of tax evaded accounts for more than 30% of the total amount payable, you may be sentenced to three to seven years' imprisonment with additional fines. #Tax disputes 1446 readings
  • The sentencing of tax evasion depends on the impact and amount of the crime. Deliberately evading taxes, if exceeding the statutory standard and accounting for more than 10% of the total tax amount, can be sentenced to not more than three years of imprisonment or criminal detention, and a fine; If the amount of tax evasion is huge, accounting for more than 30% of the total tax amount, he shall be sentenced to three to seven years' imprisonment and a fine. #Tax disputes 1397 readings
  • According to the tax policy on severance compensation, individual income tax can be exempted under certain conditions. If the one-time compensation obtained by the laborer for terminating the labor contract for personal reasons does not exceed three times the local per capita salary of the previous year, the individual income tax will be exempted. The excess part shall be taxed separately according to the tax rate table. #Tax disputes 1258 readings
  • With regard to the individual income tax on the income compensation for the termination of labor contracts, it should be noted that the one-time compensation includes economic compensation, living allowance, etc. If it does not exceed three times the local average salary of the previous year, the individual income tax will be exempted. The excess part is not included in comprehensive income and is separately taxed according to the comprehensive income tax rate table. #Tax disputes 1289 readings
  • The punishment for tax evasion varies according to the circumstances, and those whose amount is large and exceeds 10% of the tax payable can be sentenced to imprisonment of less than three years and a fine; If it exceeds 30%, it will be sentenced to three to seven years' imprisonment and a fine. The payment of overdue taxes and fines may exempt criminal liability, except for those who have been subject to criminal or two or more administrative penalties within five years. #Tax disputes 803 readings
  • The judgment standard of tax evasion refers to the taxpayer's use of deception, concealment and other means to distort or omit the true tax declaration, so that the unpaid tax amount exceeds 10% of the tax payable. The main violations include: forging, tampering, hiding or destroying financial records; Misstatement of expenditure, underrecording of income, etc. These actions lead to the failure to pay taxes truthfully and damage the national tax interests. #Tax disputes 994 readings
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